View Full Version : RAW Results - 20th Nov 2006

11-21-2006, 12:33 PM
RAW Results - 20th Nov 2006
Baltimore, Maryland

Quick Results
- Umaga def. Sabu
- Intercontinental Title: Jeff Hardy def. Johnny Nitro to retain [Ladder Match]
- Dusty Rhodes def. Nicky Nemeth
- Non Title: Lita def. Mickie James who was blindfolded
- Ric Flair, John Cena and D-Generation X def. Randy Orton, Edge, Kenny and Big Show

WWE RAW Opener:
We start without the Raw intro music video or pyro, but with John Cena. Cena walked out with his team of Lashley, RVD, Sabu, and Kane. Cena waited for the crowd to die down, then he talked about Big Show ruining his match with Umaga last week. He said his four men are ready to go to war on Sunday, but they're also ready to go tonight. He called out Show and his team, but Edge's music interrupted. They spliced in Randy Orton's theme music with Edge's music. It was ear-piercing bad. Edge then led his team of Nitro with Melina, Knox, Helms, and Orton. Edge ran down Cena after saying he hospitalized Piper last week and they won the belts. Orton then tried to talk, but he was drowned out by chants of "You suck." Orton snapped on the fans and said he has something important to say. He tried to talk up Knox, but Ric Flair's music interrupted. Flair led Arn Anderson, Slaughter, and Dusty through the opposite end of the stands. He said he's the dirtiest player in the game and Edge is pathetic. In a natural segue, as Ross put it, Spirit Squad's music hit. Kenny led the Squad out from another side of the arena. This is getting absurd. Kenny said Flair's team of Natural History Museum rejects have no chance of beating them. He said they have come up with a special cheer. DX's music interrupted before they could cheer. DX led Punk and the Hardys out. HBK said he wanted to start the Royal Rumble right now. Hunter and Punk stared at him like he lost his mind. HBK corrected himself on Survivor Series. Hunter told Flair that his team could wait until Sunday because Squad is easy, as they know.

Hunter basically called Show fat and out of shape because he spotted a box of twinkies in the back and told Cena that Show wouldn't make it out. He said his team has the next ECW champion, C.M. Punk, and the freshly reunited Team Extreme. Hunter called Edge's group the Village People. Edge interrupted and said everyone is sick of DX and their entire act. He said even Cena is sick of them. Cena stared into the sky not sure what to say. He then said what he does know is that if Show isn't going to come out, then DX would have no problem kicking Edge & Orton's asses. Big Show's music hit and everyone stopped. Show sauntered out on stage with Test, Umaga, M.V.P., and Finlay. Show said he is the captain of the most dominant team at Survivor Series. Show led his team into the ring to start a fight, but Vince McMahon's music came on. He screamed that everyone has lost their minds. McMahon said Survivor Series is Sunday, so they're going to have singles matches tonight. He said they would have something huge in the main event, though. He said there would be an all-captains eight-man tag match. McMahon named Cena & Ric Flair & DX vs. Show & Kenny & Edge & Orton. McMahon said it would be a night we never ever forget.

Umaga vs. Sabu
Referee: Jack Doan

Umaga walked into the ring and met Sabu with an uppercut punch. Sabu tipped over like a tree in the woods. Umaga then took Sabu to the outside and slammed him into the guardrail. Back in the ring, Sabu slipped out of a suplex attempt and landed right hand blows, which the crowd responded to, but Umaga ran him over with a kick to the face. Umaga missed a corner splash and Sabu caught him with a springboard kick. Sabu then came off the ropes with a Tornado DDT. He went to the springboard well once too often and Umaga caught him with the Spike for the win. Lawler said it was one-sided for Umaga.

Winner: Umaga

ECW on Sci-Fi:
The Hardys team up on ECW tomorrow night and RVD faces Holly in an Extreme Rules match. Is the brand split still relevant?

