View Full Version : RAW Results - 13th Mar 2006

03-14-2006, 10:01 AM
RAW Results - 13th Mar 2006
Location: Beaumont, Texas

Quick Results

- Trish Stratus def. Victoria to retain the Womens title
- Edge def. Goldust
- Handicap Cage Match: The Spirit Squad def. Shawn Michaels
- Intercontinental Title: Shelton Benjamin def. Rob Van Dam to retain
- Cena, Kane and Big Show def. Triple H, Carlito and Masters by DQ


WWE RAW Opener:
RAW opened up with a recap from last weeks show, looking at the drugging of Shawn Michaels, and then Shane and Vince McMahon having their way with the Heartbreak Kid. The fireworks then went off in the arena as Joey Styles, Jerry Lawler and the Coach welcomed us to the show! Tonight, Shelton Benjamin defends the Intercontinental Title against Rob Van Dam, and we are less than three weeks away from WrestleMania, and the Coach will oversee the contract signing for the WWE Title Match with John Cena and Triple H.

In the arena:
The music of Mr. McMahon hit in the arena as he and Shane made their way to the ring with some security, and a guy in a white coat who looks to be a doctor. There is some type of curtain in the ring as Vince got on the mic. Vince said last week, his son Shane beat the holy hell out of Shawn Michaels. Not only did he beat the holy hell out of him, he beat Shawn Michaels up and covered him for the one, two, three, and then insisted that he did the same, which is exactly what happened. McMahon said he can understand Shawn Michaels being upset since he lost to both McMahon’s in the same night, but there is no excuse whatsoever for Michaels’ activities after that match was over. He said after the match, Michaels became disorientated and couldn’t even stand up, leading himself to conclude that Shawn Michaels is on drugs. McMahon said tonight, Shawn Michaels is being forced to submit to a public urination test. Shane said he has to commend him on the decision, because he’s concerned. He needs to know if this guy is clean if he’s stepping in the ring with him next Saturday night. McMahon said Michaels has besmirched the reputation of WWE and every one in it, and demands he come down to the ring right now! The music of Shawn Michaels then hit as he made his way down to the ring and security got in between him and the McMahon’s. McMahon said we’re about to proceed with these tests as the fans chanted “HBK, HBK!” McMahon said Michaels won’t be here for much longer and if he flunks this test, what sort of explanation could he have for his actions from last week.

Shane said Shawn Michaels is a liar, a hypocrite and he’s no more than a disgusting junkie. McMahon said if Shawn’s a junkie, these tests will prove it, and it’s his duty to inform him that he will be suspended indefinitely without pay, and he will forfeit his match with Shane McMahon at Saturday Night’s Main Event and forfeit his match with Vince at WrestleMania. We are then introduced to Dr. Feldman and McMahon asks him to administer the test and asks to inspect the cup. Shane said you can’t trust a junkie, and someone needs to supervise this. McMahon told the doctor that he will observe the collection. Michaels and the doctor go into the pissing booth and McMahon said the following PSA is brought to you by Vince McMahon. If you’re a user, you’re a loser, don’t wind up like Shawn Michaels, don’t do drugs. Michaels and the doctor come out of the booth and the cup is full. Feldman sticks something in there to test it and McMahon asks Shawn what he’d say to a set of circumstances like this. Would he like to apologize to his family? Shane said there is a classic saying, “Just Say No”. Michaels said the McMahon’s must be enjoying this. Michaels said to Shane that there is another classic saying, “It’s better to be pissed off than pissed on!” Michaels knocked the cup of piss all over the McMahon’s and then made his way up the aisle! Michaels laughed and the McMahon’s are covered in HBK’s piss!

The McMahon’s are shown in the back getting cleaned off and Vince said he’s putting Michaels in a match with the Spirit Squad in a Texas Tornado Match, and he’s going to put him in a cage!

Women’s Championship Match
Victoria vs. Trish Stratus (c)
Referee: Chad Patton

The music of Trish Stratus hit in the arena as she made her way to the ring as the Women’s Champion, and she’ll be defending the title here tonight. Trish and Torrie Wilson will take on Candice and Victoria at Saturday Night’s Main Event. Speaking of Victoria, she made her way to the ring with Candice as the challenger here tonight.

The start:
Trish nailed some forearms and then a Thesz press followed by some right hands. Victoria tripped Trish into the ropes and then covered for two. Victoria hit some stiff knees to the head and then hit the Spiders Web for a two count. Victoria slammed Trish to the mat by her hair and covered for another two.

