View Full Version : Smackdown Results - 17th Nov 2006

11-18-2006, 05:13 AM
Smackdown Results - 17th Nov 2006

Thanx to pwinsider (More detailed results up soon)

What better way to kick of Smackdown than with The Boogeyman vs The Miz and Kristal! OK, so I could likely think of 200 better ways to start the show, but since Kristal is hot, we’ll make do with this, and after WWE made this match a week ago, I guess I should give a little credit for them building up to an undercard match on TV, right? I mean, it’s not like they’d book a match one week, have it open the show the next week, and then go to a no-contest after two minutes, is it? The Boogeyman covers Kristal in worms about two minutes in after some brief exchanges between him and Miz. No decision is given, and Boogeyman’s music plays as Kristal is left in the ring, screaming and surrounded by worms. A terrible start to the show.

Backstage, Finlay interrupts King Booker and Queen Sharmell. He tells Finlay he’s the “King of England", which gets boos from the crowd, and tells Finlay to keep his eye on Lashley while he takes care of Batista.

We come back from commercials to see some pretty graphic footage from Rey Mysterio’s knee surgery a week or so ago. Mysterio left his mask on during the operation is seems. Michael Cole tells us that Mysterio is expected back in “four to six months” before we get underway with our next match as Chris Benoit makes his way out to a decent pop to take on Tatanka, who appears to be paying tribute to the Road Warriors with his facepaint this week after last week’s tribute to Demolition, and Papa Shango the week before. If this was his new gimmick, it would likely be over a lot more than anything else he’s done since WWE re-signed him, and with the WWE vs Ultimate Creations legal battle still ongoing, if Tatanka comes out with Ultimate Warrior style facepaint next week, he’ll be my new favourite wrestler.

The match gets underway with Tatanka hitting Benoit with a chop, only for Benoit to fight back and lay into Tatanka with chops of his own and right hands. Tatanka pokes him in the eye to get back in control and slows the pace down with a rear chinlock. Benoit escapes but Tatanka stays in control with a couple of big Irish Whips into the turnbuckles. The US Champ tries to get the quick win by fighting back and attempting a Sharpshooter, but Tatanka escapes and locks in a Boston Crab. The crowd come to life as Benoit tries to get out of the hold, and eventually grabs onto the ropes, and soon makes his comeback with a trio of German suplexes before successfully locking in the Sharpshooter and getting the win to a big pop from the crowd.

Post-match, Benoit is attacked in the ring by Chavo Guerrero, who lays into him with forearms before grabbing a chair and attacking Benoit’s leg with it. Referees head to ringside and restrain Chavo, as he screams “You’re not a Guerrero either” at Benoit. A really well done attack that really had the crowd hating Chavo.

Josh Matthews reminds us here in the UK that WWE will be returning to the UK next Spring for the WrestleMania Revenge tour. Tickets for that go on sale tomorrow morning remember!

Backstage, Teddy Long approaches Kane, and tells him he can do his own thing in tonight’s Street Fight,even dropping in a quick plug for the DVD release of ‘See No Evil’. Kane just stares at him.

Video highlights are shown from last week’s show, with Mr Kennedy attacking The Undertaker in the ring. After that, Kennedy cuts a pre-recorded promo backstage. He says that “Sports-Entertainment” has a future, and that the future is him. In the past year, he’s beaten five former World Champions, and compares his credentials and achievements to that of The Undertaker when he first entered the WWE, going on to say that he has surpassed ‘Taker, and that it’s now his yard.

After another commercial break, we’re back with our next match, Paul London vs William Regal. Regal gets a good ovation, and has most the crowd chanting his name and cheering everything he does in the opening minutes of the match, including a brutal looking kick that saw London’s head connect with the ringpost. Regal looked in great form, and it’s a huge shame that WWE never seem to want to push him higher up the card. London was hit with some brutal looking knees and suplexes before hitting Regal with an inverted dropkick of sorts, following it up with a kick to the jaw for a near fall.

He then goes for a cross body block on Regal, who ducks out of the way, causing London’s momentum to send him to the outside and into Ashley Massaro. London returns to the ring as Brian Kendrick comes to ringside to check on Ashley, but after being thrown from the top rope, Regal lays London out with a high knee and picks up the win via pinfall. A good match which would have been even better with more time.

Post-match, Cole and JBL put over Regal making an impact in the tag team division in the near future with Dave Taylor, before highlights are shown of Bobby Lashley making his debut in ECW earlier this week.

Backstage, Lashley and Teddy Long are talking. Long says Lashley will be a hit in ECW and could be the next ECW champion. Lashley thanks Long for the opportunity on Smackdown, and that he WILL be the next ECW champ.

