View Full Version : *RESULTS* SD!/ECW Glasgow House Show - 14 Nov

Dangerous Incorporated
11-16-2006, 02:25 AM
http://img100.imageshack.us/img100/5124/thnewsmackdownqq9.gif (http://imageshack.us)http://img143.imageshack.us/img143/5392/thecwlogo2006py2.png (http://imageshack.us)
*RESULTS* SD!/ECW Glasgow House Show - 14 Nov

Here's the results from the final day of the WWE SmackDown tour here in Glasgow, Scotland. Bigger and louder crowd last week but still one hell of a night this week. Excellent show all round, with a different card than the rest of the house shows on the loop.

Teddy Long is the guest ring announcer for the whole show and Dean Malenko is the "PRODUCER" at ringside.

Match 1:
WWE Tag Team Champions Paul London and Brian Kendrick beat K.C. James and Idol Stevens
-Pretty dang good match, back and forth action with London eventually getting the hot tag and cleaning house on the heels. My friend Jim and I both thought James was the double of a young Curt Hennig. If only he could attain the ability of the man himself. We shall wait and see. Finish came after London cleaned house with dropkicks and pinned James clean. Overall pretty good and a good reaction for the faces. No Michelle McCool or Ashley however.

Match 2:
C.M. Punk vs. Mike Knox (with Kelly Kelly)
I must say how cool Punk is live. He got a great reaction and it was a good enough match all in. Towards the end Kelly cheered Punk instead of her man Knox and he won with the Anaconda Vice by tap out. After the match Punk and Kelly celebrated in the ring. They've gotta turn that girl because she ain't not convincing babyface.

Match 3: Cruiserweight Champion Gregory Helms vs. Chavo Guerrero vs. Funaki
Great Triple threat match but the usual standard for a Helms win, rolled up Funaki after Chavo hit his finisher. Chavo got most of the heat. Funaki got the pop and Helms got the in-difference from the fans. Still a good wee match.

Match 4: Mike Mizanin vs. Tatanka
Before the match Long called Tatanka a turncoat. Whatever! Lashley's on SmackDown now so who even cares? Boring match Miz won with a school boy. After the match my friend was accused of causing an arguement with Tatanka was casually escourted from the crowd which sucked. However a change of t-shirt later he was back and it was all good. Tatanka is a poor heel by the way.

Match 5: The Sandman vs. Matt Striker : Singapore Cane Match
Sandy entered via the crowd which was amazing live , even if Enter Sandman was absent. Match itself was pretty poor with Sandman winning with the Singapore Cane assissted Russian Legsweep.

Match 6: Chris Benoit and Matt Hardy vs. Fit Finlay and William Regal
This match made the night for me. I love Benoit and Hardy is awesome also, same with Finlay and Regal as heels. They got major heat from the Scots in attendance. Regal made some comment before the match about how the English were better and got booed for the duration of the match. Great back and forth match with Benoit getting the win over Regal with the Crippler Crossface in the middle. After the match Little Bastard jumped Regal for losing, but then jumped Finlay also. Benoit is superb live, hopefully in line for a bigger push in the future but I can't see it.


Match 7: Rob Van Dam vs. Paul Heyman (with Doug Basham and Derrick Neikirk)
Extreme rules all the way here. Mostly RVD vs. the Security team but still a decent enough match with excellent reactions from the Glasgow faithful. Towards the end RVD hit Neikirk with a dropkick and then a missle dropkick with a chair on Basham to take out the Security Team. Heyman was then CANED by the Sandman who set up a table in the middle of the ring to the biggest pop of the night (and broke the table in the process). RVD hit the 5 Star Frog Splash for the win.

Match 8: Kristal vs. Layla vs. Kelly Kelly : Best Body Contest
Long announced it, no winner announced for whatever reason. In all fairness Kelly was the overall hottest and got the best reaction but it stood as really just filler in the overall scheme of the show. However with Kelly in a see though bikini, this mark isn't complaining.

Match 9: Batista, The Undertaker and Kane vs. King Booker (with Sharmell), Ken Kennedy and MVP
Decent enough 6 man match. By this point the show had over-ran a little and folk were itching to go home. It didn't stop Taker from getting the biggest pop of the evening. We had "Power Ranger" and "Booker sucks" chants for the duration. A decent enough contest which didn't really touch the 6 man from the RAW house show the week before. In the end Batista pinned Booker, Taker pinned Kennedy and Kane pinned MVP in an ECW like "referee counts 3 pins at once" finish. All good though.

Overall a great ending to the SmackDown leg of the tour. Hopefully they can pull out a TV taping at Glasgow on the next visit. Counted about 10 or so empty seats but they were probably just no shows. Glasgow loves WWE, lets hope we get them back very good indeed!

Biggest pops:
1) The Undertaker
2) RVD
3) Batista
4) Sandman
5) Chris Benoit/Matt Hardy

Biggest Heat:
1) Finlay and Regal
2) King Booker
3) Paul Heyman
4) Chavo
5) James and Stevens