View Full Version : Note on more features for TNA DVD's, Samoa Joe note, & Lockdown PPV

Dangerous Incorporated
12-30-2006, 10:02 AM
Note on more features for TNA DVD's, Samoa Joe note, & Lockdown PPV

TNA is reportedly looking into adding more "special features" to their DVD releases of PPV events, including possible post-match interviews and other exclusive features.

For those wondering, that was Samoa Joe's real girlfriend who was used on iMPACT! last night with Kurt Angle.

As things stand right now, the Lockdown PPV on April 15 will be TNA's next PPV event on the road.

Source: PWInsider

It would be cool if they used the multi-angle option on DVD's. They hve enough cameras around.

12-30-2006, 07:58 PM
This DVD is looking great, I like how they are adding different things we don't see on a normal DVD everyday, I'll be picking up for sure, it looks great.

BTW, Kurt Angle is a pimp and with Joe out and injured Angle has a great advantage with his girl.