View Full Version : *Spoilers* Full 11 Dec Raw Report

Dangerous Incorporated
12-12-2006, 04:52 AM
http://img99.imageshack.us/img99/8333/newrawlogotx0.gif (http://imageshack.us)

The 12/11 edition of RAW begins as John Cena comes out to the ring first. Armando Alejandro Estrada comes out dressed in his normal attire, carrying a box of Cuban Cigars. He claims no one wants to see them have a match. He says it should be called off and offers him a peace offering, the finest cigars in the world. Cena takes one out of the box and sniffs it before snapping it in half. He claims to have another gift. His watch. JR calls it one from the Uncle Elmer collection. Cena smashes the watch. Estrada then tries to give Cena cash. Cena takes it and starts tossing money in the crowd.

John Cena vs. Armando Alejandro Estrada

Cena manhandles Estrada and tears his shirt open. Estrada tries to hit Cena with brass knuckles, but Cena twists his hand. Cena punches and chops Estrada in the corners. He gets ten punches in the corner and then gives Estrada the FU.

Your winner, John Cena!

After the match, Cena locks in the STFU. Johnny Nitro comes out to break it up from behind with a kick to Cena's head. Nitro gets on the mic and that is exactly the kind of move he has been teaching Cena's New Year's Day opponent...Kevin Federline! Cena sells the kick as he walks to the back.

Back from the break, Grisham wants Cena's comment on what happened. Cena says no comment, but challenges Nitro to a match for tonight.

Jerry Lawler gets up from the announcer's table for his tag match.

Jerry Lawler & Carlito vs. Chris Masters & Viscera

Ross calls Masters "jacked up" as he walks to the ring. Lawler starts with Masters with a collar and elbow tie up. Masters gets pushed into the corner. They go for another but masters gets a scoop slam. Lawler dodges an elbow drip. Masters hits some forearms to the spine and tags Vis in. Lawler dodges a charge. They lock up and Vis punches Lawler. Viscera knocks him down and gets a two count with a back elbow. Lawler fights out of a headlock but Viscera gets a sitout chokeslam for two. Masters comes back in and kicks Lawler. He hits some forearms to the chest and suplexes Lawler. Masters gets an arrogant cover, but Lawler rolls him up for two. Viscera and Carlito come in. Carlito gets a springboard reverse elbow to knock Viscera down. Masters gets a dropkick, but Viscera puts Carlito down with a sidewalk slam. King punches Viscera, but gets whipped into the corner and splashed. Carlito falls out of a Masterlock attempt and kicks Masters into Viscera. Carlito rolls up Viscera as Lawler keeps Masters occupied for the win.

Your winners, Carlito & Jerry Lawler!

Earlier today, the Highlanders were playing Three Card Monte with Cryme Tyme. Of course, the Highlanders lost. Charlie Haas comes up and repeats what Shelton Benjamin's criticisms were. JTG takes his teeth jewelry out and starts speaking in a white voice. Benjamin comes up and calls them a disgrace and says he feels sorry for their money. Shelton says The World's Greatest Tag Team is back (which gets a minor pop from the crowd). Haas says Cryme Tyme will be their first victim and says Dyn-O-mite! and Fo shizzle before leaving. One of the Highlanders remarks he had no idea Charlie Haas was white.

A recap of Kenny getting beaten again is shown. Kenny comes up to Rated RKO and says he caused the team to win the match with his interference. Orton says he did nothing and they would have won anyways. Edge tells Kenny to grab some Yoo Hoo and pay attention to his match against Triple H.

The World's Greatest Tag Team (Shelton Benjamin & Charlie Haas) vs. The Highlanders

Woops...I guess Haas meant the Highlanders. Haas starts with an arm wrench on Rory. Rory gets him in the corner and tags Robbie in. Rory gives Haas a back suplex and Robbie splashes him off the top. Haas gets a belly to belly suplex after a Benjamin cheap shot. Haas punches and charges Robbie in the corner to tag Benjamin in. They clothesline Robbie down. Shelton shoves Robbie in the corner and suplexes him. Haas tags back in and they team for a scoop slam/backbreaker for two. Haas hits some rights for another two. Haas shoves Robbie into Benjamin's boot and Shelton tags back in. Robbie gets an abdominal stretch. Robbie escapes with a Side Russian Legsweep. Rory and Haas come in. Rory cleans house but Shelton knocks him down. Robbie tries to help, but Benjamin gives him a thrust kick to the face. Rory gets The World's Greatest Double Team and Haas pins him for the win.

