Dangerous Incorporated
12-13-2006, 02:26 AM

Dark Match:

*Kevin Thorne pinned Scotty 2 Hotty with his finisher.

http://img186.imageshack.us/img186/7708/thecwlogo2006cy7.png (http://imageshack.us)

*The announced main event is ECW champion Bobby Lashley vs. Paul Heyman's security in a Handicap match.

*Killer Kowalski is in the front row.

*Scheduled for later is CM Punk vs. Hardcore Holly

*Test defeated Rob Van Dam after holding onto the ropes when RVD attempted a sunset flip and sitting down. Said to be a good match.

*Matt Striker does an in-ring classroom segment where he insults Boston. Balls Mahoney comes out and nails Striker with a bunch of punches but is kicked low and left laying.

*CM Punk defeated Hardcore Holly via DQ when Holly used excessive punches in the corner. Punk came back to lock on the Anaconda Vice. The crowd was said to have died when they did the finish.

*Tommy Dreamer comes out and challenges the Great Khali. Daivari answers the challenge. Dreamer wins in 2 minutes but Khali attacks Dreamer and chokeslams him on the floor.

*ECW champion Bobby Lashley defeated Heyman's Security with the Dominator and attacked them with a nightstick after the match. Looked like they were being blown off as characters.

http://img206.imageshack.us/img206/4469/thnewsmackdownwb0.gif (http://imageshack.us)

*Smackdown opens with WWE champion John Cena coming to the ring. Finlay and King Booker confront him. Batista makes the save. Smackdown General Manager Teddy Long comes out and rules Cena will wrestle Finlay in tonight's main event.

*WWE Tag Team champions Paul London & Brian Kendrick & Jimmy Wang Yang defeated WWE Cruiserweight champion Gregory Helms & William Regal & Dave Taylor when Yang pinned Helms. Match was said to be OK.

*Matt Hardy pinned Joey Mercury with the Twist of Fate in a short match, so it looks like Mercury is on the Smackdown brand now.

Ken Kennedy and MVP argue backstage but finally agree to work together to take out Kane and the Undertaker tonight.

*A hearse is parked in the aisle leading to the ring.

*The Undertaker and Kane vs. Ken Kennedy and MVP match results in a double countout. Undertaker and MVP brawl to the back. Kennedy gets in the hearse and teases running over Kane but the lights go out. When they come back on, Undertaker is inside the car with Kennedy who runs off and Kane does the situp. Crowd was really into the entire scenario.

*Chavo Guerrero defeated Funaki. Guerrero said on the mic before the match that Chris Benoit owed Vicky Guerrero an apology. Benoit came out and watched the match. After Chavo won, Benoit attacked him and locked him in a Sharpshooter. Vicky slapped Benoit, who stares at her and leaves.

*Vito pinned Sylvan with a rollup in a match that didn't get over with the live crowd.

*The Miz comes out to eat "crazy foods" He ate what was said to be a pig's tongue and monkey brains (hey someone watched Indiana Jones and Temple of Doom over the weekend!) but balked at eating worms. He went to place the lid back on the pot of worms when Boogeyman popped out with a mouthful and Miz ran off.

*WWE champion John Cena pinned Finlay.

Dark Match:

*WWE World champion Batista pinned Finlay.

Source: PWInsider

12-13-2006, 08:05 AM
What the hell is Miz even doing in the ring, damn wwaste of time if you ask me and i will not even mention how i feel about Boogeyman. Great to see the Brothers of Detruction back to their ways, I am looking forward to that match.

Oh well, bye to heymans security lol.

12-13-2006, 07:07 PM
I guess we can count on seeing Miz vs Boogeyman at Armageddon (woo hoo not)