View Full Version : REAL Reason Janetty Gone From WWE, Comments From Janetty Himself

King Venomation - X
03-06-2006, 01:03 AM
Marty Janetty recently opened a MySpace webpage (PWInsider.com has independently confirmed it's indeed Janetty posting from multiple sources) and posted the following in regard to his most recent departure from World Wrestling Entertainment:

"...Due to travel restrictions I have as part of a probation agreement, I was denied travel this week to Birmingham, Alabama for Monday Night Raw. As you could or should imagine, this is a disaster for WWE as they now have to go back and rewrite a major portion of their show in which I was to be included in, and with less than 3 days notice. The fact that this could happen again at any given time my [parole officer] decides against me traveling, is good reason for WWE to be concerned in another major disaster especially with Wrestlemania coming up. Could you imagine that 2 days before that show I'm told I can NOT go to Chicago. Please understand WWE's position, and believe in them as they have not closed the window of opportunity yet. We are working hard right now on getting all travel restrictions lifted. It is a good possibility that it will happen. If you really care and are concerned, believe me when I say, prayer works and is greatly needed and appreciated right now. I'm getting tons of e-mails from friends and fans hating Vince and the WWE right now. They are not at fault!!! And, they are supporting me on this, so no more hating on them, ok?? I thank all of you for your support , cares and concerns. I love you all!!! I do have a strong gut feeling everything is going to be fine!!!"

Janetty also came out strongly against certain negative Internet reports regarding his departure, writing, "You guys have an easy ass job, report what you can't do yourselves but wish you could. Now with all the legit craziness in the wrestling world, it seems you wouldn't have to stoop to writing and putting out info to your faithful readers, that you have not researched and have no idea of its validity. But of course, reporting the truth isn't what you are about now is it. Any opportunity to bash anything or anyone in wrestling is paramount to you. It doesn't really shock me that you have done this with me, as I've seen your garbage quite a bit over the years. Since it has not included me, I just shook my head in disgust and disbelief that you parasites exist at all. Take away this industry that you love to bash at any opportunity, legit or not, and you would become poor, sorry sap, street bums with no jobs. With that being the truth, one would think you would show a little more respect for what pays your trailer house rent. But again, nothing surprises me out of you fools!!! I just wonder do you feel like the idiot you are every time one of your ridiculous stories is proven false, or, are you too busy working on your next BS story to worry about how stupid you look.."

Credit: PWInsider.Com

03-06-2006, 01:08 AM
and you would become poor, sorry sap, street bums with no jobs.

He is aware thats what he is and will be right . Bashing the internet were smart marks not smart asses you son of a bitch.