View Full Version : JJ Dillon Shoots Back At Eric Bischoff

Dangerous Incorporated
01-01-2007, 10:30 PM

Former WCW and WWF executive James J. Dillon issued the following statement in regards to an Internet posting made by Eric Bischoff on Bischoff's official website where Bischoff wrote, "I hired Dillon because I felt sorry for him. He has a special need child and had been fired by WWE. Kevin Nash convinced me that JJ was a decent guy and could contribute Kevin was wrong. The first thing JJ did is show me the pay records he kept (probably illegal and if not should be) from WWE. I didn't take them when offered. But it DID reveal a lot to me about JJ's character. After that I really had no desire to work directly with JJ. I didn't trust him. JJ had zero influence over operations at WCW. His role was limited to administrative duties only."

Dilllon's complete statement reads:

It has come to my attention that Eric Bischoff has made some comments about me on his website posted on December 28, 2006.

I have not had any contact with Eric Bischoff since the closing of WCW in 2001. In 2005, I published my autobiography “Wrestlers Are Like Seagulls” and I did relay my experience of Mr. Bischoff in an open and honest manner, having worked with him for about five years.

I have not read the new Bischoff book, and based on the reviews it received, I do not intend to read the book. I have read a recent in-depth four part review written on the Bischoff book and his tenure in WCW, which was very thorough and factual. There was nothing really new in the story, but when you lay the whole history of the Bischoff era out there; what a stench! Eric Bischoff would have a full time job looking for a rock big enough to crawl under.

The only two truths in the recent Bischoff statement were that I do have a special needs child, and that Bischoff did speak to Kevin Nash, who recommended Eric hire me. The rest is incorrect.

For those that have read my book, I stand behind every word. As I detailed in “Seagulls”, I resigned from the WWF, I wasn’t fired, so I don’t know why Eric said he felt sorry for me. If he should feel sorry for anything, it should be for all the checks he authorized that eventually put WCW out of business. A lot of good people were put out of work as a result. I wonder if he feels sorry for them as well.

To clarify, I did not have any WWF pay records as he has alleged. That would be proprietary information and when I left Titan Sports I turned in all company property and records on the day I resigned. Prior to my first meeting with Eric, and after I left the WWF, I wrote down some notes from memory. The point I tried to make to Eric was that I had been involved in all aspects of talent management and I would therefore be a good resource to Eric any time he evaluated talent, and I could specifically give an informed opinion when evaluating individual talent compensation. Eric wasn’t interested in the knowledge and experience I brought to WCW. Eric was driven by an obsession to put Vince McMahon out of business. It is all detailed in my book.

As for character; I find it difficult to believe that someone with a history like Eric Bischoff, a history that includes the Gold Club incident in Atlanta which is a matter of public court record, would ever comment on the character of someone else.

At the time I contacted WCW, there was a hiring freeze and I was initially brought on as a consultant for the first month. Eric then went to Harvey Schiller and recommended that I be hired. I started out at $125,000. I was not given a contract until the third year. That contract included a hefty salary increase. If Eric didn’t trust me based on our first meeting in September of 1996 yet still authorized all of that, he must be awfully stupid.

I do, however, appreciate that Eric has now gone on record with his latest comments that state that I had zero influence over operations at WCW. I guess that means that Eric can take credit for the failure of the company. By his comment, I am in no way responsible.

Wishing you all a happy, healthy, and prosperous 2007.

“James J. Dillon”
December 31, 2006

Source: PWInsider

Remember controversy creates cash. But sometimes it just creates controversy.

01-02-2007, 09:44 AM
That was pretty messed up, oh well everything else is history.

01-02-2007, 01:17 PM
Lol, poor bloke. I remember Bischoff talking about him in the Monday Night Wars DVD. He cant be as bad as Bill Busch in Bischoffs eyes.