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Dangerous Incorporated
12-02-2006, 11:17 PM
WWE star 'Mr. Kennedy,' 'SmackDown!' show come to Florence

Hailing from Green Bay, Wis., and weighing in at 242 lbs., Mr. Kennedy ... Kennedy!

Rising World Wrestling Entertainment superstar Mr. Kennedy (real name: Ken Anderson) has made a name for himself within the sports entertainment industry with the help of his unorthodox ring entrance. The cocky competitor commanded attention in the ring by telling the announcer he didn’t introduce him with enough respect. With the announcer silenced, a special microphone descends from the arena rafters and Anderson introduces himself, making the announcement his signature by saying his last stage surname twice.

The popular gimmick’s roots began when Anderson announced basketball games in high school. He would say his name twice as a way to set him apart from anyone else.

While coming up through WWE’s farm league, Ohio Valley Wrestling, Anderson decided to announce himself, and it was a big hit with the wrestlers backstage. WWE owner Vince McMahon liked the gimmick but didn’t want the audience to think Anderson had a connection to legendary wrestlers Arn and Ole Anderson. WWE writer Paul Heyman suggested Anderson ask McMahon if he could use McMahon’s middle name, Kennedy, as his new stage name.

“Heyman said, ‘If he lets you use his middle name, you’ll know that he loves you,’” Anderson said. “I’m not so sure about that. So far, so good. But that could change from hour to hour.”

As a child, Anderson was a fan of former WWE superstar Junkyard Dog. He quit watching wrestling for several years but got back into it in 1997 and became a big fan of “Stone Cold” Steve Austin.

“I started thinking that I could do it because I thought I could do better than some of the guys I was watching,” Anderson said. “I was always interested in bodybuilding, sports and acting. And wrestling kind of combines all of that.”

Anderson spent seven years learning the business before McMahon signed him to a developmental deal. Now, he’s feuding with WWE legend The Undertaker (real name: Mark Callaway), one of the biggest, most recognizable competitors in the sports entertainment history.

“It’s amazing,” Anderson said. “Differences aside, he is the top guy in the business right now. And I don’t know if anyone will ever get to his level again. I can just tell how much it’s improved my game working with Undertaker.

“Another guy I really like working with is Matt Hardy. We just have this chemistry when we get in the ring together. We have a lot of the same interests, same moral beliefs, things like that. And we just know what the other person is going to do in the ring before they do it.”

Also scheduled to appear at Saturday’s “SmackDown!” taping will be Undertaker, Kane, WWE heavyweight champion Dave Batista, Lashley, Hardy, Chavo Guerrero, Finlay, King Booker and WWE diva Ashley.

Source: South Carolina Now