View Full Version : RVD: WWE or TNA

03-14-2006, 04:09 PM
Where do people think RVD would be better of, in the bright lights of WWE or the more wrestling orientated world of TNA and ROH?

03-15-2006, 05:10 AM
For RVD's sake i'm saying the WWE. Even if he were to go to TNA he would probably be buried in the Heavyweight Division or only used once then dropped down the ladder. I think he's better off in the WWE because he is quite mainstream. Unlike Cage and Rhino, RVD is actually a main event wrestler who can and has main evented in the WWE. I think this years going to be RVD's year. Hope so anyway.

03-15-2006, 12:13 PM
I hope so too, but I just cant see wwe using him properly. Rhino should have been a main eventer but was wasted, christian had the talent and was over with 'his peeps', and countless other talents have been waated, Raven, Taz, Sean O'haire, the list goes on. Hopefully vince wont drop the ball on RVD

the madscotsman
03-15-2006, 12:51 PM
^^ Vince droped the ball on RVD a long time ago. but it's not all his fault rvd has been notorious for being inconsistent so if he gets his finger out of his arse and puts on regular good matches then the wwe will have no choice but to use him. If you remember back to the alliance angle. then you'll remember him being in the main event. that was because his matches were thatgood that the wwf had no choice but to use him. but he let himself down when people complained of him being to stiff. maybe they couldn't handle his style but and that wasn't his fault. but putting in inconsistent performances was his fault and he was put back down to the mid card. oh adn we can't forget the HHH factor. If RVD has the rights to his name then I would give itthree months then look for a move to TNA if nothing works out. But I don't know if he has the rights to Rob Van Dam. I think I read that the WWE asked him if they could trademarck his name. But I don't know. although he was RVD long before he was in ECW or WCW.

03-15-2006, 01:46 PM
i believe he could be the next jeff jarret on TNA if he signed... So id like to see him join TNA.

03-15-2006, 03:48 PM
i say the way that rvd came back the the rumble was anything more excitin and impressive ive seen ina minute what needs to happen is a major push for rvd cuz 2006 belongs to him

03-15-2006, 03:59 PM
I agree rvd was in the main event but I think the reason his push was slowed was Vince doesnt like seeing people he didnt 'create' do well. I remember his matches with jeff hardy and jericho were the crowd was cheering more for rvd than jericho and hardy, and rvd was supposed to be the heel. Vince shortly after limited the things he could say, shortened his tv time for matched and generally slowed rvd's style down so we only see a rvd at 50% of his ability/potential. I ope to god RVD gets the push he deserves as there is few people as entertaining to watch as him

03-17-2006, 03:08 AM
he should stay in WWE cause TNA is like the minor leagues!

03-17-2006, 01:49 PM
OVER RATED, really. He has only impressed me, in gimmick matches. He is to sloppy with his moves, its a wonder he hasnt hurt anyone really bad yet. There is reason's to why he hasnt won the WWE Title yet. He is no where as good as people think he is. He matches are too similar, he cant use the mic. He got over in ECW, Same as Rhino, Team 3-D, Tommy Dreamer, Sabu, Tazz, so many guys got over in ECW, when you and some else kick the shit out of each other for that long and have the fan base that ECW did, it catches on, none of them where ever that good, they had what it takes to make it that sort of fed but when they came to WWE, they couldnt adjust to the style. Same as RVD. So RVD = OVER RATED, I no I'm gonna get flamed but face it, and ask yourself Why hasnt he been Champ yet? And think about it.

03-17-2006, 04:27 PM
RVD's not overrated. I agree sometimes he looks like hes gonna really hurt someone but so did goldberg, lesnar, nash, sid to name a few. Lashleys the same. Check out the RVD one of a kind DVD JayR for some matches that may change your mind, his matches against Sabu and Jerry Lynn are amazing

Dark Wolf
03-24-2006, 11:11 PM
I think he should stay in the wwe and win the money in the bank ladder match

03-25-2006, 09:10 PM
I shall say WWE is better cause the entertainment and its a extra hour longer then TNA.

03-25-2006, 09:52 PM
RVD needs to stay with WWE. This will be his year.

03-27-2006, 05:06 AM
wwe because he will get him break, his chance to go for the WHC or WWE title, but not at Mania, that's Lashley's money

03-27-2006, 06:37 AM
Tna Would Let Him Be The Rvd Of...ecw & He Would Smoke...aj, Daniels, Somoa Joe & Sabin!!!!

03-28-2006, 02:44 AM
WWE, becaus e if rvd wins the MITB matcgh at WM22, hell most likel;y git a shot and win the title

03-28-2006, 03:27 AM
It depends if they start to give him a push or some real big matches and he's able to flesh out his character and use the stuff they don't want him to use (like paul london) he should stay in WWE but if they use him as a push stepping stone then he's better off in TNA and it's not just the heavyweight division ever think X-Division