View Full Version : *SPOILERS* FULL RAW REPORT - 20 Nov

Dangerous Incorporated
11-21-2006, 04:59 AM
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FULL RAW REPORT - 20 Nov 2006

The November 20, 2006 edition of Monday Night Raw comes to us from Baltimore, MD. It follows an episode that saw two title changes, with Jeff Hardy winning the Intercontinental Title and Rated RKO winning the Tag Team Championship. Tonight, Hardy and Nitro face off in a ladder match as RAW builds to Survivor Series this Sunday night in Philadelphia.

RAW begins with WWE Champion John Cena coming out to the ring with Team Cena. Captain Cena has picked Bobby Lashley, Rob Van Dam, Kane, & Sabu. Baltimore isn't 100% pro Cena despite all the faces in the ring. Cena calls Big Show 'poopy pants' for wanting to start Survivor Series early. Team Cena would also like to start early. He invites Team Show to the ring, but Rated RKO comes out through the crowd. Edge says the trash talk should be done by someone who wasn't beaten down, like Edge & Orton, who hospitalized a Hall of Famer and won the Tag Titles. Orton says after Nitro wins his ladder match, there will be four champions on Team Rated RKO in addition to that 'up and coming star Mike Knox'. Orton continues, but Ric Flair comes out through the fans on the opposite side. Flair calls them pathetic. Just then, the Spirit Squad's music hits and THEY come out through the fans. Kenny says pathetic is Flair thinking his history artifacts are going to beat the Spirit Squad. Johnny starts to say something, but Kenny interrupts and says he has a cheer.

Before he can get it out, Team DX (DX, The Hardy Boyz, and CM Punk) come out. HBK wants to start "The Royal Rumble" right now. Someone in the crowd yells it isn't January and HBK corrects himself. HHH calls the Spirit Squad 'easy'. Trips says Big Show won't be coming out because there is an open case of Twinkies in the back. So Triple HHH says there are only two teams ready for action: Team Rated RKO with their Village People and he has the next ECW Champion, the Hardy Boyz, and DX. HHH starts to say the two words, but Edge interrupts and tells him everyone is sick and tired of his two words. Shoot! Big Show's music hits and Team Show (Finlay, Show, MVP, Umaga, & Test). Show calls his team the most dominant in the Survivor Series. Cena wants everyone to come in the ring and see who is left standing. Everyone begins to close in on the ring, but Mr. McMahon comes to the stage. McMahon says no Survivor Series tonight. There will be individual matches with all the Survivor Series teams. And the unprecedented main event will be an All Captains 8 Man Tag Match: Cena, Ric Flair, & DX vs. Edge, Orton, Kenny, & Big Show.

Sabu vs. Umaga

Umaga knocks Sabu down with an uppercut and gives him a headbutt. A chop knocks Sabu back down. Umaga pounds Sabu in the corner and chases the ref off. Umaga no sells some Sabu offense and gives him a shoulderblock. Sabu goes outside the ring and gets whipped into the security wall. Back in the ring, Umaga gives Sabu a headbutt. Sabu floats over a scoop slam attempt and gets some punches in before falling to a big boot, or bare foot in Umaga's case. Sabu dodges a charge and gives Umaga a springboard leg lariat. A springboard DDT knocks Umaga down, but Umaga gets up almost immediately and gives Sabu the Samoan Spike.

Your winner, Umaga!

Back from the commercial break, Torrie Wilson and the T-shirt Cannon are interrupted by Chris Masters. He says he'll get to Lawler in a minute. Chris asks Torrie if she's ever seen guns like his. He tries to come on to Torrie, but Carlito comes out and says Masters has big guns, but a little pistol. Carlito gives Masters a dropkick and knocks him from the ring. As Carlito helps Torrie out, Masters attacks from behind and puts Carlito in The Masterlock. Jerry Lawler comes in the ring to make the save and Masters bails.

The WWE Rewind is Hardy defeating Nitro for the Intercontinental Title with a rollup only to get beaten down with a ladder.

