View Full Version : Smackdown Results - 10th Feb 2006

03-11-2006, 11:24 AM
Smackdown Results - 10th Feb 2006
Location: Mobile, Alabama

Quick Results:

- Money in the Bank Qualifier: Bobby Lashley vs. Finlay; No Contest
- Paul Burchill def. William Regal
- Divas Uncovered Match: Kristal def. Jillian
- Non Title: Chris Benoit def. Gregory Helms
- Rey Mysterio and Kurt Angle vs. Mark Henry and Randy Orton; No Contest


WWE Smackdown! Opener:
Video package is shown recapping last week's Undertaker vs. Kurt Angle match.

In the arena:
Mark Henry’s music hits and he makes his way to the ring with Daivari. Daivari does a boring promo saying that Mark Henry deserves to be World Champion. Henry then grabs the mic and says everybody seems to be forgetting about him. Boring promo. Angle’s music hits and he tells Henry he’s a wrestling machine and says he’s ready for Henry right now. Angle gets in the ring and starts throwing punches at Henry, Orton hits the ring and they team up on Angle. Mysterio hits the ring and Orton handles him easily. Henry and Orton team up on Rey but Angle leaves the ring, gets a chair and clears the ring. Theodore Long’s music hits and he makes an obvious main event of Mark Henry & Randy Orton vs. Rey Mysterio & Kurt Angle.

Money In The Bank Qualifying Match
Finlay vs. Bobby Lashley
Referee: Charles Robinson

Finlay’s music hits and he makes his way to the ring, thingy in hand. Lashley’s music hits, he’s Bobby again. Finlay intercepts Lashley as he’s making his way to the ring. They brawl on the entrance ramp for about 30 seconds before Finlay clubs Lashley on the head.

Winner: No Contest

The Aftermath:
Security and referees pull them apart but have their hands full, and Lashley spears Finlay at the top of the entrance ramp. Cool spot. They are shown brawling in the parking lot moments later. Finlay gets a hold of a big pipe and smashes the windows of a car setting the alarm off. Lashley then suplexes a security guard into a laundry basket. They brawl onto the car, Lashley places Finlay on the roof and then with a lot of struggling, overturns the car. The alarm turns off. Security rescues Finlay before the car lands on him.

The Miz:
A Mike Mizanin vignette is shown. It’s entitled the “Reality Check”.

In the arena:
JBL’s music hits and he makes his usual limo entrance without Jillian Hall. His hand is bandaged up heavily and he holds it gingerly like a pregnant woman holding her stomach. JBL says he is blessed by all the support he has gotten from the fans after being savaged hurt. JBL says “I love you too” to all the fans. He says that he has been cheapshotted and blindsided by a person that has questioned his legacy. He then names Stone Cold Steve Austin. He rips on Austin for leaving him out of the greatest list of Texas wrestlers list. JBL then goes on to quote his resume. He says he’s better than Austin and has accomplished more than Austin ever did. He claims he’s a better draw, better talker, entertainer, wrestler, everything except maybe beer drinking but at Saturday Night’s Main Event, he’ll beat Austin at his own game and beat Austin at a beer drinking contest. Then 15 days later he’ll beat Chris Benoit.

Theodore Long is backstage when Gregory Helms walks in. Long makes fun of his broken nose a little bit. Long then says that it hasn’t been fair that Long has made him defend the title every week. This week, he won’t have to defend his title. Helms is happy but Long tells him that tonight he’ll go against Chris Benoit. Helms is not amused.

William Regal vs. Paul Burchill
Referee: Chris Kay

William Regal’s music hits and he makes his usual entrance (if anybody can remember it). He grabs the mic and says that what you are about to see is a joke. He asks that the fans refrain from laughing. He then introduces Paul Burchill. Paul Burchill swings from the side of the entrance ramp to the middle from a rope. He actually gets a bit of a pop. He then comes halfway down the ramp, stops and pulls out his sword. Burchill gets to the corner puts down his sword and does a pirate pose from the top rope. He wrestles with no shirt but has his pirate pants, boots and belt.

The start:
Burchill and Regal tie up and Burchill hiptosses him. They tie up again but this time Regal tosses him out of the ring. Regal works over Burchill and is quite aggressive. Regal drops a knee on the back of Burchill’s head on the edge of the ring (outside the ropes). Regal gets back into the ring and works over Burchill a bit and then applies an inverted full nelson. Paul escapes but Regal doesn’t let up and aggressively assaults Paul.

The Finish:
Regal hits a crisp suplex on Paul and Paul finally gets the better of Regal as he tosses him into the ropes and catches him with an elbow. Burchill hits a flying clothesline, followed by an atomic drop and a back drop, enziguri and a near fall. Burchill hits a weird looking Rock Bottom back flip style thingy for the pin.

Winner: Paul Burchill

Booker T & Sharmell are shown walking backstage.

In the arena:
Booker T’s music hits and he makes his way to the ring, dressed in a suit with his hair tied back accompanied with Sharmell. Booker looks very leery of his surroundings and is cautious as he makes his way to the ring. Sharmell gets on the mic and objects to how they’ve been treated lately. She blames Theodore Long and the Boogeyman. She says that it’s a disgrace that nothing has been done. Booker grabs the mic and says they’ve gotten bags and bags of letters talking about what a problem the Boogeyman is. Booker then reads a letter from someone representing the NAACP. He reads another letter from an animal lover objecting to the treatment of worms. The fans are rather silent, although it’s somewhat funny. Booker then reads a letter objecting to the nutritional value of worms. Booker demands Long come out and address the problem. Long appears on the Titantron, Ovaltron or whatever the hell the big monitor of Smackdown is now called, and tells Booker it will be Booker & Boogeyman going one on one at Saturday Nights Main Event. Smoke starts coming from the bag of letters and Booker then dumps worms out of the bag. Booker runs like hell for the entrance ramp but Boogeyman’s music hits and he crawls out, clock in hand. Booker bolts back to the ring, grabs Sharmell and uses a side exit. Boogey makes his way to the ring in a slightly more hyper manner doing his usual shakes foaming at the mouth. He then, to no one’s surprise, snacks on some worms.