After a quick promo putting over WrestleMania 23 ticket sales, it’s street fight time, with Kane taking on MVP. MVP is on the back foot from the opening bell, taking a big boot and a backdrop from Kane. They go to the outside and brawl up the aisle towards the stage, with Kane tossing MVP into various props dotted around including bus stop signs, telephone boxes and other stereotypically British objects, all gimmicked and reminiscent of the recent Christian Cage vs Rhino street fight in TNA. The brawl stays out of the ring for a good proportion of the match, which here in the UK appears to have been quite heavily edited with the camera cutting to a wider shot for some of the spots. They eventually get back into the ring and with a chair coming into play for a DDT as we cut to commercial.

After cutting to commercials, we return with a busted open MVP laying into Kane in the middle of the ring with kicks to the back of the leg. He then brings the ring bell into play and lays Kane out with it. Kane sits straight up and hits MVP with a big boot, following it up with a side slam. Kane then comes off the top rope with a clothesline, but after signalling for a chokeslam, changes his mind and goes to the outside to get the ring steps, which he tosses into the ring and nearly takes MVP out with. Before he can make use of them, Mr Kennedy interferes, and double teaming with MVP, they lay Kane out, allowing MVP to make the cover and get the win.

As soon as the match is over, The Undertaker comes to the ring to a huge pop, with MVP and Kennedy bailing out and looking on from ringside. Kennedy pushes MVP into the ring and makes his escape, leaving WWE’s Power Ranger tribute to take a double chokeslam from ‘Taker and Kane. Kennedy briefly teases getting into the ring, but makes his way to the back as Undertaker looks on.

A cool little video package is aired to run through the Survivor Series PPV which takes place a week on Sunday (full live coverage right here at WrestleMag.com on Sunday, November 26).

Matt Hardy vs Gregory Helms is up next, with Hardy over huge in Manchester. As entertaining as this little feud has been, it’s time to move on. I just got done reviewing the Great American Bash DVD a few days ago, and they were feuding then. It’s Smackdown’s equivalent of the Nitro-Hardy-Carlito-Benjamin saga on RAW in that it’s been ok to watch, but it’s now stale and time to think of some new ideas. Like most of their matches on TV over the past few months, this was short. Helms was in control for the majority of the match (which admittedly was only a couple of minutes). After referee Charles Robinson broke up a pinfall attempt by Helms for catching him with his feet on the ropes, Hardy quickly hit a Twist of Fate after avoiding a Shining Wizard, and got the quick win.

Backstage, Teddy Long tells a beaten up MVP that he’ll be facing Kane once again on next week’s show, but this time in a Cage match.

Still backstage, our King and Queen are talking only to be interrupted by Batista. Booker is less than impressed that Big Dave has a title shot at Survivor Series. I love the way Booker falls out of his “regal” accent when he’s annoyed. Dave tells the King that he’ll beat him up tonight. The main event is up next.

King Booker & Finlay vs Lashley & Batista is tonight’s main event, and after another rundown through next weekend’s Survivor Series PPV, we eventually get underway as Batista comes out to the biggest pop of the night, with the place going nuts as he makes his entrance. Finlay and Batista start the match, going back and forth before Batista eventually get the upper hand with an inverted atomic drop. He follows it up with several big shoulder tackles in the corner of the ring and then a modified slam for a near fall. Finlay escapes and makes the tag to King Booker, and after some stalling from the King, he briefly takes control of the match with a series of chops in the corner. Batista fights back and hits a suplex for a two count before tagging in Lashley, who clears house and uses Finlay as a weapon, throwing him at Booker. Lashley and Batista then double team Finlay with a huge delayed vertical suplex before we cut away from the match for commercials.

For a third time tonight, next Spring’s UK tour is plugged. Tickets are on sale tomorrow even though there are only handful of scheduled house shows plus TV tapings lined up for next April.

We return from our final break of the night with Lashley still in control until a baseball slide attempt on Finlay results in him getting tangled up in the ring apron. They head back into the ring where Finlay makes the tag to King Booker, who hits Lashley with a dropkick and follows up with a kick to the jaw for a two count. They trade punches before colliding in the centre of the ring. With Batista being restrained by the referee, the heels double team Lashley and toss him to the outside. The Little Bastard makes an appearance, with Finlay throwing him off the ring apron and onto Lashley on the outside. King Booker tags out to Finlay, who continues to dominate Lashley, locking in a rear chinlock and then hitting a huge clothesline after the move is broken. The quick tag is made to Booker, who hits a sweet dropkick to the face and gets another near fall.

Booker continues to stay on top, but after Booker makes a mistake in the corner, Lashley hits him with a huge spear and is able to make the hot tag to Batista, who sends Finlay to the outside with a clothesline over the top rope. He follows it up with a spear-like tackle on King Booker, and signals for the Batista Bomb. Finlay clotheslines Batista to prevent him hitting the powerbomb, but Lashley then takes out Finlay. King Booker tries to get back into the match with assistance from Sharmell on the outside, but after Batista catches Booker coming off the ropes, he hits him with a huge spinebuster and makes the pin to get the win.

Smackdown ends with Batista celebrating in the ring as King Booker looks on.