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Dangerous Incorporated
12-07-2006, 09:52 PM
Hogan On Montreal Screwjob, Bischoff, 10 Best Stories Of Year

Former WCW Vice President Eric Bischoff has two book signings today in the New York City/New Jersey area. At 1 PM, he'll be signing at Borders Books next to Madison Square Garden and at 7 PM he'll be at Bookends in Ridgewood, NJ.

Hulk Hogan was interviewed on a local radio station here in Sydney last Thursday, mainly about Hogan Knows Best but a couple of questions were wrestling related. The most interesting thing out of the interview was how wrong Hogan was about the Montreal Screwjob and how he talked about wanting 'creative control' (his words) over Brooke's career. The interview can be podcast from the following address: http://podcasts.triplem.com.au/audio/20061130_pm_best_hogan.mp3.

WWE.com has an article (http://www.wwe.com/inside/news/top10) stating that starting December 23, WWE.com is going to countdown the Top 10 Stories of the Year. This is how they describe it... "Starting December 23, WWE.com begins counting down its Top 10 Stories of 2006, each day revealing a different story that would main-event any Internet list. Expect us to break down the angles that shook World Wrestling Entertainment to its foundation, the reunions and departures that generated Internet interest around the world, and the underdogs who delivered big-time throughout the past 365 days."

Source: PWInsider