View Full Version : RAW Results - 25th Dec 2006

12-28-2006, 06:21 PM
RAW Results - 25th Dec 2006
Tribute To The Troops
Camp Victory, Baghdad, Iraq

Quick Results
- Non Title Match: John Cena def. Edge<BR>
- CM Punk def. Shelton Benjamin<BR>
- The Undertaker def. Johnny Nitro<BR>
- Non Title Match: Bobby Lashley def. Hardcore Holly<BR>
- Non Title Match: Umaga def. Jeff Hardy<BR>
- Carlito def. Randy Orton

WWE RAW Opener:
We are live on tape from Baghdad, Iraq and your announcers are Jim Ross and Jerry Lawler.

Non Title Match
Edge vs. John Cena (c)
Referee: Chad Patton

The start:
Cena with a side head lock and he cinches it in when Edge tries for an Irish whip. Cena with a side head lock take down. Edge continues to try to get out of the side head lock, but Cena continues to hold on to the side head lock. Cena with a shoulder tackle and he returns to the side head lock. Edge backs Cena into the corner and Edge punches Cena on the break.

Mid Match:
Edge with a forearm and a side head lock of his own. Edge with a shoulder tackle. Cena responds with a hip toss, slam, and elbow drop for a two count. Cena punches Edge and then he charges into the corner after an Irish whip, but Edge moves out of the way and Edge hits a DDT. Edge is the first man to his feet and he punches Cena in the back. Edge with punches and forearms to the head and then he goes up for the punches of ten, but Cena stops him at four and hits the hot shot on the top turnbuckle. Cena with an Irish whip and Cena with a fisherman’s suplex for a two count. Edge with a kick and clothesline to Cena followed by forearms to the head. Edge with more forearms to Cena’s head followed by punches and Cena goes down. Edge gets a two count and Cena rolls to the apron. Edge and Cena exchange punches and then Cena goes up top. Edge with a thumb to the eyes and Edge knocks Cena off the top turnbuckle and falls to the ground. Edge with a baseball slide that sends Cena into the ringside barrier. We go to commercial.

We are back and the action has returned to the ring and Edge has Cena in a body scissors as well as a rear chin lock. Cena gets out of the body scissors, but Edge puts Cena in a side head lock. Cena powers out of the head lock and he kicks Edge followed by a leap frog neck breaker. Edge is the first to get to his feet and he hits a boot on a charging Cena. Edge gets a two count. Edge grabs a chair but the referee takes it away. Cena with a rollup but the referee is out of position so Cena only gets a two count. Edge with a clothesline followed by an elbow drop for a two count. Cena punches Edge but Edge hits a spinning heel kick when Cena comes off the ropes. Edge gets a two count. Edge puts Cena in the camel clutch, and Cena gets to his feet and he drops Edge on his back to get out of the hold. Edge and Cena exchange punches with Cena with Cena getting the advantage.

The Finish:
Cena with two flying shoulder tackles followed by a Blue Thunder Driver. Cena with the five knuckle shuffle. Cena with an Irish whip and he tries for the FU, but Edge is able to get out of the hold and he hits an Impaler DDT for a two count. Edge goes up top but Cena stops him. Edge is able to hit an electric chair drop and he sets for the spear. Cena avoids the spear and he hits the FU for the three count.

Winner: The WWE Champion, John Cena

We go to a video package featuring Lillian Garcia introducing General George Casey. We see footage of the WWE superstars around Iraq. He also tells everyone that while things might be tough in Iraq, the people in Iraq are here to face that challenge. We go to commercial. We are back with some Christmas wishes from the troops as well as photos of the troops with the WWE superstars. CM Punk and Shelton Benjamin provide their holiday wishes as we go to commercial.

Shelton Benjamin vs. CM Punk
Referee: Marty Rabulcaba

The start:
Punk with an arm drag. Benjamin tries for a slam, but Punk escapes and he hits another arm drag. Benjamin bumps into Punk and Punk pushes Benjamin down. Punk avoids a punch and he punches Benjamin. Benjamin goes outside the ring to regroup. Benjamin leaves the ringside area, but Punk brings him back into the ring.

Mid-match notes:
Punk punches Benjamin followed by forearms. Benjamin with a kick and then he sends Punk shoulder first into the ring post. Benjamin sends Punk shoulder first into the turnbuckles. Benjamin with a hammer lock and then he gets Punk up for a slam but turns it into a shoulder breaker. Benjamin with an arm bar. Punk tries to punch his way out of the hold, but Benjamin pulls Punk down by the hair. Benjamin with a key lock. Punk with a jumping leg lariat followed by a clothesline and forearm.

