View Full Version : More From Wwe's Press Conference Today: Rowdy Crowd, Tna Chants & More

Dangerous Incorporated
01-03-2007, 05:07 AM

A few notes after attending the WWE press conference today here in Kansas City and comparing it to what is archived on WWE.com:

All the crowd questions were edited out. Edge made a joke or two about HHH's nose that is also no longer there.

Coach mentioned that Kansas City turned out to be the biggest press conference crowd ever, and I don't know if you could tell by the footage but it was extremely loud in there, non-stop.

The WWE's production crew looked a little frantic too, like they didn't know what some of the fans may say next. To add to that, Coach made many points about how disrespectful and loud the crowd was. I even saw Jeff Hardy putting his finger to his mouth at one point trying to quiet everyone down.

There were TNA chants at several points, with the loudest being at the end, which prompted Coachman to comment that TNA, like Kansas City was inferior.

On the way out we were all told that the WWE Superstars were going to do interviews for the local media stations and that they would not be signing any autographs.

Source: Gerweck

WWE need to go with the fans, not asking them to be quiet. And why let fans ask questions if WWE is scared what theyre gonna ask because heaven forbid of someone asked a TNA question!!