View Full Version : Drinkin From The Bottle

03-20-2006, 03:57 PM
Russian guy got job cleaning old junk out of an attic in Moscow. Found an old bottle, rubbed it, and out came a genie that said the guy could have one wish.

The guy led a pretty miserable existence helped only by vodka so asked if would be possible that, for the rest of his life, he would pee pure vodka.

Done says the genie.

The guy went home that evening and told to his wife get a couple of glasses and he unzipped himself and filled them.

She was disgusted when he passed her one to drink so he explained, they tasted, and indeed it was the finest of vodka.

Next night he again returned home, told his wife to get two glasses and they again drank themselves into oblivion.

Third night when he arrived home his wife had two glasses all ready.

However the guy advised they would only need one glass that night. When she asked why he replied,

"Tonight you are drinking from the bottle"!