View Full Version : Cena/K-Fed, 22 Jan RAW, WWE 24/7

Dangerous Incorporated
12-23-2006, 01:07 AM
Cena/K-Fed, 22 Jan RAW, WWE 24/7

WWE is getting what they wanted out of the John Cena-K Fed match on January 1 as media outlets all across the country have picked up on the story, giving WWE a ton of free publicity. There are stories all throughout the media about it. Now granted, many aren't glowing but at least they mention WWE.

Speaking of which, Andy sent this. ... On The Tonight Show with Jay Leno during the monologue Jay mentioned Kevin Federline's upcoming appearance on WWE TV when he said, "Did you hear that 'K-Fed' Kevin Federline is actually going to wrestle the current WWE Champion on an upcoming pay per view special?" (audience laughs) "Yeah apparently K-Fed is going to quit fake rapping and start fake fighting."

Raw for January 22nd is in Lafayette, LA, and local ads have been promoting the main event to be DX vs. Rated RKO for the tag team titles. The ad makes no mention of who the champs actually are though. With this show being after New Year's Revolution, seems WWE is getting somewhat smarter with their local ads. Although they did edit the radio one, when the tickets first went on sale, they were promoting the appearance of the Spirit Squad, and now that's been taken out and Cryme Tyme added in.

Denise sent this one. ... I called Time Warner about a month ago regarding when they expect to get WWE 24/7 and was told that they are taking names of anyone requesting, so that they can see what kind of demand there is. So, any Time Warner customers who want the service should call and get added to the list and maybe we'll get it sooner!

Source: PWInsider

Im sick of this build up for Cena vs K-Fed. He's just gonna get DQ.

12-23-2006, 01:51 AM
Cena will win by dq because of Nitro. Umaga can't interfere you know

12-24-2006, 12:42 AM
I hate K-Fed.....it would be crazy if he won though!