View Full Version : Bischoff interview, Regal note & problems with Smackdown vs Raw

Dangerous Incorporated
11-19-2006, 01:42 AM
Eric Bischoff interview, Regal note & problems with Smackdown vs Raw

WWR was honoured and privileged to interview the man who beat Vince McMahon for 83 weeks in a row in the ratings, the man who had the guts to turn Hogan heel, the man who denies poaching talent from Paul Heyman and the author of Controversy Creates Cash, Mr. Eric Bischoff! Check out the interview as Bischoff discusses the formation of Nitro, nWo, Bret Hart's time in WCW, his feelings on how WWE pushed Goldberg and Steiner and much much more! Make sure you check out past interviews with Diamond Dallas Page, Billy Gunn, Daniel Puder and Chris Nowinski. Visit us at www.WorldWrestlingRevolution.com.

Last week in the UK, in the daily newspaper, The Sun, William Regal gave a very emotional interview, fully describing his illness in detail, the shock when he was told he needed a heart transplant, and how he was told he could never wrestle again. Very interesting interview, and it shows that some british newspapers do take notice of the WWE.

One fan recently bought Smackdown vs. Raw 2007, on the release date to be exact. They noticed many problems already as several can pointed out at this link (http://boards.gamefaqs.com/gfaqs/gentopic.php?board=932463).

I've sent a complaint to THQ's support address as they say to do on the back of the manual so we'll see what is to come of my problems. I want to get this information out so to wrestling news sites so that people don't waste money on a game that has many errors. Also, for the sake of letting people know what to expect and hopefully even generating enough publicity of the errors for THQ to do something about it because while they get rich, those that bought it on the PS2 sit at home with an unfinished product with errors. Not a fair trade off for $50 in my view.

So I have copy/pasted my complaint sent to THQ's support. Please read over it and write an article for your wrestling site to inform readers about this game:

I bought Smackdown vs. Raw 2007 for the Playstation 2 on its day of release (Nov. 14th, 2006) at an EB store here in Whitehall, PA at the Lehigh Valley Mall. I noticed so many problems like the game saying "Stone Cold Stunner" when you hit someone with a chair. When Lashley performs his finisher, the game calls it a "Dead Level" which is Kid Kash's finisher name. Also, in the Create-A-Wrestler area, the t-shirt in the Men's Clothes section, it s 1/31. You can't even change the color to anything solid. All you get is a soft tint/shade and thats with all the XY color levels and shade down to the "darkest" and we get a bright white shirt. What gives?

It seems that in THQ's haste to get this game to meet it's deadline and out before the holidays, it failed to make sure this game works properly or even that everything works well. I work hard and if I'm going to fork over $50 for a game, I want it to work and do EVERYTHING it says its supposed to do. I won't settle for a few options not available to me because a multi-million dollar company carelessly tested the game and gave it a go ahead to be set for release. Who tests these games and says its perfect for release anyways? It seems this person doesn't take their job seriously. I know if I didn't take my job seriously and my carelessness was the reason a potentially good product being ruined, that would mean I'd be fired.

I'm hoping this problem is corrected and I'm given the option to have my copy of the game replaced with one that has fixes made to it. I still have my reciept as well and can make photocopies for proof of purchase in order to get my copy replaced with one that does everything THQ says it does.