K-Fed vs. Cena on New Year's is still on judging from the commercial they show. Todd Grisham is in the back interviewing Nitro & Melina. Grisham assumes Nitro must be nervous for his first ladder match. Melina says they are so confident that they will dedicate the match to KFed. She says their heart goes out to him. Nitro calls himself a baller and Hardy a poser. He says people only care about Hardy because there is a 50/50 chance he will kill himself. Nitro says the odds of that are increased tonight.

Kenny informs the Spirit Squad that one of them will face Dusty Rhodes. Johnny steps up, but Kenny says he is the captain of the team and he selects Nicky. Flair is seen macking on Candice and Kenny goes over to interrupt. Kenny reminds Flair that youth will prevail on Sunday. He says it doesn't make a difference which fossil he has found to replace Piper. Flair gives Kenny a WOOOO and Ron Simmons, wearing his brand new shirt, comes out and gives him a damn.

The ref takes the IC Belt from Hardy to hang above the ring.

Intercontinental Title Ladder Match: Jeff Hardy (c) vs. Johnny Nitro

The crowd is solidly behind Hardy to start. Hardy ducks a Nitro punch and knocks the challenger down. Nitro kicks Hardy in the gut and gives him a European Uppercut and some forearms to the back. Nitro punches Hardy in the corner. Hardy comes back with the Whisper in the Wind. Nitro regains the upperhand and gives Hardy a sitout facebuster. Nitro goes for the ladder, but Hardy kicks it into his face and leaps onto Nitro over the top rope.

Back from the break, Hardy is about to reach the title, but Nitro shoves the ladder down and Hardy gets hung across the top rope. Nitro sets the ladder up in the corner. Hardy blocks Nitro and throws him into the ladder. He climbs to the top, but Nitro meets him and goes to give him a suplex. Hardy knocks him off, and goes to leapfrog over the ladder. Nitro crotches him and sets the ladder up in the middle of the ring, but Hardy dropkicks the ladder into Nitro's face. Hardy now sets the ladder up in the middle of the ring. He starts to climb, but Nitro hits his lower back and tries to catapult him into the ladder. Hardy holds on though, and starts to go to the top. Nitro meets him up there and they trade punches. They knock each other and the ladder down when Nitro gives Hardy a dropkick from the second to last rung. Nitro grabs the ladder and shoves it into Hardy. Nitro climbs the ladder, but Hardy yanks him down by the hair. Hardy gives Nitro a scoop slam onto the ladder and climbs to the top. Nitro gets out of the way and Hardy Swantons directly onto the ladder. Nitro throws the ladder at Hardy and knocks him down. Nitro stomps Hardy and Irish Whips him into the ladder. Nitro goes under the ring and gets another, bigger ladder. Nitro keeps Hardy down with a neckbreaker and drills Hardy in the gut with a ladder. He moves it close to the corner. Hardy reverses an Irish Whip and tosses Hardy into the ladder. They set up the smaller ladder and face off on that one. Hardy gives Nitro a sunset flip powerbomb from the top of it. Hardy moves the corner near the corner and does his old leapfrog leg drop spot over the ladder. Hardy places the ladder over Nitro and climbs to the top to retrieve the belt.

Your winner, Jeff Hardy!

After the match, JR puts over both men and says he has a new found respect for Johnny Nitro. King wonders if they will have anything left to give their teams for Survivor Series as Hardy is helped to the back.

This Week in Wrestling History on November 22, 1990, The Million Dollar Man Ted DiBiase debuted The Undertaker at Survivor Series.

Todd Grisham is in the back with Dusty Rhodes. Dusty says the Spirit Squad have a rude awakening coming at Survivor Series. He tells Nicky he will makes his back crack, his liver quiver, and his knees freeze. Classic Dusty!

Dusty Rhodes vs. Nicky

The son of a plumber has the classic WWF theme playing as he comes to the ring. Dusty does a little dance before the bell. Dusty dodges a sucker punch in the corner and they stand off for a bit. Nicky refuses to lock up, weary of the elbow. Nicky gives Dusty a thumb to the eye and punches him in the corner. He kicks the Dream's legs to knock him down. Nicky drops down on the leg and slams it on the ring apron. Nicky tries to work on it some more, but Dusty kicks him over the top rope. Nicky punches Dusty and goes to the top, but Dusty catches him and starts throwing some punches. Bionic Elbow! Rhodes gives Nicky an elbow drop for the win.

