View Full Version : What You Didn't See On RAW Last Night

03-14-2006, 02:16 PM
Credit: PWInsider.com

Before RAW: Lillian sings the National Anthem. Jerry "The King" Lawler and Joey Styles are both introduced and then start talking as Coach makes his way to ringside. Joey tells King it's good to see him and King says they should give Coach a sitting ovation. King says Coach is a legend in his own mind and the two wave when they realize that the Unlimited camera is on them. Joey asks why they would film them when Lillian is behind them. As Coach reaches the table the crowd starts to rise because the sign guy who always wears a red ballcap is at ringside and is holding a sign above Coach's seat that says "The Jerk Sits Here." Coach gives him a look and sits down.

During Break: Shane is on the outside of the ring and looks at his urine covered clothes. Vince grabs a mic and sounds disgusted as he says that it smells so bad. He says it smells almost as bad as Beaumont itself. He grabs his jacket and says that this town smells like the people burn their dirty underwear. He storms out of the ring and does a speed strut up the ramp, passing Shane.

During Break: Victoria's mic is now working and she screams Torrie's name. She says, "I swear to God I'm going to make you pay ... make you pay big time." She leaves up the ramp and Candace comforts her. Goldust's introduction begins and he makes his way to the ring with little crowd reaction.

During Break: The ring crew begins rolling out the red carpet to cover the ring apron for the contract signing. Some members start putting something underneath the ring which looks like another carpet. The other members of the crew bring out the table and office chairs and start to lift them over the ropes and into the ring.

During Break: Coach, already in the ring, takes over Todd's sign watching duties. The signs tonight included: a Wrestlemania 22 logo in marker, Triple H for La. Governor, HBK be my Boy Toy, That's cool, and a sign by the sign guy which had Triple H's head on a Queen's body with the words "Queen of Queens." Coach made sure to throw in a little insult with each new sign and told the sign guy that he didn't know how he kept getting in, but was going to get caught sooner or later.

During Break: Triple H and John Cena stare each other down as Hunter holds the sledgehammer and Cena holds the WWE Title Belt ready to attack. They circle for a moment and Triple H smiles and leaves the ring. Cena holds the title up and puts his hand up in the "You can't see me" position as the screen goes black.

During Break: Shawn Michaels lies in a bloody heap in the corner. The refs roll him out of the ring as the crowd chants 'HBK!' The crowd cheers loudly as the refs manage to get him on his feet and start him up the ramp. The HBK chants continue and the cheers grow louder still as Shawn looks out at the crowd and raises his hand up.

During Break: SmackDown! Magazine presents the SmackDown! Rebound: Mark Henry splashed the Undertaker two weeks ago and teamed with Randy Orton last week against Rey Mysterio and Kurt Angle. At the end of the match, Henry splashed the ref and then splashed Angle onto a table after an RKO by Orton. The Undertaker came on the PA to announce the match that no one wanted: himself vs. Henry at Wrestlemania in a casket match. We might as well call it 14-0 right now.

During Break: RVD gets a two count with a rollup and then gets slammed into the turnbuckle post by Benjamin. Benjamin hits a blow to the back of the head and then sends Van Dam back into the post. He gets a two count and applies an armlock. The crowd rallies behind RVD, who gets himself up and hits blows to Shelton's face until getting caught with a stiff kick to the side of the face. Benjamin reapplies the armbar in the center of the ring and RVD struggles as we go back live.

During Break: Maria's music hits and she makes her way out for the Kiss Cam. All the couples kissed, including the last couple of two large guys due to one of them forcing himself on his friend, much to the crowd's delight.

During Break: Triple H poses on the turnbuckle as his music plays. Women in the crowd are shown yelling in approval. The three men pace in the ring and Carlito gets a mic. He tells the people that they are very lucky since they get to see Chris Masters and "your favorite," Carlito, team up with the 10-time champ, the Cerebral Assassin, and the Game, Triple H. He says after they win this little tag team extravaganza, he and Masters are heading to Wrestlemania 22 to beat Kane and the Big Show. Carlito gets cut off by Big Show and Kane's combined music. The two men enter the ring and the heels duck out to ringside.