In the arena:
Torrie Wilson was shooting t-shirts into the crowd. Jerry Lawler tried to grab a t-shirt by standing on the announce table, but Chris Masters interrupted. He told Torrie she has a mighty big gun, then asked if she has ever seen guns like these. He flexed. So, um, you ever been to the gun show? Hahaha. He said he wanted to get Torrie in a position she would like. Carlito walked out. "Man, that's not cool," he said. Carlito then said Masters has big guns, but downstairs, he has a little pistol. The crowd laughed. Carlito walked into the ring and met Masters with a left hand blow and dropkick. Torrie smiled and hugged Carlito. Like a sap, Carlito turned his back to help Torrie out of the ring and Masters jumped him from behind. Way to book Carlito to look like an idiot. Masters then placed Carlito in the Masterlock. Lawler made the save and cleared Masters to the outside. The fans chanted, "Jerry, Jerry, Jerry". Lawler encouraged Masters to get back in the ring.

Todd Grisham interviewed Nitro and Melina backstage about the IC Title match. Melina said Nitro isn't nervous about his first ladder match. He said they're dedicating tonight's victory to Federline. Melina said Federline is in their hearts. He said they're going to party with Federline on New Year's Eve, then Federline is going to beat Cena on NYD. Nitro called Jeff Hardy and his fans posers and wannabees. He said there's a 50/50 shot that Hardy will kill himself every time he walks into the ring.

Spirit Squad talked backstage. Kenny said he found out that one of the Squad members would face Dusty Rhodes tonight. Johnny stepped up and said he wanted the assignment. The other Squadsters talked up Johnny. Kenny said, "No thanks; I'm the captain." He picked Nicky to face Dusty. Johnny turned around and pulled his hair in frustration. Kenny then spotted Ric Flair in the distance. He left the Squad and walked over to Flair, who was in close with Candice. Kenny interrupted, but Candice gave Flair a kiss on the cheek before telling him he would see him later. Space Mountain is back on the tracks. Kenny said it doesn't matter what fossil...oops...legend that Flair picks to replace Piper because youth will beat old age. Flair said he has two words. "Whoo". Kenny said that was one word. Ron Simmons then walked into the shot and said, "Damn." Simmons even has a t-shirt that just reads "Damn" in white text. Great segment.

Jeff Hardy was walking backstage getting himself ready. Chad Patton walked up to him and asked for the belt because the match is up next. Hardy handed it over, tapped the gold plate, then collected himself against the wall. Nice build up to the match.

Intercontinental Championship Match
Ladder Match
Johnny Nitro vs. Jeff Hardy (c)
Referee: Chad Patton

The start:
Hardy walked out second and mimed climbing a ladder during his ring entrance. That was great. Ross talked about Hardy taking unnecessary risks and they hope the best for Hardy. They danced around the ring before locking up with the fans chanting for Hardy. Nitro slipped to the outside in the opening 30 seconds. Ross said the IC Title has been a hot potato, changing hands frequently.

Mid-match notes:
Nitro landed right hand blows back in the ring, but Hardy cut him off with a kick to the gut. Hardy then hit the Whisper in the Wind out of nowhere. Lawler said the move should hurt Hardy as much if not more than Nitro. Code: Hardy needs to sell the risk associated with the move. Hardy went for a plancha on the outside, but Nitro struck him with a ladder on the way down. Both men recovered as they cut to a break. Hardy was climbing the ladder right out of the break. Hardy grazed the belt, but Nitro shoved the ladder over and Hardy crashed across the top rope. Nitro then tried to suplex Hardy off the top of the ladder, but Hardy shoved him to the floor. Nitro popped up and crotched Hardy. Nitro took too long getting to his feet, so Hardy flew off the top with a dropkick sending the ladder into Nitro. The fans roared for Hardy. Nitro then tried to slingshot Hardy into the ladder, but Hardy landed on the second rung of the ladder and tried to scamper to the top.

