View Full Version : More on developmental talent & George Murdoch

Dangerous Incorporated
12-28-2006, 03:31 AM
More on developmental talent & George Murdoch

As reported on earlier today, talent from WWE's Deep South Wrestling developmental territory will be shifted over to the company's other territory Ohio Valley Wrestling after the New Year.

One of the talents that will be taking part in this is George Murdoch, who wrestles under the name G. Rilla. Murdoch has been wrestling at Smackdown & ECW House Show events this week and has been described as a large newcomer (6-3, 325). And based on reports from the shows, he will be requiring a lot of work.

One report coming from The Wrestling Observer described Murdoch as a slow learner in the ring and that he basically has no business being in a WWE ring, even at House Shows, until 2008 at the very earliest. Even though that is the common opinion among many, John "Johnny Ace" Laurinaitis is the one who makes the calls as to who gets a shot at House Show events or even brought up to the main roster. WWE is going after "physical specimens" (either male or female) with the idea being that they can teach them to be wrestlers, instead of signing people who can already work in the ring and talk well.

Source: Wrestleview

Well thats obvious about WWE going after "physical specimens" in Batista and Lashley over people like CM Punk, Mr Kennedy and others. They can both wrestle and use the mike. Those 2 "champs" I mentioned cant. When will Vince hand over WWE to HHH/Steph/Shane ffs?