The Finish:
Punk with a series of knees and then he sends Benjamin into the corner followed by a running knee and bulldog for a two count. Punk goes up top and Benjamin leaps to the top turnbuckle and he hits a superplex but he can only get a two count on Punk. Benjamin tries for a Stinger Splash into the corner, but Punk moves and Punk with a rollup for the three count.

Winner: CM Punk

Camp Scania wishes everybody happy holidays, and one guy hits the FU on another. 1, 2, 3 Battalion Mortars wants to wish everybody at home a Merry Christmas.

Johnny Nitro vs. The Undertaker
Referee: Chad Patton

The start:
Nitro hides behind the referee at the start of the match. Nitro avoids a punch from Taker but Taker backs Nitro into the corner. Nitro with punches to Taker in the corner but the referee stops Nitro. Taker tosses Nitro into the corner and Taker punches Nitro. Taker works on Nitro’s shoulder and he lifts Nitro up by the arm. Taker goes old school and then he gets Nitro up for the Last Ride but Melina gets on the apron and Nitro gets out of the hold and hits an enzuigiri with Melina shrilly voicing her approval.

The Finish:
Nitro punches Taker but Taker pushes Nitro off. Nitro drops Taker’s throat on the top rope and Melina shrieks loudly for Nitro. Nitro with a drop kick that sends Taker into the corner. Taker with an Irish whip and clothesline. Taker with an Irish whip and then he hits snake eyes and a running boot to the head. Taker sets for the choke slam and he hits it. Taker with a tombstone piledriver for the three count.

Winner: The Undertaker

We see footage of Lillian Garcia’s rendition of the Star Spangled Banner before the show. We go to commercial. We are back with footage of the members of the military talking about the dangers of being in Iraq and the fears of getting injured. We see the footage of the mortar attack while the WWE was in Iraq and comments from the WWE people recounting their experience.

Non Title Match
Hardcore Holly vs. Bobby Lashley (c)
Referee: Marty Rabulcaba

The start:
Lashley backs Holly into the corner and he gives a clean break. Lashley presses Holly over his head and he slams Holly to the mat. Holly wants a test of strength, but it was a trap and Holly with a kick and punches. Lashley with a shoulder tackle followed by punches that back Holly into the corner. Lashley with a suplex for a two count.

Mid-match notes:
Lashley gets Holly up for a delayed vertical suplex and he gets another two count. Lashley kicks Holly in the corner and Holly goes out of the ring. Lashley follows Holly out of the ring, but Holly sends Lashley into the ring steps. Holly with a snap mare and kicks to Lashley. Holly sends Lashley shoulder first into the turnbuckles and then he works on Lashley’s arm with an arm bar. Holly uses the ropes to continue to work on Lashley. Lashley hits an overhead belly-to-belly suplex and both men are down. Holly charges into a shoulder from Lashley and then Lashley hits an elbow and forearm to Holly’s back. Lashley gets Holly up in a torture rack and then he drops down for a back breaker but Holly kicks out at two.

The Finish:
Lashley with a suplex for another two count. Holly with a kick and then he chops Lashley in the corner. Lashley charges into the corner and Holly moves. Holly tries for the Alabama Slam, but Lashley with a sunset flip. Holly rolls through but Lashley hits a running power slam for the three count.

Winner: Lashley

We go to a video package of an Iraqi soldier who joined the current Iraqi Army and he talks about democracy and what it means to him. He says that the people are thankful that they got rid of Saddam and he thanks the troops for support and help. He talks about the people in Iraq who oppose democracy and that they are ready to deal with them. We go to commercial.

We are back and Chris Masters says that he is going to allow one member of the military to take the Master Lock Challenge.

We go to a video package showing the WWE Superstars visiting the troops around Iraq, including Chris Masters seeing his fiancé’s brother, attending a memorial service, attending a re-enlistment ceremony, visiting wounded soldiers in the hospital, and more. We go to commercial.

Non Title Match
Umaga vs. Jeff Hardy (c)
Referee: Chad Patton

The start:
Umaga charges at Hardy, but Hardy moves. Hardy with a punch to Umaga. Umaga hits a back elbow on Hardy. Umaga misses a cross body and Hardy hits a flying forearm. Hardy tries for a sunset flip, but Umaga does not go over. Umaga tries to drop down on Hardy, but he misses. Hardy with a drop kick to Umaga for a two count.

