View Full Version : UPW looking for individuals interested in purchasing opportunities with WWE

Dangerous Incorporated
12-08-2006, 03:58 AM
UPW looking for individuals interested in purchasing opportunities with WWE

We're looking for stand out individuals --GUYS & GIRLS -- who may be interested in pursuing
opportunities with WWE.

• Exceptional physique & look
• Great attitude
• BIG personality
• Physically fit / high-level athletic ability
• Love to travel

Our Company, UPW, (www.upw.com and www.valorfighting.com ) is one of three worldwide that
officially scouts and develops talent for WWE. Over the years, we've signed 30 guys and girls to WWE
(including current WWE Superstars John Cena, Chris Masters, Sylvester Terkay, Victoria and The Miz,
and former Superstars such as Nathan Jones, Jon Heidenreich and Luther Reigns).

We are doing video auditions this Wednesday, December 13, in San Clemente, CA.
Please get back to us at info@upw.com ASAP, if you're interested in attending. At that time,
we'll give you directions and a specific appointment time.
You'll need to dress business casual and be prepared to go on camera. Our Director will work with
you to bring out the outgoing side of your personality. We will also need you to bring a couple of
good still photos of yourself, preferably 8x10s, with at least one good body shot.

If you know of anyone else you think would be an excellent candidate for this, please have them
send pictures and contact info as well.

Source: Gerweck