03-06-2006, 02:46 AM
I am a Christian and I believe in God. I believe that His Word is truth. I wish I could make you believe, but I cannot. It is only your decision. I can't make you choose something I can only tell you what I think is right and you can either accept or not accept. In my life, I have cheated, I have stolen, I have lied, I have been hypocritical, I have done all these things. But why am I so happy right now and why am I making this post even? I have proof my friend that their is a God, that there is truth in God's Word..The Bible. This morning in church we had this singing group and I felt something like I have never ever felt before in my Christian walk. It led me to the alter and I promise I didn't do a thing but go to the alter and when I hit the alter I promise to you that it wasn't me there alone. I felt God's Holy Spirit come upon me and it was greater than any thing I have felt before. I really found out there was a God...and I know you need too also. You need to find out for yourself that there is a God. Give the true God a chance and I know now without a shadow of a doubt that there is a true merciful God. Any questions pm me.