View Full Version : ECW Results - 28th Nov 2006

Dangerous Incorporated
11-29-2006, 05:22 AM
http://img299.imageshack.us/img299/2299/thecwlogo2006ey6.png (http://imageshack.us)

ECW opened with Paul Heyman inside the ring, flanked by his special security force. Heyman said that this Sunday, six men will sacrifice their careers and bodies for a chance at the ECW World championship. Heyman promised pure anarchy inside the Elimination Chamber as he ran down the rules for the match. Heyman said that we all know who the competitors are, so he introduced the weapons that would be inside the Chamber - a crowbar, a steel chair, a table, and a barbed wire baseball bat. Heyman noted that everyone will be eliminated one by one until there is one person, the ECW champion, left standing and the match is every man for himself.

They went into the "Let the Bodies Hit the Floor" opening sequence.

Later tonight it's CM Punk vs. Test, Sabu vs. Rob Van Dam, and ECW champion Big Show vs. Bobby Lashley.

Sabu vs. Rob Van Dam

As he headed to the ring, an insert of Van Dam discussing the Elimination Chamber played in the corner with RVD saying he knew how dangerous the Chamber was but it was worth it to scar his body to became ECW champion. They featured comments from Sabu as well as he said, "My scars are my sacrifices. Imagine what I would sacrifice to be ECW champion."

The match began and they went back and forth. Sabu attempted a Frankensteiner off the top rope but RVD held on. Sabu attempted to come off the ropes with a springboard leg lariat, but RVD dove off the ropes and tackled him as they went to commercial.

Back from commercial, Sabu and RVD grappled on the mat. Van Dam dove at Sabu, who ducked down. RVD flew over the top and landed on the apron outside. RVD attempted to suplex Sabu out of the ring to the floor, but Sabu escaped. Sabu went for his sunset flip powerbomb to the floor but RVD escaped and Sabu crashed and burned to the floor. RVD hit a moonsault press to the floor. RVD went for a compactor but Sabu escaped. Van Dam hit a German suplex with a bridge for a nearfall. Sabu hit a legdrop off the ropes across the back of Van Dam's head. He went for a somersault legdrop into the ring but missed. RVD hit Rolling Thunder on Sabu for a two count. Van Dam nailed Sabu with a tornado DDT, then hit the Five Star Frog Splash for a clean pinfall.

Your winner, Rob Van Dam!

They aired a video feature on Bobby Lashley's ECW debut.

The Hardy Boyz vs. Elijah Burke and Sylvester Turkay

They pushed the Hardyz vs. MNM as a "One Night Only" attraction. This is how they give away Turkay's ECW in-ring debut? Burke and Jeff Hardy started the match. Hardy worked over Burke's arm as they went back and forth. Burke tossed him into the turnbuckles, Matt tagged in and the Hardyz doubled on Burke with reverse elbows. Burke distracted the referee, then pulled Matt's hair to slam him backwards onto the mat. Jeff tagged in and got a near pinfall on Burke. The Hardyz kept working over Burke. Burke hit an STO on Jeff Hardy and tagged out.

Burke picked up Jeff and slammed him down with an over the shoulder powerslam. Turkay charged Jeff in the corner, but Jeff evaded and Turkay hit the ringpost shoulder-first. All four began battling inside the ring. Jeff backdropped Burke out of the ring to the floor.

The Hardyz doubleteamed Turkay. They whipped him into the corner and Jeff hit Air Sabu off Matt's back. Matt hit the Twist of Fate followed by Jeff nailing the Swanton for the clean pinfall.

Your winners, The Hardy Boyz!

Before the Hardyz could celebrate, MNM hit the ring and laid them out. They tossed Matt out of the ring and then worked over Jeff. Joey held Jeff up as Nitro measured him and nailed an enziguiri. MNM celebrated over the prone Jeff Hardy.

They aired a video feature on the ECW December to Dismember PPV press conference.

CM Punk vs. Test

Test opened up with a ton of offense, stomping the hell out of Punk in the corner. Punk fired back with a series of forearms, but was cut off with a big clothesline. Outside the ring, Test attempted to pick up Punk, but was shoved facefirst into the ringpost. Punk unloaded with knee strikes. Punk rebounded off the ropes but Test caught him with a tiltowhirl backbreaker. Test cinched in a rear chinlock on Punk. Punk began to fight him way out of it and knocked Test out of the ring with a leg lariat. Punk hit a tope suicida to the floor on Test. Punk tossed Test into the ring steps on the floor. They battled into the crowd with Punk grounding and pounding Test as they were both counted out. Punk continued to beat down Test. Referee Scott Armstrong tried to hold Punk back but Punk continued to go after Test as Test retreated backwards. The story here was that Punk was a top star going toe to toe with a top heel.

Double countout - no winner.

Backstage, ECW champion Big Show was walking as Paul Heyman questioned his decision to wrestle Bobby Lashley tonight. He said that since the rebirth of ECW, he's invested everything in Big Show as champion and he doesn't understand why Show is doing this. Show stopped and glared at him. Heyman backed off, but then asked Show to let Heyman accompany him to ringside to help him.

Joey Styles and Tazz reviewed MNM laying out The Hardy Boyz. MNM walked backstage swarmed by paparazzi. Nitro said that what they did to the Hardyz was just a taste of what was to come. Mercury said that MNM would prove that they were the best tag team. They were pushing the Hardys vs. MNM as a one-time meeting as two of the best teams in modern history.

They aired a video feature on the dangers of the Elimination Chamber match.

ECW World champion Big Show (with Paul Heyman) vs. Bobby Lashley

They aired a Show promo where he promised to use the Elimination Chamber to end careers this Sunday and would walk out of the PPV as the ECW champion.

After a commercial break, Lashley came to the ring. No promo from Lashley. They had a staredown before the bell. Lashley went right after Big Show with punches but Show rebounded off the ropes and decimated him with a big clothesline. Show suplexed Lashley over. Show trapped Lashley in a corner and began decimating him with punches and strikes. Lashley began to mount a comeback but Show cut him off with a big boot. Show continued to batter Lashley punches, then worked over his back.

Lashley finally came back, suplexing Show, who was standing on the bottom rope. He nailed Show with several moves, then speared him. Paul Heyman's personal security hit the ring and attacked Lashley. The referee called for a DQ.

Test hit the ring and attacked Lashley. They all began beating down Lashley. Show chokeslammed Lashley. All five, including Heyman, began putting the boots to Lashley. Heyman began taunting Lashley with the ECW title belt. As security and Test held Lashley, Heyman began slapping him. Show drilled him with the ECW World championship belt. Show covered the unconscious Lashley with Heyman acting as referee and counting to three.

ECW went off the air with Heyman's crew trash talking the unconscious Lashley.