View Full Version : Ecw Results - 19th Dec 2006

Dangerous Incorporated
12-20-2006, 04:46 AM
http://img80.imageshack.us/img80/2333/ecwlogo2006ni2.jpg (http://imageshack.us)

ECW opened with Joey Styles welcoming everyone to the show. There was a "Where is CW Anderson?" sign in the crowd. There's no truth to the rumor that WWE confiscated the "Where is Jazz?" sign since she hasn't appeared on TV since July and they forgot she was under contract.

ECW World champion Bobby Lashley made his way to the ring. Joey Styles plugged the Tributes to the Troops visit to Iraq, showing still photos. Lashley told the crowd that he can't believe he's ECW champion. That's two of us. He praised the fans. He then said he wanted to reflect on former champion Big Show. The crowd booed. Lashley said that he was the toughest, biggest opponent he ever faced in WWE. He said that the title is right here and if Big Show wants a shot, he can come get it. Lashley said that he's learned that since he's been champion, he has a big target on his chest. The crowd chanted for Lashley. Yeah, this is just like being in the bingo hall in '95. Lashley plugged the Internet balloting to pick his opponent next week, listing Test, Sabu, or Rob Van Dam. He was positioning fans to vote for RVD, so they can have footage of another ECW old school guy putting over a WWE guy and reminding everyone that you never should have cared about the old ECW. Lashley is trying really hard to give a good interview but isn't comfortable yet. Lashley started to plug the Tribute to the Troops show when Rene Dupree came out.

Rene Dupree? Seriously?

Dupree came out and began calling Lashley a hero like the troops, in a disdainful way. He said Lashley and the troops are both corporate puppets. Dupree said that the troops needed a tribute because they are getting their asses kicked in the Middle East. Yeah, here's the difference between the old and new brand. The old ECW was about the synergy of the fans and the company. The new one is about embarrassing the fans for watching the show. Dupree said he was going to be Lashley's challenger and the match was on.

ECW champion Bobby Lashley vs. Rene Dupree

They went back and forth. Lashley suplexed Dupree, who ended up outside the ring Dupree snapped Lashley backwards over the ropes. It wasn't pretty early. Lashley did a suplex, then speared Dupree in the corner. He picked up Dupree for the Dominator and scored the pin. Well, that was uneventful.

Your winner, Bobby Lashley.

The show feels like Raw so far, only with smaller level players.

When ECW returned, Brad Armstrong had joined them at ringside. Best part of the show so far. Armstrong called Tazz and Joey Styles legends. It's awesome to see Armstrong on TV. He's one of my favorite performers ever and really underrated.

Matt Striker was in the ring. They showed footage of the Striker-Balls Mahoney angle.

Matt Striker vs. Balls Mahoney

Balls hit the ring and attacked Striker. Balls unloaded on Striker in the corner. Armstrong and Tazz got into a discussion about hometowns. Tazz asked Armstrong why he was here and Brad said he didn't want to miss action like this. He kept asking questions about Striker, which makes me think Armstrong's going to end up with Striker. They'd mesh well as a team now that I think about it. Armstrong teased a heel turn ripping on Tazz a little. Striker worked on Balls' arm. Matt went for a clothesline but Balls caught him and caught him with a back suplex. Balls unloaded with punches. Striker tried to kick Balls low but Balls caught him and hit a sitdown powerbomb. Mahoney went to the top and missed the Jersey Jam. Striker hit a really botched Overdrive, which they called "The Golden Rule" and pinned Balls. Match wasn't pretty. Armstrong and Tazz were fun interacting with each other.

Does anyone else realize Joey Styles never ever calls wrestling moves by name anymore unless they are finishers?

Test cut a promo backstage. Test was squinting for most of it. What's up with that? Test, looking bigger than ever, said that he beat RVD numerous times and Sabu failed when he went after Test. Test said he should have his shot and there shouldn't even be a voting. Test said he would win the Triple Threat match and the fans will vote for him. Promo was fine. It's a Triple Threat match? Oy. More WWE branding for all the enjoy.

They pushed the Armageddon PPV replay. That's a good thing, since there isn't a DVD of the ECW PPV coming out in 2 weeks or anything.

We returned with a Rob Van Dam promo, who asked if the fans remembered last summer where everything was going well for him until his title was taken from him. Hey, no one told you to drive with no shirt on. Van Dam said that he hasn't gotten a fair shot at the title since and tonight the fans would see why he was the best part of ECW.

Hardcore Holly is in the ring. They showed the Extreme finish of Holly getting disqualified for punches in the corner. ECW! ECW! Holly took the mic and said that he wanted to clear up the nasty rumor that's been going around that he tapped out last week to CM Punk. Holly said that he didn't tap out and it's a false rumor. He said that he was beating Punk down and the referee needed to step in to save Punk's life. No one cares about the promo live. Holly said that if Punk thinks he can make Holly tap, Holly is calling him out. Holly said, "When you're in the ring with me, I'm a weapon and I'll always be a weapon." OK.

CM Punk came out to the ring. Lots of Punk signs in the crowd. Punk got to the ring and Holly told him that Punk only has three minutes to make Holly tap. Dave Lagana was watching the Shane Douglas-Tazz angle from 1997 in the WWE library this week in the office it seems.