Mid-match notes:
Victoria pulled Trish onto her back by the hair and then did so again but Trish flipped over and nailed a kick to the face. Victoria came back and sent Trish to the outside, and then Victoria threw her back in for two. Victoria went for the Spider’s Web again but Trish reversed into a tilt a whirl headscissors. Both ladies then charged at each other looking for a clothesline and both crashed to the mat. Trish nailed right hands but then ate an elbow in the corner. Trish went for the Startusphere but Victoria blocked, and then Trish hit the whirlybird headscissors.

The Finish:
Trish followed up with a spinebuster for two and then went for Stratusfaction. Candice got on the apron and distracted the referee. Victoria went for the Widow’s Peak but the referee was still distracted and Torrie hit the ring and hit the Nose Job on Victoria, and then Trish followed up with the Chick Kick for the win!

Winner and still Women’s Champion: Trish Stratus

The Aftermath:
Victoria tried to speak on the mic after the match, but it wouldn’t work and we go to commercial.

During the break:
Victoria screams at Torrie and says she is going to make her pay big time!

In the arena:
Cowboy Troy made his way to the ring and he’s the co host of Nashville Star on the USA Network. Troy joins the commentary team.

Rated O For Overrated:
We are taken to a movie trailer type thing which is obviously Edge’s doing, with quotes from newspapers and such. “If you only laugh at one WrestleMania moment this year, make sure it’s Mick Foley’s.”

Goldust vs. Edge
Referee: Mickey Henson

The music of Edge hit in the arena as he made his way to the ring with Lita for one on one action with Goldust.

The start:
Edge and Goldust locked up and Edge backed him to the corner and gave him some right hands. Goldust came back with right hands of his own and then hit the butt bump. Edge came back with a kick to the head and then hammered away with right hands. Edge whipped Goldust hard to the corner and then Goldust fought back with shots to the gut.

The Finish:
Goldust hit a powerslam and then some right hands and the drop uppercut. Goldust hit an atomic drop and then a clothesline followed by some mounted punches in the corner. Goldust went to set up for Shattered Dreams and Lita got on the apron. Goldust went over to her and it distracted him long enough for Edge to hit the Spear for the win.

Winner: Edge

The Aftermath:
Edge got on the mic and said Cowboy Troy wants to steal his thunder. Edge said this is his show, and he will be the star of WrestleMania. We then go to another trailer, looking at Edge’s accomplishments at the big event. Witness the final destruction of Mick Foley at WrestleMania 22. Back to live as Edge said that Mick Foley is just going to add to his WrestleMania legacy, and if he thinks otherwise, he can tell him on Saturday Night’s Main Event. Edge said the Cutting Edge is returning, and Mick Foley will be the guest, and it will be Rated H for Hardcore!

Maria is shown working out backstage and Trish comes in and asks if she’s seen Torrie. Maria told Trish to try the locker room. Trish goes in there and Torrie is laid out and screams for Maria to get some help. A Playboy magazine was left on top the fallen Torrie.

Hall Of Fame:
Joining Bret Hart, Eddie Guerrero, Gene Okerlund and Sensational Sherri will be none other than Verne Gagne and he will be inducted by his son Greg! We also found out that Sherri will be inducted by Ted DiBiase!

In the arena:
The music of the Coach hit in the arena as he got up from the booth to get ready for the contract signing between Triple H and WWE Champion John Cena.

Back on RAW:
Coach is in the ring and it’s decked out with carpet and a table, and he says it’s time for the contract to be signed between two men who have never faced each other for the WWE Championship. It’s time to play the Game as Triple H made his way down to the ring, followed by WWE Champion John Cena. Triple H is sitting at the table with his feet up and then Cena took his seat. Coach said both lawyers have looked at the contract and everything is in order. Coach handed Triple H the contract and a pen, and then Triple H got on the mic and said he just wanted to let Cena know that he was impressed last week when John Cena picked up the 500lb Big Show and give him the FU. It blew his mind. He said that would kill a normal man, but not John Cena. Triple H said the fact is, as strong as he is, it’s going to make a damn bit of difference. It won’t help him one bit at WrestleMania. Triple H said all this is just a formality. The fans chanted for Cena as Triple H said it’s a foregone conclusion. At WrestleMania, the WWE Championship comes home. Triple H signed the contract and then pushed it over for Cena. Cena quickly signed it and it’s official.

