View Full Version : Saturday Night's Main Event Results - March 18, 2006

03-19-2006, 02:11 PM
Saturday Night's Main Event Results - March 18, 2006
By Steve Carrier

03/18/2006 - Show notes:

* The Saturday Night's Main Event Stage looks like the WrestleMania XX stage with a long, not tall screen.

* The announcers will be at ringside.

* Jim Ross, Jerry Lawler, and Tazz will commentate.

* Big Show wins a three-minute squash over Carlito in a dark match.

* The WrestleMania Main Event vs. Main Event Match opens the show.

* John Cena hits an STFU on Randy Orton. Cena & Triple H win the match..

* Backstage, a doctor tells Booker T he is hurt and can't wrestle Boogeyman

* Edge and Lita come out. They ask for the fans to show more respect. They go backstage and come back out to get cheap heat.

* Edge and Lita are in the ring with a Mick Foley. They have a contract signing for WrestleMania

* Edge lights the announce table. Big flames

* No bump on table, they do fight, however.

* Foley drops thumbtacks. Mick Foley takes the bump into the tacks.

* They wrestle in the aisle. Edge stretched out after getting head smashed into two chairs.

* Beer Drinking Contest is coming up...

* Booker T is backstage again. He apparently will fool Boogeyman with an old possum trick.

* Beer Drinking: JBL pokes fun of the Detroit mayor. JBL, instead, gets a pop due to nobody liking the mayor (Kwayme Brown). JBL makes fun of the Pistons as well as Red Wings as well.

* Austin is out.

* There are 25 beers on each side. JBL says there is Canadian beer. 50/50 cheer..

* They begin to drink. JBL pours most of beer on chest.

* JBL drinks for 30 second and Austin catches him. JBL begins to leave when Chris Benoit catches him, throws him back into the ring. They throw beer to JBL's face and he receives a stunner.

* During break, Austin drinks and stuns JBL again.

* Candice Michelle & Victoria vs. Trish Stratus & Micke James is up. Mickie and Trish pass arguments before Trish comes out.

* Within 4 minutes, Trish Stratus and Mickie James win.

* Mickie grabs the microphone. She tries to kiss Trish and then kicks her and gives her the Stratusfaction, TURNING on her!

* Mark Henry and Daivari come out to the ring. They talk ending Undertaker's streak and putting his legacy into a casket. Henry pretty much says the same thing. Undertaker's gong hits. The Druids come out with the casket. Taker follows.

* Daivari is tombstoned on a casket as Mark Henry was thrown into the crowd right by Rowdy Piper

* Maria comes out for WWE.com Unlimited footage. It's the Kiss-Kam.

* The Shane McMahon/HBK Street Fight is up. Michaels clobbers Shane as he comes out. Vince McMahon watches the match from the stag.

* Michaels sets up the table on outside. Shane puts ladder into the ring.

* Shane takes his first bump through two tables. Shawn got it too as it was a superplex from a ladder set up in the ring.

* Both men are stretched out.

* Match continues after 4-5 minute break. Shane seems loopy.

* Shawn climbs the top of ladder. Vince hits Shawn with two weak-looking kendo stick shots.

* Shane hits a fallen Shawn with the ladder twice. Michaels kicks out at two.

* Michaels takes ladder to head for a two count.

* Shane misses a VANTERMINATOR with garbage can and hits Vince, who was holding Michaels.

* HBK hits the Sweet Chin Music. Vince pulls the referee off.

* Shane low-blows Shawn Michaels. The referee is out. Shane hits the Sharpshooter on Michaels. Vince calls for the bell and forces Lillian Garcia to announe the winner via submission, Shane McMahon.
credit Edge