View Full Version : WWE Releases Backlash Poster Featuring Triple H

03-10-2006, 07:09 PM
WWE Releases Backlash Poster Featuring Triple H
By Keith Wilcutt

03/10/2006 - -Grace sent in the following:

Hey I live in Bowling Green and our local cable company sent out an e-mail with the Backlash poster in it which I will forward over to you. It was only a matter of time before Triple H returned and he graces this poster posing on the corner ropes with his arms flung into the air. The poster has something about "The King" at the top but the text is really small and I can't quite read what it says. He does not appear with the WWE Title which could be a possible *Spoiler* that he doesn't defeat John Cena at WrestleMania 22, but you never know. It's a cool poster, it makes Triple H almost look unhuman the way it's drawn.

Backlash is a RAW only PPV which will take place on April 30th, 2006.
credit Edge

Straight Edge
03-11-2006, 01:06 AM
Seen the poster already, I hope HHH is the champ heading into Backlash