View Full Version : Warrior Selling $15 UW Figures For $300 & More

Dangerous Incorporated
01-03-2007, 05:33 AM
Ultimate Warrior Selling $15 UW Figures For $300 & More

- The Ultimate Warrior is trying to sell the normal and varient versions of his Classic Superstars series 12 figure on ebay for $300.00. The same figures can be purchased in any store or online for between $10 and $15 each.

- MOC (http://www.wrestlingfigs.com/inner2.php?id=3750&page_id=1) photos of Jakks new WWE Unmatches Fury statues set.

- MOC (http://www.wrestlingfigs.com/uploads/article/37561_article.jpg) photos of Jakks Rocky Series 3 figures. The set includes Hulk Hogan as Thunderlips and Mr. T as Clubber Lang.

Source: Gerweck

Anybody that buys a UW from him for $300 is as crazy a he is!!

01-03-2007, 12:26 PM
Ultimate warrior always amazes me lol. $300, he must be desperate.

01-03-2007, 10:36 PM
What happened to UW. Has he just gone crazy, I never remember him being this way when he was around. Although I was a kid and could have just not noticed that he is a psycho.

01-04-2007, 12:52 AM
what the hell happened to that guy he used to be ok now hes just f.n nuts

01-04-2007, 05:20 AM
Why Not...every One Elese Gets Money From There Stuff.

01-04-2007, 06:56 AM
Warrior was always crazy. I don't remember him ever cutting a promo during his entire career that was even half ass sane. If your memory is distorted by age then you should download the Self destruction of the Ultimate Warrior dvd (available for download now in the wrestling media section) and see how crazy this guy was.

01-04-2007, 08:49 AM
^ Yeah he's damn crazy, I watched when he first came to the WWF I thought he was crazy when I was younger lol. But yeah why not sell them on ebay everybody else does. Maybe some other crazy person will bye them from him.