Nitro realized his mistake and grabbed Hardy. He then landed an amazing drop kick after jumping off the ladder and dropkicking Hardy in mid-air. Nitro then slammed the ladder into Hardy and tried climbing again, but Hardy pulled him off the ladder. Hardy slammed Nitro onto a folded ladder, then he came off the top with a Swanton Bomb, but Nitro moved and Hardy ate the ladder. Melina caught her breath on the outside. Both men recovered to let the effect of the missed spot sink in. Ross and Lawler talked about Hardy possibly losing the match after the missed spot. Nitro was the first one up, and he threw the ladder into Hardy's face. Nitro came up favoring his left ankle. He worked on Hardy with right leg kicks. Nitro then whipped Hardy hard into a ladder propped up in the corner. Nitro went under the ring and retrieved a second ladder. Nitro then dropped Hardy with a neckbreaker back in the ring. Nitro tried to whip Hardy into the second ladder, but Hardy reversed the whip.

The Finish:
Suddenly, both men scaled the original ladder and Hardy took Nitro down to the mat with a dangerous sunset flip powerbomb. Hardy went up top and flew over one of the ladders with a guillotine leg drop. Hardy struggled to set up the ladder in center ring, then he began scaling. Nitro was trapped under the ladder, so he couldn't prevent Hardy from grabbing the belt and falling to the mat.

Winner and still Intercontinental Champion: Jeff Hardy

The Aftermath:
Referees checked on Hardy and Nitro. Ross said he has a new respect for Nitro after his effort. Melina cradled Nitro in the ring as Hardy was helped out of the ring. Good job of staying in the moment to capture the full story.

This Week in Wrestling History:
WWE 24/7 presented This Week in Wrestling history from November 22, 1990 for the debut of The Undertaker at Survivor Series. They did a full video on Taker's history.

In the arena:
They showed Baltimore Ravens players in the front row horsing around.

Grisham welcomed Dusty Rhodes backstage for a promo. Dusty said he has the Spirit Squad tonight, and he's going to make someone's back crack, liver quiver, and knees freeze.

Nicky vs. Dusty Rhodes
Referee: Jack Doan

Nicky tried a sneak attack, but Dusty stopped him in his tracks with the threat of a bionic elbow. Ross said Piper had successful surgery a few days ago. Dusty scared Nicky in the corner with the threat of an elbow in the opening minute. Nicky landed a thumb to the eye, then he took Dusty off his feet with a kick to the back of the leg. The catcalls started as Dusty remained flat on his back. Dusty then slipped Nicky to the outside. Ross said Dusty and Flair teaming together has never happened because they've been like the Lakers vs. Celtics from the '80s. Dusty finished off Nicky with an elbow drop for the win. Dusty danced after the match.

Winner: Dusty Rhodes

Edge and Lita were sharing some quality time backstage when Orton interrupted with Maria. He said Maria has recovered from Umaga's attack two weeks ago and she has a question. There was loud noise coming down the hall, so they went into a locker room and found Cryme Tyme screaming as they watched See No Evil. Is that Teddy Long's copy? Edge mocked Cryme Tyme, then Shad cut a rap on Orton and Edge, calling Orton a metrosexual who needs to watch out if he drops the soap. Edge cut him off and said he doesn't understand a word he just said. He did say he's Canadian and he had some bonding with Whitney Houston back in the day. In other words, he masturbated to Whitney. "I love Whitney Houston!" Maria screamed. Edge looked at her funny. Edge and Orton left after mocking Cryme Tyme. They stopped Maria from leaving and sat her down to watch See No Evil. They faked being scared so Maria would hold them tight. Maria tried to be nice about resisting their advances.

Non Title Match
Mickie James vs. Lita (c)
Referee: Marty Rabulcaba

Lita walked out with the Women's Title around her waist. Mickie James then walked out and Lita said Mickie would have to be blindfolded tonight. Ross wanted to know who Lita was sucking...up to. Coach's music hit and he walked out with a black hood. He tied it around Mickie's head. They rolled around the ring early on after Lita went for the attack. This wasn't Jake-Martel with a ten minute feeling out process. Lita caught Mickie with a top rope moonsault right in the face for the win. She rolled Mickie over and covered her for the win. The referee took the hood off and checked on Mickie.