Your winners, The World's Greatest Tag Team!

This Week in Wrestling History, Superclash III was held by the AWA on December 13. It was their only PPV. Lawler and Kerry Von Erich fought to unify the World Titles. The Texas Tornado lost when the ref stopped the match due to Von Erich's excessive bleeding despite Lawler being in the Iron Claw, about to submit. JR makes a crack about the wrestlers not being paid for the PPV when he tells Lawler that because it is on the DVD, Lawler can finally earn something from it (credit to Joe Arcurio for pointing that out on the boards).

Edge vs. Triple H

HHH punches Edge and clotheslines him down to cause Edge to bail. They brawl outside the ring and HHH throws Edge's head onto the announcer's table. HHH lays him on the apron and hits Edge in the head with an elbow. Edge pokes HHH in the eye and punches back. HHH hits the high knee and knocks Edge off the apron. Edge walks away, but HHH leaps onto him. Orton comes out and attacks. HBK also comes out and hits Orton as Triple H goes for Edge. Kenny helps beat down HBK, but Flair comes out to a big ovation and evens the odds. The faces clear the ring, but Coachman orders it to stop. Coach makes a six man tag team match...right now!

Degeneration X & Ric Flair vs. Rated RKO & Kenny

Back from the break, Kenny is getting chopped by Flair. HHH tags in and gives him a standing vertical suplex and a knee drop for two. Kenny is thrown into Michaels' boots and HBK tags in. He puts Kenny in a sleeper, but is actually choking Kenny with the headband. Kenny gets chopped down and HHH comes back in. He gives Kenny a Flair clip. Flair tags in and spits in Edge's face. He lets Edge tag in and chops him. Flair gets a back body drop and Edge begs off. Flair punches away. Orton dropkicks Flair to prevent the Figure Four. Edge tags Orton in and Flair gets his legs stomped. Orton chokes Flair on the mat and pounds Flair's head. Kenny tags back in and hits a leaping back elbow for two. Edge comes back in and crotch chops DX's corner. Edge punches Flair in the corner. Flair chops back, but Edge elbows Flair in the head and gets a two count. Edge locks in a chinlock and switches to working on the arm. Flair chops as Edge punches, and a right hand knocks Flair down. Flair blocks Edge's double axe handle attempt and HBK comes in. He gets the flying forearm and atomic drop. Kenny gets an atomic drop, too. Edge is slammed down as Michaels goes up top and connects with the elbow drop. He tunes up the band and Edge gets Sweet Chin Music. Orton hits the RKO on HBK to prevent the pin. The crowd, it should be noted, is very hot tonight. Commercial.

Orton and HBK are trading blows upon return from paying the bills. HBK gets a swinging neckbreaker as Orton goes for a back body drop. Edge tags in and goes to the top. HBK ducks the crossbody attempt and tags HHH in. Kenny comes in and gets punched in the corner. HHH clotheslines the back of Kenny's head and goes to work on Edge. Orton comes in, but gets the facebuster. Edge is tossed from the ring and Kenny gets a spinebuster. Flair tags in and goes for the figure four. Team RKO comes back in, but DX takes them from the ring. Kenny goes for his own Figure Four, but Flair puts him in a small package to win.

Your winners, Ric Flair & DX!

Post match, HBK gets double teamed by Orton and Kenny as Edge spears HHH and gets two chairs. HHH grabs his trusty sledgehammer and uses it to knock the chair out of Edge's hands and clear the ring.

In the back, Melina and Nitro are talking to KFed on the phone. They talk some trash on Cena and Nitro says on January 1st, KFed will bitchify Cena. Coach comes in to tell Hardy that he will get a one on one match with Jeff Hardy in a steel cage match at New Year's Revolution, and wants to talk some business. KFed is left on the phone asking who is there. Ron Simmons goes up to the phone and strikes up a conversation about the news of the day with Federline. OK, all he did was say DAMN!

