View Full Version : Latest Girl Being Looked At, Bikini Models Update, Joy Giovanni

Dangerous Incorporated
12-02-2006, 12:23 AM
Latest Girl Being Looked At, Bikini Models Update, Joy Giovanni

Michelle Deighton of "America's Top Model" has an interview coming up soon with John Laurinaitis. She made a cameo appearance on an episode of SmackDown in November 2005 because UPN wanted to do some sort of tie-in between all their shows for the ratings sweeps. Deighton and boyfriend Jonny Fairplay had an interview with Laurinaitis back in June, but nothing seemed to come out of it. They then were supposed to have a second interview with Laurinaitis in July, but security wouldn't let them into the arena because they didn't know who they were.

Regarding the news on the 10 to 15 bikini models WWE told John Laurinaitis to sign (well, actually Vince McMahon was the one who issued the directive), in addition to the requirement of being between the ages of 18 and 28, and being "Super hot", they also must have a great attitude and a "big personality." The reason for all these future hirings could be due to some sort of TV project that is being kept under wraps, but that notion appears to be far fetched. More than likely, they just want some more hot women hanging around. The hopeful plan is to spread them over all three WWE brands.

I'm not 100% certain of the legitimacy of the page, but the writings on the page seem to indicate that myspace.com/joyjoygiovanni (http://www.myspace.com/joyjoygiovanni) is indeed the real MySpace page of former WWE Diva Joy Giovanni. Back in October, Giovanni did a blog where she claimed that she was in talks with WWE about a possible return. Giovanni said, "I'm just having phone conversations about a possible return to the WWE with VP of talent relations John Laurinaitis and his partner Mike Bucci." She also urged fans to send e-mails to WWE.com, telling them to say that they want Joy back in WWE. Anyways, Giovanni followed that up with a blog she posted yesterday. She says that she hasn't been offered a contract, but she has been invited to go to Ohio Valley Wrestling early next year. Here is her latest blog:

Current mood: anxious

Hello Everyone!

I'm so sorry to have kept you guys waiting but wait no more now you guys might not be too thrilled but else the suspense won't kill you anymore. Oh, before I go on Happy Late Thanksgiving! Sorry, I have been really busy and only have time to check in and out basically adding request and that's it. Now, It's been really hectic around here lately you guys, I'll be moving around alot next month of course for the Hoildays! My favorite time of year and I'm so glad I have Myspace to keep in contact with all you beautiful people! You guys really are kick ass and beautiful, I see your pics, you guys rock! But, since the hoilday season is rapidly approaching I won't be blogging much or answering messages as much, sorry guys! Maybe I'll have them done by phone or something? I don't know yet. Now, to the news! I won't kill you guys anymore.. I contacted the WWE earlier this week and the conversation was good. I chatted with the talent manager for about 10 minutes and we got alot done. Here's the news, While I don't know if I'll recieve a contract or not, guess what?! I have been invited to go down to OVW next year!!! I was so excited. Now, don't get too excited nothing's final but if all goes well I say I should be in the WWE by next fall! Wouldn't that kick ass? I'm still excited as hell, but I have calmed down a bit now. Now, I don't know when exactly all those details haven't been discussed but I know I am going to be flown to the WWE headquarters sometime next year before I go visit OVW. I don't know if I'll be permenately staying down in OVW for training as of yet, I'm basically visiting for a couple of days I believe don't quote me as of yet on that could be shorter, could be longer..who knows as of right now. I just want to thank you guys so much for all that you've done because without you I wouldn't even be having conversations with the WWE about a possible return if it weren't for you guys, Man I love you all! Thanks to you, I'm going to OVW BABY! That sounds awesome doesn't it? Now, if you guys want you can please continue e-mailing the WWE telling them to give me a contract dammit! Tell them I want in! I am FOREAL! I am going to dedicate myself to this 100%! Again, thanks for all your lovely messages, photo comments, and comments on the page I read each and everyone of the things by I can't get back to everyone, there's so damn many. Oh, yeah before I forget I seen SS and it was awesome, I loved the show. I don't even have a favorite match or anything, everything was entertaining from stop to finish and I loved it. Well, there's another WWE Diva gone, Lita! What a amazing woman and extremely talented wrestler. She'll be miss. Guys, thanks so much again sorry about this short blog after waiting for atleast what? 3 weeks? I promise I'll write soon, before the week is over sometime late this weekend to respond to everyone's questions, also if you have a question post it on this blog and I'll sure as hell answer anything, nothing's off limits! Until then, You guys rock and I love you all!

Source: Wrestling Observer Newsletter