Winner: The Women's Champion, Lita

The Aftermath:
Lita took the mic and said she is the most dominant woman this industry has ever seen. She said people like DX and John Cena have had the audacity to disrespect her. Lita said she's sick of the fans disrespecting her. She said she single-handedly revolutionized women's roles in WWE. She said women were eye candy before she came on. Lita said she tore up her knee, broke her neck, and made sacrifices for a generation of women to give people like Mickie James a chance. "Without me, there would be no Trish Stratus," she said. The fans booed. Lita said she's walking into Survivor Series with the title, retaining the title, and then leaving with the belt because S.S. is her last match. The fans cheered. She held up her title as medics checked on Mickie. They showed a replay of Lita's moonsault. That looked horrible with Lita's knee crashing into Mickie's face.

Edge and Randy Orton were walking backstage. Kenny and Big Show joined them and all four walked in unison to the ring.

Captain's Eight Man Tag Team Match
Edge, Randy Orton, Kenny and The Big Show vs. D-Generation X, John Cena and Ric Flair
Referee: Michael Chioda

The start:
Flair walked out to lead the babyfaces. Cena came out second, which shows what the pecking order is. Cena then charged right into the ring to start the fight. The heels quadruple teamed Cena until DX hit the ring to make the save for Cena and Flair. Edge was the last heel left in the ring. The babyfaces created a circle around Edge. Hunter landed a right hand, then Flair landed a chop, then Cena landed a right hand, then HBK landed a right hand, then Flair knocked down Edge with a chop.

Mid-match notes:
HBK then came off the top with an elbow drop. Everyone tuned up the band, but Big Show pulled Edge to the outside. Show then stepped into the ring, although not smoothly. He caught DX with a double chokeslam attempt, but Flair came up behind Show and punted his balls. Ross called it a high spiral. DX then kicked Show between the legs in the front. Show stumbled backward, then Cena hit a shoulder tackle and Show fell through the ropes to the floor. The babyfaces celebrated in the ring. Ross said the match would start when they get back. The heels worked on HBK in their corner out of the break. Show tagged in and dropped a big leg across HBK's throat. Hunter broke up a pin count with a hard elbow to the back of Show's head. Show popped right up and screamed at Hunter, as if it was a little too stiff. Kenny tagged in and Ross said Kenny is sitting at the grown up table tonight. Orton tagged in and stalked HBK for the RKO, but HBK shoved him off. Both men crawled through the desert to the corner. Cena took a hot tag and ran over everyone. He did the Five Knuckle shuffle on Kenny as Hunter whispered something to Flair on the apron.

The Finish:
Cena set up for the FU on Kenny, but Show ran him over. Show then ran over Flair and Hunter with awkward clotheslines. He's definitely not in good physical shape right now. Flair then tried to land a chop, but it grazed Show. Hunter gave Show a face buster across his knee, then HBK gave him Sweet Chin Music. Cena clotheslined Show near the ropes and Hunter dumped Show to the floor. Kenny stumbled into an FU by Cena for the win.

Winners: D-Generation X, John Cena and Ric Flair

The Aftermath:
After the match, the ring filled nearly everyone who would be at Survivor Series. The heat wasn't nearly as strong as you would expect for something like this. Jeff Hardy, who we last saw milking the brutality of ladder match while Ross and Lawler said they weren't sure Hardy would be able to make it to Survivor Series, much less ECW the following night, ran into the ring fresh as a daisy and went after some men. Hunter paired off with Umaga and M.V.P. paired off with Sabu as everyone else just brawled to close the show.

11-25-2006, 09:22 PM
Sucks how Lita get her ways. She had Mickie James blindfolded. John Cena Ric Flair and DX beat captians Big Show Kenny and Rated RKO in an eight man tag team match.