View Full Version : 8 Dec Heat Recap dedicated to Roddy Piper

Dangerous Incorporated
12-10-2006, 04:07 AM
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8 Dec Heat Recap dedicated to Roddy Piper

This edition of Heat was dedicated to "Rowdy" Roddy Piper.

The first segment

John Cena wishes the Hot Rod the best of luck in a speedy recovery.

Next, a classic Piper's Pit from 1984 showed where the Ht Rod hit Jimmy "Superfly" Snuka over the head with a coconut. Apparently, a lot of people were writing in saying the Hot Rod didn't let them do anything on the Pit. So, Piper gave Snuka the chance to do something. He gave Snuka the microphone, and put a pineapple, bananas and coconuts on the table. Snuka accused Piper of making fun of him. Seconds later, Piper began a vicious beatdown on Snuka.

After the Pit, Mickie James sent her best wishes to Piper.

A promo for Born to Controversy is played.

The second segment

Hacksaw sent Roddy all the best.

Next, a match never seen in 15 years,
Roddy Piper vs. Ric Flair

This match started with Piper in control, but the tables quickly turned. From then on, the match went back in forth with a couple of near falls from both men. After almost begin counted out, Piper gained the momentum he needed to gain control of the match once again. Piper puts Flair in a side headlock, but both men run in to the referee. A new referee comes in and Flair is almost pinned by the Hot Rod. With the new referee looking after Earl Hebner, Flair takes a chair from the crowd and hits Piper upside the head. With a near fall, Piper bounces back. He goes to take the chair from the announce table. Piper tried to use the chair on Flair, but the ref held it back. Flair catches Piper off guard and uses the ropes to steal the pinfall.

Winner: Ric Flair
After the match, Piper delivered a vicious assault on Flair with the chair.

Shelton Benjiman wishes the Rowdy one a speedy recovery and hopes he's back soon.

The third segement

Another promo for Piper's DVD, Born to Controversy

From February 8th, 1992
The Mountie vs. "Rowdy" Roddy Piper

This match started with The Mountie attacking the Hot Rod from behind. Piper came back with a vicious clothesline. The two men battled outisde. The Mountie gained control, but Piper got it back, only to recieve a vicious powerbomb from Mountie. While Piper is laid out on the mat, Jimmy Hart gives the Mountie a cup of water, which he pours on Piper. Next, Jimmy Hart gave the Mountie the shock stick. It seemed to have no affect on Roddy. Roddy began fighting back with everything he had. Piper found the stick in his hands, and the referee's back turned. Jimmy Hart gets tossed out of the ring, leaving Piper, the Mountie and a knocked out referee in the ring. Piper shocks the Mountie, gaining the pinfall and retaining the gold.

Winner: Roddy Piper.
After the match, the Hot Rod takes off his shirts to show a Shock Proof vest.

Charlie Haas tells the Hot Rod he's in his thoughts and prayers.

Final Segment

The Highlanders send all the best to Piper.

From September 11th, 2006
Roddy Piper and The Highlanders vs. the Spirit Squad.

This match stared with the Spirit Squad taking control over Robby. Kenny and Johnny took turns doing so. Robby managed to muscle his way over to his corner and tag the Hot Rod in. Roddy began to clean house. Kenny started to fight back, but was thrown over the rope onto Mikey. With Piper distracting the referee, the Highlanders doubleteamed Johnny. Piper took the pin, and the victory for his team of Scottish Pride.

Winners: "Rowdy" Roddy Piper & The Highlanders

Torrie Wilson, along with her two dogs, Chloe and Stewie, whom she calls Piper's "favorite Threessome in the WWE," sent her love and support to Piper and his family.

Ron Simmons, Piper's replacement in the Survivor Series match, closed the show letting Piper that he is saddened by the news and he wishes the Hot Rod the best of luck.

Source: Gerweck