Carlito and Torrie are in the back talking about Victoria's checklist and how crazy she is. Carlito gives her a kiss for good luck.

Victoria vs. Torrie Wilson

Victoria places the checklist and future WWE Auction item on the announcer's desk with a pen, presumably to check off Torrie after the match. Victoria knocks Torrie down after a brief lock up and stomps her. Torrie gets slingshotted into the bottom rope as Victoria asks if it hurt. Victoria slaps in a single leg crap and bites Torrie's finger. She spits out the press on nail, but Torrie rolls her up for two. Victoria recovers and finishes the match with a Widow's Peak.

Your winner, Victoria!

After the match, she checks Torrie's name off, and only Mickie James' name is left. Masters comes out to the ring and puts Torrie in the Masterlock. He bails when Carlito runs out.

Umaga vs. Jeff Hardy

JR points out that Estrada isn't around to control Umaga. Hardy charges, but is knocked down. Umaga blocks a sunset flip attempt, but misses a sitdown splash. Hardy is knocked down with an elbow again and kicked. Umaga misses a Stinger Splash and is knocked down with the Whisper in the wind. Commercial.

Back from the break, Umaga shoves off a Hardy splash attempt from the apron. Umaga pounds away on Hardy's head in the ring and applies pressure to the neck with a nerve hold. Hardy punches out and dropkicks Umaga, but gets a lariat for his troubles. The announcers say Estrada would have ended it by now. Umaga misses a Superfly Splash and Hardy hits the Swanton Bomb, but Umaga kicks out at two. The Twist of Fate is countered into a Samoan Drop. Umaga puts Hardy in the Tree of Woe and gives him a flying headbutt. The whipsplash is next, as Umaga hits it twice and the referee ends the match.

Your winner, Umaga!

Umaga hits another whipsplash after he is announced as the winner and delivers the Samoan Spike to the referee. Umaga picks Hardy up and then Spikes him right back down.

Johnny Nitro vs. John Cena

Cena wastes no time and immediately attacks Nitro. Cena slams Nitro and gives him an elbow drop. Nitro goes for a back body, but Cena kicks him and throws him in the corner and punches him. Nitro blocks a charge and bails. Cena tosses him right back in and gives him a back body drop. Nitro gets a big boot as he comes off the ropes and Cena picks him up for a Fisherman's Suplex. Melina pulls Nitro out and tries to distract Cena but it doesn't work. Nitro is tossed back in again and Cena charges him in the corner, followed by a headbutt. Cena charges Nitro with an elbow in the corner and punches him some more. Nitro takes Cena down and pins him with rope assistance, but the ref catches it. Nitro counters the FU with an eye rake and dropkicks Cena from the ring. Cena is thrown into the ring steps and then back in the ring for a two count.

Nitro punches Cena on the mat. Nitro hits the Rude Awakening for two. Cena blocks a suplex and hangs Nitro on the top rope. Nitro low bridges the top to dump a charging Cena. Nitro hits Cena's back with several forearms. Back in the ring, he stomps the back. Cena blocks a kick and they trade punches. Nitro thumbs the eye and locks in a sleeper hold. Cena slumps to the mat as Nitro locks his legs around Cena, but Cena stands up and breaks the hold by falling down. Nitro goes for another sleeper and Cena slumps down again. Cena powers out but Nitro gives him a sitout facebuster after a Melina distraction for two. Nitro goes to the top and botches a Corkscrew Moonsault for two. The announcers cover by saying it hit Cena in the knee. Cena clotheslines Nitro and gives him a shoulderblock and Blue Thunder Driver, followed by the Five Knuckle Shuffle. An FU ends the match.

Your winner, John Cena!

Next week's RAW will be three hours, featuring a 30 man battle royal, with the winner receiving a title shot that night against John Cena.

Set for New Year's Revolution:

John Cena vs. Umaga
Rated RKO vs. Degeneration X
Intercontinental Title Steel Cage Match: Johnny Nitro vs. Jeff Hardy (c)

Source: PWInsider