View Full Version : Complete Story On Amy Zidian's Release

Dangerous Incorporated
12-27-2006, 12:03 PM
Complete Story On Amy Zidian's Release

WWE.com announced the release of Amy Zidian on December 13th. Amy, who played the role of Yang’s girlfriend on SmackDown, was a contestant in the WWE Diva Search. Although she didn’t win the contest, WWE hired her after the contest. In most cases, WWE releases talent based on there actions backstage or creativity issues. However, this was not the case in the release of Amy.

Amy began her self-destruction when she made a comment to Layla, who won the Diva Contest that Zidian finished 8th place in. Zidian reportedly asked Layla if she was upset that she was getting the big push on TV while Layla was “collecting dust.”

She was also making fun of Kristal’s hair extensions at one point.

One of the biggest blows she made was when asking Vickie Guerrero why she was considered a diva on the SmackDown roster. Zidian, however, had no knowledge of who Vickie was or how she got the position. Several wrestlers backstage pushed for her firing at that point but Laurinaitis came to her rescue and saved her job.

If that weren’t enough, Amy’s backstage trouble continued when Stephanie McMahon gave her some pointers on how to act for a segment Stephanie was producing which involved Yang and Amy. Amy responded with an attitude by asking Stephanie who she thought she was to give her advice. Apparently this all transpired in front of several people backstage. Stephanie then informed her on who she was and that her family owns the WWE. Amy reportedly then rolled her eyes in either, disbelief or because she knew what a big mistake she had just made.

Yang stayed away from Amy backstage to avoid receiving the same heat. Laurinatis received to most heat for her actions, seeing as he brought her to TV and pushed for her use despite creative not seeing anything for her.

Source: Wrestling Observer Newsletter

Wow I cant believe she didnt know who Steph or Vickie is. Especially Steph. Looks like she had an ego from day one and for what? Cuz she has a hot bod? Plenty more from where that came from!