View Full Version : Jim Ross Comments On RVD's Future, TNA's Challenge, More

Dangerous Incorporated
12-21-2006, 02:38 AM
Jim Ross Comments On RVD's Future, TNA's Challenge, More

"Rob is a talented and unique performer, obviously. I know Rob has done well financially in the WWE and has earned every penny of his cash. I hope Rob has a long productive future with the WWE but in the end that will be Rob’s call."

"I haven’t changed my tune on the ”$1M Challenge”. No, I don’t think the WWE should or ever will acknowledge it. It is a “publicity stunt” designed to get folks talking and to help draw ratings and sell PPVs. Will it? You tell me."

Ross also comments on Jeff Jarrett’s departure from WWE years ago.

Source: http://www.jrsbarbq.com/blog/2006/12/20/jr%e2%80%99s-random-thoughts/#more-80

Shows a few things about RVD. He doesnt need WWE's money and that he hasnt made a decision yet.