View Full Version : Can money buy happiness?

01-06-2006, 01:10 PM
I was having this discussion with some friends the other night. We reached the conclusion that money can, in fact, buy happiness.

Why do you feel unhappy? It can be for many reasons. A lot of people don't like their job, which makes them unhappy. A lot of people don't like where they live, which makes them unhappy. A lot of people don't like where they currently are in life, which makes them unhappy.

Money can change all of that.

I'd say a large reason for unhappiness is boredom. With enough money, boredom never needs to be a factor again. You could buy whatever you wanted to keep yourself busy, whether it be material things or membership of a club or society or something - whatever you wanted to do.

I know it sounds shallow, but it's not meant to. I believe money can buy happiness - if not total happiness, then at least to a degree.

Think about it properly before replying. Consider what makes you unhappy and what would make you happier. Money could sort a lot of things out completely and make a lot of things that can't be completely resolved much better. You disagree with me? Think about it some more.


01-06-2006, 02:09 PM
meh? money can sometimes buy happyness for sex cheap sluts for alchol cheap booze but what about true blue love money cant buy that and a true freindship.

01-06-2006, 02:11 PM
i agree, money can buy hapiness, now suppose an poor man.. can pay his bills, can afford food for his family, and some day he won a lottery off 1,000,000 $. now look what he can do, pay his bills, pay food, make a house lets his kids have a good education. i never thought that money cant buy happiness, because it is true money can buy hapiness

meh? money can sometimes buy happyness for sex cheap sluts for alchol cheap booze but what about true blue love money cant buy that and a true freindship.

yes, good point, a freind is a most important guy in ur teenage life, how would fix it if you had a fight, u cant just give him money and say ok iam you r best freind and then start giving him every month and he controls you, that is a disadvantage

01-06-2006, 02:22 PM
Money cannot really buy you happiness,But it gives the ability to make choices and not get stuck in the same day to day rut that most people get stuck in.
Most of the people that have £Millions never seem to be truly happy just because of the money,But i would love a few £Million just to prove the fact..

Bad Boy
01-06-2006, 03:13 PM
money buys cigs , booze and chicks . 3 things every man needs .

Sunshine Acid
01-06-2006, 09:26 PM
Money can't buy happiness if you have the right outlook on life. In my opinion I can care less about money really.

01-06-2006, 10:18 PM
Do you think Bill Gates is depressed? I rest my case!

Flair Country
01-06-2006, 10:45 PM
Absolutely money can buy happiness! I could be sitting in my marble hot tub getting a massage from 2 beautiful women, in my mansion on the beach...come to think of it, it's depressing being poor. :(

Sunshine Acid
01-06-2006, 10:46 PM
Do you think Bill Gates is depressed? I rest my case!

He may be, who knows. He could have a psychological ailment. Why do you think alot of celebs or rich people have anorexia or are always in alcohol or drug rehabs? Seems in those cases money doesn't buy happiness.

01-07-2006, 12:32 AM
If I were Bill Gates I'd be depressed as all hell. He's not exactly easy on the eyes.

Anyway Money CAN buy happiness to an extent. It buys you things to make you happy. Anyone that says they could careless about money has to realize it took money to get their computer, internet and yadda yadda.

01-07-2006, 01:16 AM
If I were Bill Gates I'd be depressed as all hell. He's not exactly easy on the eyes.

But if you looked like him & had all that money, you could get plastic surgery!

Sunshine Acid
01-07-2006, 01:43 AM
If you feel so insecure that you need to get plastic surgery then you have problems to begin with..

01-07-2006, 02:50 AM
yes money can indeed buy you happiness but it can also tear families apart ive seen it 1st hand what it is like

01-11-2006, 04:28 PM
Money is good up till a certain amount.........But peeps who say money cant buy happiness alot then they just hippies!

01-11-2006, 06:17 PM
Money only buys momentary fixes its mataerlistic fixes at that its like chinese food Its good makes you happy fills you up for an hour ( you know what i mean.) but your hungry again very soon. It was best said by Omen it buys you choices not happiness.

King Placebo
01-11-2006, 11:49 PM
Moneycan buy boos, Hookers, cigs, among a lot of things, you may be happier with more money, but the case usually turns out to be you turn miserable, because you most likely turn on your friends and you have noone to have fun with.