CM Punk vs. Hardcore Holly: 3 Minute Tap Out Challenge

Punk went for the Anaconda Vice early. Lots of Punk chants. The fans buy him as a legitimate star. Punk got Holly back on the mat and kept going for the Vice. Holyl fought back and worked over Punk in the corner. Holly went for a suplex but Punk rolled him over and went for the top wristlock. Holly escaped after several punches to the head. He tied Punk up in the ropes and clobbered Punk's chest with one minute to go. Punk came back and tried to get the Anaconda Vice as time ran out. Really lame ending.

Holly attacked Punk and gave him the Alabama Slam, leaving Punk laying.

Did you hear that? It's Punk's momentum screeching if this keeps up..and what the hell ever happened to the Kelly Kelly storyline?

Shannon Moore was backstage telling someone on the cell phone that he would take care of a problem when he got home. He bumped into Daivari, who was offended and told Moore that he when you "mess with me, you have big problems." They showed Khali. The viewers now have big problems, too. Daivari said he would teach Moore a lesson tonight. He left, leaving Moore to watch and shake his head. We haven't seen Moore in weeks, so why are we supposed to be concerned or intrigued by this?

When I interviewed him last month, Kurt Angle said that WWE spends a week on Raw and then rushes over 24 hours for the other shows. I am certainly hearing his words echoing so far as I watch this episode.

They aired a video feature on the Tribute to the Troops video. Everyone that went on that trip has my utmost respect. Too bad the creative team couldn't let something that is really classy go without using a throwaway line to get heat on a guy that fans don't care about (and still don't care about now that he said it). I digress.

Daivari vs. Shannon Moore

Daivari called out Moore in Farsi, then left the ring. Moore was left with Great Khali. Khali picked up Moore and then tossed him into the corner. It looked bad. He picked up Moore for the double chokeslam. Tommy Dreamer attacked Daivari at ringside with a chair as Khali got the pin. Dreamer went to hit Khali with the chair but Khali punched it into his face. It looked brutal. Khali did the chokeslam onto the bottom half of the steel steps leading to the ring. Khali carried Daivari out on his shoulders as they showed replays of Dreamer getting killed. Dreamer was selling it. Tazz and Joey treated it like a major deal. The fans at ringside, heartbroken over this course of events, screamed "Umaga" and screeched in the background.

They showed a short Sabu music video. Best thing on the show.

They returned as medical attendants put Dreamer on a stretcher and took him out. Now they are stretchering the heart and soul of ECW. That's just wonderful. The fans at ringside still didn't care.

Hey, we just stretchered Dreamer out and are selling it as if he may have broken his back, so let's show that See No Evil horror movie trailer to add to the seriousness of this storyline. God bless you Kevin Dunn. Not only does WWE do a stretcher job, but they can't even get off the segment to a commercial without hawking another DVD. Since we like to claim that WWE is entertainment, query me this WWE - when was the last time ER or Grey's Anatomy or The Shield did such a thing after a big *dramatic* moment? I'll wait for your answer.

We come back with a plug of the Internet voting and video footage of Mike Knox turning on Kelly Kelly. No Dreamer update, because hey, why should you care?

Backstage, Mike Knox explained his actions. Knox said that it seems that everyone talks about this horrible thing that Knox did last week, but no one should feel bad for Kelly Kelly. He said he was the victim and the only reason anyone cared was because she ran around taking her clothes off. He said that she made him look stupid. He said that she never hid her feelings for CM Punk so two weeks ago, he stopped hiding his feelings. Knox said that what happened hurt him a lot worse than it hurt her. Promo was OK. I am still holding out hope that we'll see some of the Deep South Wrestling Knox character in ECW, as his DSW stuff was fun.

Test vs. Rob Van Dam vs. Sabu

We returned from commercial with RVD and Test battling and Sabu nowhere in sight. RVD ducked a big boot and hit a heel kick. Test kicked up. RVD went for a monkey flip out of the corner but Test was too strong. Test went for a pump handle slam, but RVD escaped. RVD went to the top but was shoved off to the guard rail. He took a nice bump. Sabu is back and bleeding from the mouth. No idea what caused that and they didn't mention it. He's working with a legitimate abdominal injury, to boot.

Sabu took over on Test but only got a two count. Sabu went to the top and Test caused him to be crotched. Both ECW originals go to the top and the WWE guy outsmarts them each? They did the triple decker tower of doom superplex spot, which at this point, comes off like a TNA knockoff. Test whipped Sabu into the corner at RVD but Van Dam sprinted over Sabu and clotheslined Test. RVD and Sabu teamed with Sabu hitting Air Sabu off RVD's back in the corner. Sabu hit the worst springboard clothesline ever. RVD nailed Rolling Thunder on Test, then clotheslined him over the top to the floor.

RVD and Sabu agreed to face off. Sabu is really off tonight because of the injuries as he just screwed up another springboard clothesline. The crowd started chanting "TNA." Seriously. If that isn't a message to Vince McMahon, I don't know what is. When you have fans rebelling against the rebirth of their once beloved alternative company, you might want to take up and notice, Vince.

Van Dam crotched Sabu on the ropes then hit a kick off the ropes. Van Dam hit the five star frog splash, but Test knocked him out of the ring and pinned Sabu. That Test, outsmarting all the ECW old school guys yet again.

Your winner, Test!

Tazz's music started and he got into the ring to announce the winner of the Internet voting. Tazz said we just witnessed these guys leaving it all in the ring, trying to influence the fan's votes. 45% of the vote went to RVD. Cue Test laying him out because RVD is dumb enough to turn his back on a heel under the new creative regime. Yep, he is. They showed several replays of the big boot. The show ended with a shaken Van Dam trying to get over the effects.

Source: PWInsider

All I can say to this show is, wow. Not pretty.