Triple H said just like that, it was over. This is the point where at the signings when he’s sure the name is on the line and there is no backing out of it, that’s when he flips this table over, pulls a sledgehammer out and bashes his brains in. He said he’s the kind of guy who takes any advantage he can get, but he isn’t going to do that. He doesn’t need to do that with Cena, he’s already at a big enough disadvantage. Cena laughed and then said he was fired out coming out here but Triple H cracks him up. Cena said if Triple H flipped the table over and tried to bash his brains in, he’d take that hammer and shove it straight up his ass! Triple H stood up and took off her jacket and then the Big Show made his way to the ring with Kane, and they look pissed! Triple H flipped the table and grabbed the sledgehammer as Kane and Show made their way down. Chris Masters and Carlito jumped Kane and Big Show as they entered the ring and they brawled in the aisle and tons of security tried to break it up. Vince McMahon came on the Tron and said if the six of them want to fight so bad, then tonight it will be John Cena, Kane and the Big Show against Carlito, Chris Masters and Triple H! Cena and Triple H are still staring each other down as we go to commercial.

Texas Tornado Handicap Match
Steel Cage Match
Shawn Michaels vs. The Spirit Squad
Referee: Jack Doan

The steel cage is lowering as the music of Shawn Michaels hit in the arena, and he’s facing the odds tonight as he takes on four members of the Spirit Squad. The only way to win is by pinfall, submission or escaping the cage.

The start:
The Spirit Squad tossed one member up there and Michaels met Mikey with right hands. The rest of them climbed in and Michaels fought them off with right hands. The Sprit Squad then grabbed Michaels and hammered away at him and then tossed him high in the air and slammed him down to the canvas. They then tossed him back first into the steel cage and then worked him over in the corner.

Mid-match notes:
Someone in the crowd tossed their drink at Mitch on the outside as the Squad continued their assault on Michaels. Michaels fought back after one of them missed a splash in the corner. Michaels hit the flying forearm and then Kenny went up top for the leg drop but Michaels moved out of the way and nipped up. Michaels hit atomic drops and right hands and then a DDT on one of the guys. Michaels slammed another one and then went up top and came off with the flying elbow. Michaels started to tune up the band and tossed one guy into the cage, and then another.

The Finish:
Michaels asked for the door to be opened and Mitch tried to slam it in his face but Michaels blocked it and sent it back in Mitch’s face. Michaels then levelled another one of them with the chin music but then Shane McMahon hit the ring and slammed the door into the face of Michaels and dragged one of the Spirit Squad on top and the referee counted the pin.

Winners: The Spirit Squad

The Aftermath:
Shane sent Michaels hard into the steel cage and Michaels is busted open. Michaels was tossed into the cage again and then the cage started to rise. They dragged Shawn to the corner and the Squad held him in place and wedged a trash can in front of his face and then Shane McMahon went corner to corner with a dropkick right in the face of Shawn Michaels! McMahon got in the Michaels face and said he will pay Saturday.

Todd Grisham is backstage with Trish Stratus, and he asks for an update on Torrie. Trish said Torrie has suffered a concussion and won’t be able to compete on Saturday night. Mickie James comes in and said she can’t believe what happened to Torrie. Mickie said she cares about Trish and she can’t sit here and watch her wrestle a handicap match and asks to be Trish’s partner. Mickie said after they win the match, they can go their separate ways. Trish shakes Mickie’s hand and Mickie seems pleased about that.

Returning This Saturday:
A music video for Stone Cold Steve Austin played and he will be making his WWE return this Saturday at Saturday Night’s Main Event in a beer drinking contest with JBL.

Vince and Shane are backstage and Vince is pleased that Shawn’s blood is all over Shane. Vince said he’s brining back a certified member of the Kiss My Ass Club to call Saturday Night’s Main Event, and it’s Jim Ross! Shane puts on a cowboy hat and mocks JR, and he said he’ll leave JR a bloody mess if he doesn’t call this match right.

Rob Van Dam is shown making his way towards the arena, and he’ll be challenging for the Intercontinental Title, and that’s next!

In the arena:
The music of Ric Flair hit in the arena as he made his way to the ring and he’ll be joining the commentary team for this next match.

Intercontinental Championship Match
Rob Van Dam vs. Shelton Benjamin (c)
Referee: Mickey Hensen

The music of Shelton Benjamin hit in the arena as he made his way to the ring as the Intercontinental Champion, and momma is nowhere in sight. Shelton got on the mic and said his mother couldn’t be here tonight because she has to undergo heart surgery, and he holds Flair personally responsible, and if anything happens to her, he is going to pay. Shelton says from the bottom of his heart, he loves his mother, and he’s going to beat the hell out of… Rob Van Dam then made his way to the ring, and these two men will be competing in the Money in the Bank Ladder Match at WrestleMania 22.

The start:
The two locked up and Shelton backed RVD to the corner and broke clean. They locked up again and Shelton nailed a snapmare and then slapped RVD around. Another lock up, and RVD backed Shelton to the corner and broke clean but then Shelton went for a cheap shot. Shelton nailed a kick to the gut and then hammered away on Van Dam.