Mid-match notes:
Hardy with a drop kick that sends Umaga out of the ring. Hardy with a baseball slide and then he hits a pescado, but Umaga catches Hardy and he runs Hardy into the ring post. Umaga sends Hardy into the ring steps. Umaga rolls Hardy back into the ring and he kicks Hardy in the back. Umaga with a head butt followed by a leg drop across Hardy’s throat. Umaga with a kick to Hardy’s back and then to his head. Umaga with a nerve hold on Hardy but Hardy gets out of the hold, but he comes off the ropes into a Samoan drop. Umaga goes up top and he misses a splash when Hardy moves. Hardy tries to take Umaga down with a clothesline, but Umaga stays on his feet. Hardy tries for a drop kick and jawbreaker but Umaga stays on his feet.

The Finish:
Hardy hits Whisper in the Wind and he takes Umaga down. Hardy hits the Twist of Fate and then he goes up top for the Swanton but Umaga gets his knees up. Umaga punches Hardy in the corner and then he hits the running ass splash in the corner. Umaga hits the Samoan Spike for the three count. We go to commercial.

Winner: Umaga

Art Myers, the director of entertainment for the US Military, tells us about the 2.6 million letters that were sent for all of the troops from the ‘A Million Thanks' organization run by Shauna Fleming. He presents the 2.6 millionth letter to First Lieutenant Shannon Terry. Carlito shares an apple with one of the female troops, but up next he has a match with Randy Orton.

Randy Orton vs. Carlito
Referee: Marty Rabulcaba

The start:
Orton with a side head lock and Carlito escapes and he puts Orton in a side head lock. Orton punches Carlito but Carlito returns the favor and he punches Orton in the corner including the punches of ten. Carlito with an arm drag into an arm bar. Orton with a thumb to the eye followed by a drop kick.

Mid-match notes:
Orton with a Garvin Stomp to Carlito and then he poses for the crowd. Orton punches Carlito followed by a side slam for a two count. Orton with a side head lock to Carlito as he applies additional pressure to Carlito’s neck. Carlito gets out of the hold with a belly-to-back suplex and both men are down. Orton and Carlito exchange punches with Carlito getting the advantage. Carlito with a kick followed by a knee lift and clothesline for a two count. Carlito hits a springboard back elbow but he can only get a two count.

The Finish:
Orton with a back breaker and then he sets for the RKO, but Carlito sends Orton into the corner. Carlito tries for the lungblower, but Orton holds on to the ropes. Orton covers Carlito, but he uses the ropes and the ref stops the count. Orton yells at the referee and Carlito with a rollup and a handful of Orton’s trunks for the three count.

Winner: Carlito

In the arena:
Kristal, Maria, and Torrie are in the back talking about what they are getting for Christmas. Maria says that she wants rubies. Before Kristal or Torrie can answer, they are interrupted by Santa. Santa asks them if they have been good this year. He wants to know if they have been naughty or nice and they all think for a second before saying naughty. We go to commercial.

In the arena:
It is time for Santa Claus to come to the ring and he has two bags of presents. Santa has been all over the world to give gifts to the people that the military is protecting. How could Santa go without spending time with the military? Santa says that he needs some help giving out the gifts, so he needs Santa’s helpers. Maria, Kristal Marshall, and Torrie Wilson come to the ring. They give gifts to the people in the crowd. Chris Masters comes out to interrupt the gift giving and he goes into the ring. Santa goes into the ring and he says that Masters has been bad all year. Masters takes the mic and he says that he hates Christmas and he does not believe in Santa Claus. He says that he cannot believe how the troops are drooling over Santa’s Little Helpers. He tells everyone they should be ashamed. He says that it is time to see how tough the troops are because he is going to open his Master Lock Challenge to a member of the troops. Masters says that he has an impromptu Master Lock Challenge for Santa. Masters challenges Santa. Masters gets Santa in the Master Lock and Santa fails in the Master Lock Challenge. Masters gets on the mic and he says that it looks like there is no Christmas. Now he wants to see which member of the military will challenge Masters. Masters picks someone from the crowd who enters the ring and he stares face-to-chest with Masters. His name is Jose Avilar. Masters locks in the Master Lock and ‘Santa’ gets back up and it is Bradshaw. Bradshaw kicks Masters and Masters lets go of the Master Lock. Bradshaw hits the Clothesline from Wall Street on Masters. We go to credits.