View Full Version : Ross comments on Randy Savage, Dr. Death, Hall and Nash, The Rock, Solie, and more

Dangerous Incorporated
12-28-2006, 04:10 AM
Ross comments on Randy Savage, Dr. Death, Hall and Nash, The Rock, Solie, and more

Jim Ross has posted an updated Random Thoughts blog. Here are the highlights:

- JR states that Batista vs. Undertaker has net yet been booked for Wrestlemania, but says it COULD happen.

- On The Rock: "The Rock still catches RAW when he can and still has the wrestling business in his blood.

- On VMK: "I strongly feel the WWE will NEVER respond to this PR ploy."

- Ross says "highly unlikely" that Scott Hall and Kevin Nash would ever return to WWE.

- On Randy Savage: "I have no idea IF Savage would want to be in the WWE Hall of Fame or IF Macho Man is physically able to wrestle up to his high standards or IF there is some unwritten code that forbids Savage from being involved with the WWE at this time. If it is meant to be, Randy Savage will be a WWE Hall of Famer."

- JR said, "Gordon Solie was my role model as an announcer."

- On Dr. Death Steve Williams: "Doc works a couple of weeks each month coaching in the WWE developmental system. Doc looks great at around 260 pounds."

Source: http://www.jrsbarbq.com/blog/2006/12/27/random-thoughts-from-around-the-globe/#more-83

I never thought WWE would promote TNA. And whats this unwritten law about Savage and WWE? And I guess al hope of nWo return go out with that comment. Although after seeing how fat Scott Hall is I was surprised.

12-29-2006, 02:43 PM
yeah scott hall packed on some pounds