Mid-match notes:
Shelton nailed a slam and then went to toss RVD to the corner but he blocked and nailed a kick. RVD then scored with a standing dropkick sending Benjamin outside. RVD sent Benjamin back into the ring but Benjamin met him with a boot. Shelton perched RVD on the top rope but RVD fought him off but then Shelton leaped up there and nailed a nice throw from the top as we go to commercial.

Back on RAW and Shelton is in control with an arm bar on RVD. During the break, Shelton threw RVD shoulder first into the ring post. Back to live and RVD is fighting out with a top wrist lock but Shelton pulled him back down. Shelton nailed some right hands and then locked in another arm bar on Van Dam. Shelton fought out and went for a spin kick but Shelton ducked and kicked RVD in the gut. RVD started his comeback with a clothesline and then side kick. RVD sent Shelton to the corner and hit a running heel kick and then followed up with Rolling Thunder into a splash for two.

The Finish:
RVD hit the monkey flip out of the corner but Shelton landed on his feet and then RVD hit the step over windmill kick. RVD went up top and hit a side kick to knock Shelton off the apron and then followed up with a pescado over the top onto Benjamin. Shelton grabbed his belt and then Flair got up and grabbed the belt from Shelton and then RVD went to nail Benjamin, but Benjamin moved and RVD nailed Flair. Benjamin then rolled RVD up and used the ropes to get the win!

Winner and still Intercontinental Champion: Shelton Benjamin

The Aftermath:
RVD and Flair got in each other’s face as Shelton Benjamin made his way up the aisle.

Saturday Night’s Main Event:
They ran down the card for Saturday Night’s Main Event which will take place this Saturday night on NBC, and Jim Ross will be making his return to call the action.

- Streetfight: Shane McMahon vs. Shawn Michaels
- The Cutting Edge with Mick Foley
- The Boogeyman vs. Booker T with Sharmell
- Beer Drinking Contest: Stone Cold Steve Austin vs. JBL
- Candice Michelle and Victoria vs. Mickie James and Trish Stratus
- Kurt Angle, Randy Orton and Rey Mysterio vs. Triple H and John Cena

Six Man Tag Team Match
Kane, The Big Show and John Cena vs. Chris Masters, Carlito and Triple H
Referee: Chad Patton

The music of Carlito hit in the arena as he made his way to the ring and he’ll be teaming with Chris Masters, and the two of them will take on the Big Show and Kane for the World Tag Team Titles at WrestleMania, and they will be teaming with the challenger to the WWE Championship, Triple H. The Big Show and Kane then made their way to the ring as the World Tag Team Champions, and they will be teaming with WWE Champion John Cena.

The start:
Show tossed Carlito to the corner and nailed him with a huge chop, and then silenced the crowd and nailed another one. Show followed up with a head butt and then scored with another chop before tagging in Kane. Kane nailed an uppercut and then a big boot. Kane sent Carlito to the corner and hit a clothesline, and then followed up with a side slam. Masters came in and was met with an uppercut and then Carlito raked the eyes and tagged in Triple H, but Kane tagged in Cena.

Mid-match notes:
Triple H and Cena stared each other down and then the Triple H backed off and tagged in Carlito. Cena took Carlito down with a shoulder block and then a huge back drop! Masters came in and was met with a belly to belly suplex and then Cena stared at Triple H some more. Masters took Cena down from behind and stomped away on him and then Carlito nailed him with a suplex. Masters tagged in and hammered away on Cena and took him down with a delayed vertical.

Masters hit an elbow to the back and then tagged in Carlito. Carlito stomped away at Cena and then hammered away with right hands and covered for two. Carlito hit a flapjack and covered for another two. Carlito missed a splash in the corner and Show tagged in. Show hit a clothesline and then a side kick to Masters. Triple H came in and nailed a right hand but then Show nailed him with a headbutt.

The Finish:
Show hit a powerslam on Carlito for two when Masters broke the fall and then Kane came from the top with a clothesline on Masters, and then sent him to the outside. Show press slammed Triple H and then they went for a chokeslam but Masters and Carlito hit the ring with chair shots to the Tag Champs. Kane and Show stalked Masters and Carlito up the aisle.

Winners by disqualification: John Cena, Kane and The Big Show

Cena is up in the ring and Triple H realises that they are the only two left. Cena called Triple H into the ring and he got up onto the apron and then Randy Orton came from behind Cena and nailed him with an RKO! Triple H got in the ring to chase off Orton and Orton made his way through the crowd. Triple H looked down at Cena and smiled as the show went off the air!

Report: powerwrstling.com

03-14-2006, 10:39 AM
YES!!! JR is returning.