View Full Version : JR on ECW, Marty Jannetty, LAX, Kanyon, Tenay & more

Dangerous Incorporated
12-24-2006, 11:01 PM
Jim Ross comments on WWE Hall of Fame, Owen Hart, Monty Brown, Jannetty, Kanyon, Tenay, LAX, and more
im Ross updated his blog ...

- On Owen Hart: "Yes, for the 100th time, Owen Hart will definitely be in the WWE Hall of Fame some day but I do not know when."

- Ross predicts Howard Finkle and Gordon Solie will be inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame.

- JR prefers to announce from ringside.

- States he doesn't know why WWE fired Chris Kanyon.

- Confirms that Marty Jannetty is no longer with WWE.

- JR doesn't know when Monty Brown will arrive in WWE, but thinks he needs some "polish."

- JR thinks Jerry Lawler owns some USWA footage.

- Ross put over Mike Tenay: "As it relates to wrestling knowledge, product knowledge, etc few compare to Tenay."

- Toby-J.R.’s Family Bar-B-Q will open in Norman in April 2007.

- On Barry Windham: "From what I understand Bary Windham will soon be joining the WWE as a producer/coach type person."

- On ECW: "it is being re-designed, it will probably take a year or maybe two to get it to where the WWE wants it."

Source: JR's blog

So Marty Janetty was just trying tosaveface this whole time and actually was fired by WWE. And ECW is 2 years away from being where WWE wants it? WTF?!?

12-24-2006, 11:14 PM
ECW is still two years away from being where WWE wants it to be because there are still people that are holding out hope of the old ECW being reborn. It will take time for everyone to accept it as the new 3rd WWE brand.