Divas Uncovered Match
Jillian vs. Kristal

Jillian Hall’s music hits and Jillian makes her way to the ring. Her music is awful. Kristal’s music hits and she runs to the ring.

The match:
Jillian jumps her as Kristal is entering the ring. Jillian takes Kristal's top off in the first 30 seconds. Kristal then goes ape on Jillian. Kristal removes Jillian’s bottom and shortly after, takes Jillian’s top off. Match goes 2 minutes and is a modest train wreck. Some stiff looking spots by Jillian but some slow-mo Ashley looking spots as well. Jillian runs like hell to the back covering up her top half even though she’s still wearing her bra.

Winner: Kristal

The Aftermath:
Kristal undresses anyway and parades around the ring.

Champion vs. Champion - Non Title Match
Chris Benoit (c) vs. Gregory Helms (c)
Referee: Jim Korderas

Chris Benoit’s music hits and he makes his usual entrance. Helms music hits and a bitter looking Helms makes his way to the ring.

The start:
Helms & Benoit tie up with Helms getting the better of Benoit but Benoit quickly counters by grabbing Helms broken nose. Benoit hits a few chops followed by a snap suplex, more chops, a single leg takedown, he goes for the Sharpshooter but Helms fights it off. Benoit hits a couple more chops but Helms takes Benoit down with a drop toe hold.

Mid-match notes:
Helms then puts Benoit in a variation of a headlock but Benoit fights to his feet, takes Helms down and again goes for a Sharpshooter. Again, Helms fights it off, and puts a rear chinlock on Benoit. Benoit gets to his feet and armdrags Helms but Helms catches Benoit with an elbow. Benoit comes back at Helms and hits a snap suplex. Helms misses a shining wizard, and Benoit applies the sharpshooter.

The Finish:
Helms crawls to the ropes and breaks the hold. Helms tried to bail on the match but all the cruiserweights show up and throw him back into the ring. Benoit hits a German right off the bat, nails the Air Canada, and applies the crossface. Helms is in it for a second or two before tapping out.

Winner: The United States Champion, Chris Benoit

A Road Warrior Animal interview is shown. Animal cuts down yet another dead wrestler and rips on Hawk. He says that without him, there would be no Legion of Doom. He says that while he was working his butt off, Hawk was out partying. He says, then he teams up with Heidenreich, who was an even bigger screw-up. He says that his tag team days are over and it’s time to look out for number one. He’s going to teach Hardy a lesson he should have taught Heidenreich and Hawk, “I am the Road Warrior”.

Next Week:
Finlay and Bobby Lashley will go one on one in a Lumberjack Match!

[COLOR="red"]Mark Henry and Randy Orton vs. Rey Mysterio and Kurt Angle
Referee: Nick Patrick

Mark Henry’s music hits and he makes his way to the ring with Daivari. Randy Orton’s normal music hits and he makes his way to the ring. Rey Mysterio is next, followed by the World Heavyweight Champion, Kurt Angle.

The start:
Angle starts off against Orton. Slow start as they stalk each other. Angle takes down Orton with an amateur style take down into a side headlock. Angle is thrown into the ropes and shoulder’s Orton. Angle tags in Mysterio. Orton takes control of Mysterio but Mysterio quickly counters and gets Orton in position for a 619. Just as Rey is about to hit it, Henry pulls Orton out of the ring.

Mid-match notes:
Rey is working over Orton in the corner. Rey goes to the top rope but he’s delayed by Daivari. As Rey comes down, Orton hits him with a dropkick. Orton tags in Henry. Henry stomps down Rey in the corner. Henry takes his time and headbutts Rey followed by a blatant choke. Henry then tags in Orton. Orton takes his time, taunts Angle, and drops a few knees on Rey. Near fall. Orton tags in Henry. Henry hicks Rey and hits him with forearms to the back.

Henry steps on Rey’s throat in the corner. Henry tags Orton. Orton puts Rey in a headlock and gouges Rey’s face. Orton tags Henry. Rey fights off Henry in the corner but as Rey flies at Henry, Henry press slams Rey. Henry goes for a splash but misses. Both men are going for the tag. Hot tag to Angle and Orton. Angle cleans house before slapping on the ankle lock on Orton. Henry bails Orton out. Angle tags Rey back in and catches a barely recovering Orton with a 619.

The Finish:
Henry again breaks the pin attempt. Angle then comes after Henry but Orton interrupts and Orton and Angle brawl outside the ring. Henry then intentionally splashes the ref. Henry beats down Rey. Daivari brings a table into the ring. Rey is placed on the table and Henry climbs up the ropes. Angle saves Rey, but as Angle goes after Henry, Orton saves Henry and RKO’s Angle. Orton places Angle on the table and Henry splashes Angle from the second rope.

Winners: No Contest

The Aftermath:
Orton & Henry celebrate in the ring and taunt the crowd. Lots of heat. Many replays are shown of the splash. Orton is now nowhere to be seen as just Henry and Daivari are in the ring as Undertaker’s music hits and the lights go out. Undertaker’s voice comes over the PA. “Mark Henry, you, me, WrestleMania...Casket Match!"

Repost: pwinsider.com
Editing: LionDen