Your winner, Dusty Rhodes!

Orton interrupts a Lita-Edge makeout session with Maria. Maria wants to know if Rated RKO can win tonight and at Survivor Series. Before they can answer, they go to inspect some commotion and run into Cryme Tyme. Orton says with teams like that, they can expect a long title run. Shad and JTG confuse Edge with their jive talk. Edge says he knows black people...he's a big Whitney Houston fan! Edge says DX will have something in common with Cryme Tyme...they will be black & blue. Rated RKO leaves and Maria tries to follow, but Cryme Tyme has her watch See No Evil (now on DVD!) with them.

Lita vs. Mickie James

This week, Mickie will be fighting with a blindfold on. Coach earns his check for the week by putting a hood over Mickie's head. JR invokes the name of Thurgood Marshall for some reason. Mickie and Lita roll on the mat punching each other for a bit. Lita stomps Mickie in the corner and givers her a DDT. Lita turns Mickie over and hits a moonsault off the top rope for the win.

Your winner, Lita!

Lita puts herself over as the most dominant woman the industry has ever seen. She isn't appreciative of the fans disrespecting her and says they've forgotten who she is and what she has done. Lita claims to have revolutionized women's roles in the WWE. She brings up her sacrifices and her broken neck (which happened while filming Dark Angel, not wrestling). She says without her, there would be no Mickie James and no Trish Stratus. At Survivor Series, she will walk in as the champ, beat Mickie James, and will walk out as champ. Lita announces she is retiring after Survivor Series and will go out as the greatest champion of all time.

In the back, Rated RKO meet up with Kenny and Big Show and walk to the ring.

The Smackdown Rebound is King Booker/Finlay vs. Batista/Lashley. Batista pins Booker T.

Edge, Randy Orton, Kenny, & Big Show vs. DX, Ric Flair, & John Cena

A brawl with all the wrestlers erupts when the Cena and Flair come to the ring. DX comes down to even the sides and help clean house. Kenny is thrown over the top and Orton gets a spinebuster from HHH. Edge is left standing between all four faces. Edge gets punched and a scoop slam from HHH. Michaels gives Edge an elbow off the top. Edge is pulled from the ring before he gets Sweet Chin Music. Show comes in with headbutts. DX tries to double team him, but he catches them off the ropes. Flair low blows him and Cena knocks Show out of the ring with a flying shoulderblock.

Back from the break, the heels are working over Michaels. Edge knocks him down with a punch and then stomps him. Kenny tags in and hits HBK with some punches. A scoop slam by Kenny gets a two count. HBK fights back, but is kicked when he goes to bounce off the ropes. Orton tags in and stomps Michaels some more. Big Show tags in and withstands a few punches from Michaels to knock HBK down with a big boot. He drops down on him with a leg drop. Kenny tags back in and comes off the top with a punch. A leaping back elbow by Kenny gets two. Edge comes back in and works on the back. Michaels powers out of the hold and chops Edge. Edge knocks HBK back down and tags in Orton who sets up for the RKO. HBK blocks it and throws Orton down. Cena and Kenny make the hot tags. Cena hits him with a shoulder block and the Blue Thunder Driver. Cena then gives him the 5 Knuckle Shuffle. He picks Kenny up for the FU, but Show comes in and kicks Cena down. Cena dodges a chokeslam and HHH gives him a face buster. Sweet Chin Music knocks him from the ring. Cena gives Kenny the FU to end the match.

Your winners, John Cena, Ric Flair, and DX!

After the match, all the Survivor Series competitors flood the ring and start to brawl.

Source: PWInsider

11-21-2006, 05:24 AM
Awesome, cant wait to see this RAW with the beginning, thanx for the LIVE coverage :)

11-21-2006, 10:00 AM
Wow! That was a great edition of Raw lol. I can't wait to see Survivor Series!... I hope they will build up the feuds more to make it better :D

11-21-2006, 01:41 PM
this week's raw was the best in a long time. the ladder match between hardy and nitro was the best match of the night