View Full Version : Armageddon News: Mercury Update, Dark Match Result

Dangerous Incorporated
12-18-2006, 11:48 PM
Armageddon News: Mercury Update, Dark Match Result

- Joey Mercury was interviewed by the WWE website about his injuries last night. Noting he shattered the bridge of his nose, Mercury commented, "I have four fractures on the inside of my nose; I have 5 stitches on the inside of my nose and my cheek and 15 stitches on the outside of my nose and cheek. My left eye is swollen shut and I have continual internal bleeding from my nose and my eye.” You can read the full article and see a photo of Mercury at this link. Thankfully the injuries weren't any worse.
http://img281.imageshack.us/img281/9149/joeyeh4.jpg (http://imageshack.us)

- Prior to the Armageddon PPV, Oleg Prudius defeated the seldom used Scotty Too Hotty.

Source: Gerweck

Ouch! Don't ask me why he didnt cover up his face!