View Full Version : WWE Smackdown House Show Results (Madrid, Spain) - 6 Dec

Dangerous Incorporated
12-07-2006, 04:40 AM
http://img134.imageshack.us/img134/569/thnewsmackdownuo9.gif (http://imageshack.us)
WWE Smackdown House Show Results (Madrid, Spain) - 6 Dec

I'm Alex González, and tonight I've been at the WWE SmackDown! House Show at the Palacio de Deportes in Madrid, Spain, I've just checked you website and didn't find any reports, so maybe you can use this info.

The show opened with Tony Chimmel welcoming us to the event, and Theodore Long cutting a promo about the title matches that we're going to see. The biggest surprise was the annoucement of a triple threat match for the WHC between Batista, Finlay and former ECW champion The Big Show; however the reaction from the public wasn't very big because here in Spain we don't get the ECW, and Big Show is not very well know by the general public.

The first match was Vito defeating Tatanka, with Vito reciving huge pops, and Tatanka being booed out of the building.

Next, and for the Cruiserweight title, Gregory Helms defeated Flash Funk. Mixed chants, and part of the audience teasing Helms with chants of Hurricane. Flash Funk also did the famous Hurricane heroic stance.

Tag Team titles on the line, Kendrick & London over Regal & Taylor, with London & Kendrick working great to (successfully) get the crowd behind them.

Diva's match, Jillian Hall defeats Layla with Funaki as special referee. The crowd didn't stop yelling a single moment during this match.

Kane wins over MVP & Kennedy in a Handicap Match. Kennedy drove the audience nuts talking in spanish, and cutting a promo against soccer, the national sport of Spain. Big pops for Kane's power moves, and continous chants of "Undertaker, Undertaker!"

A brief intermission followed that match.

Chris Benoit successfully defended his US Title against Chavo Guerrero. The crowd was completly against Chavo, with a lot of insulting chants in spanish, and Chavo looking mad at the audience. Also a lot of "Vicky Gorda" (Vicky is fat) chants. Also a few woooo's whenever Benoit performed a chop.

Jimmy Wang Yang defeated Sylvan. Sylvan cut a promo, and tried to sing Canada's National Anthem, but was completly baffled with "España" (Spain) and "gabacho" chants (spanish slur against french people), and finger-whistling (finger-whistling is the most common form of booing in Spain). Afte the match Sylvan attacked Jimmy, but the Boogeyman entered the ring, knocked Sylvan down and spitted worms on him.

Triple Threat Match for the WHC, Batista vs Finlay vs The Big Show. Finlay received a huge pop, but Batista received a tremendous pop, with the audience going crazy with his spectacular entrance. Big Show and Finlay were treated almost like faces. The crowd was completly over Batista when he pinned the Big Show after a tremendous spinebuster.

After the match Batista stayed in the ring for the fans, and received maybe the biggest pop of the night when he picked Spain's flag and went around the corners of the ring with it. Previously he received the biggest booing of the night when he picked Chile's flag, but he put it down as soon as the booing started.

Source: Gerweck