View Full Version : Mick Foley to be blacklisted?, Ratings News, Puder, Vito and More

King Venomation - X
03-08-2006, 12:24 AM
The Manila Standard is reporting (http://www.manilastandardtoday.com/?page=police01_mar08_2006) today that the Philippine Bureau of Immigration is considering "blacklisting" Mick Foley, an unidentified WWE wrestler and the head of security who worked the detail when the company worked two shows there last month. This is the result of a reporter filing a claim saying that the three "verbally and racially assaulted" him in the baggage area of the airport after the wrestlers landed following a 30 plus hour trip. The story that was reported elsewhere, and was backed up to me by people who where there, said just the opposite, that the reporter started the whole thing and was the one who was using racial epithets. ... Thanks to Mike Informer for sending that along.

The Smackdown rating appeared to end up doing a 2.6 broadcast rating, with a 4 share. I was told that number includes the preempted/delayed markets re-airings of the show. That would be a bit of a drop from recent levels. I should have confirmation on the number later today.

Former Survivor contestant Daniel Lue will be featured on MTV's True Life: I'm a Reality Star tomorrow at 10pm ET/PT. The cameras follow him to auditions, Hollywood red carpet events and as he film his part in the Hulk Hogan movie "Little Hercules in 3-D". Hulk Hogan as well as his son Nick will be on the episode. It also shows him going on a date with WWE Diva Search runner-up Leyla Milani.

Chris Kanyon updated his blog (http://www.myspace.com/chriskanyon) to talk about why he waited to confirm that he, like his character, is gay. He said he hoped to start "the angle" on an indy show in Canada, get a WWE or TNA deal, then come out for both his character and himself there. He said, in effect, that both TNA and WWE were not interested in doing it right now. So there you have it. For what it's worth, I would have had a lot more respect about him coming out if he had done it when he actually had a job, not because he hoped it would get him one.

Steve Stafford sent this one. ... I don't usually read Smackdown and Raw magazines but the March issue of Smackdown actually has a good article on Vito. I didn't know he had been in the business so long. It's definitely a good read but what struck me as funny was the title of the article: "15 Years Of Hard Work Pays Off". Really? The payoff for 15 years of hard work is jobbing to guys on Velocity?

InsideFighting.com has a piece up where they talk to former WWE Tough Enough winner Daniel Puder about his return to Mixed Martial Arts. You can read it by clicking here (http://www.insidefighting.com/betweenRoundsDisp.aspx?uid=2817) .... Thanks to Matt Turk for sending that along.

Kev sent this one. ... I was at the Arnold Classic over the weekend in Columbus, OH. There were appearances by Carmella (the Diva search chick), Torrie Wilson, Batista, and HHH at the convention. I managed to get a picture of Carmella because the line wasn't too long at the time, but didn't get a poster as luck would have it. She signed one for my buddy in front of me, as well as the guy behind me, but had to excuse herself at that point. She seemed nice enough, but was definitely busy. I managed to get a picture with Torrie as well as a signed 8x10 (courtesy of Muscle-Tech), and talked to her for about a minute which was nice because she was busy as well. She also doesn't use myspace.com, so if anyone has a Torrie Wilson as a friend on there, they're a fake. Batista was there for a short time on Sunday and because of the long line I just clicked a picture from a distance. HHH was there all weekend, but the line of him was massive. I got a bunch of pictures from not too far off and from what I could tell he seemed very pleasant. Someone told me they talked to him and Stephanie was there, but I didn't hear of any reports of her being seen. HHH also hosted some party on Saturday night.

Credit: PWInsider.Com

03-08-2006, 01:23 AM
I seen that Vito article.... it certainly raised an eyebrow that he feels he's getting his worth after so long... :laugh:

Although all them SD/Raw magazine interviews are usually 100% in character... there is the odd exception.