View Full Version : What you didn't see on RAW last night

Dangerous Incorporated
12-19-2006, 09:52 PM
http://img153.imageshack.us/img153/8256/newrawlogoct9.gif (http://imageshack.us)
What you didn't see on RAW last night

Fred Sampson defeated Christian York in the dark match before the show started. The crowd was into Sampson in the beginning as he was announced as being from DC. They soon switched to a boring chant which is a shame because both guys were busting their butts.

After the cameras stopped rolling DX was atteneded to by Malenko, Keirn, Garea, and Rotunda. After five minutes or so they slowly made their way to the back.

Major heat for Federline, lots of middle fingers and expletives.

The Cryme Tyme segment got major heat and was not well received at all.

Source: Gerweck