View Full Version : House with an Evil History

03-21-2006, 05:23 PM
House with an Evil History

by sburmann@uta.com

Here's some paranormal experiences I have had at my grandmother's

house. Maybe you can add this to your Web Site (which is pretty good I

might add)? Sorry it's kinda long (a lot of stuff happened).

For years, while I was growing up, I never liked to go to my

grandparents' house. Though I love my grandparents dearly (we're quite

close), I dreaded spending the night at their house. Rarely did I spend

more than one night over there without going home. There was

something eerie about that house. Two years ago, at our Christmas

gathering, I discovered it had quite an undesirable history.

It was Christmas, and my paranormal experiences were confirmed by

several members of my family. We were talking in the living room when

my mother came in and asked, "Who's baby is in the dining room?" Since

nobody had a baby at the party, several women went in to check. The

baby crawled in the middle of the floor and faded away in front of my

aunts. They came back a little shooken up and told me and my brothers

what happened. We got to talking about all our experiences in that

house. BTW: There was an infant who died in that house years ago.

My grandparents live in a big, 4 story house built around the turn of the

century. It has a large, cement porch on the front of it. All my life, when

I entered the basement and went to the cellar directory under the porch, I

would get a sharp mental image of a man, blue, and with a bleeding

forehead. It was just an image, and I avoided that part of the basement.

Many years later while talking to my mom and aunts (who grew up in the

house), one of the first owners of the house was involved in the mafia.

He disappeared one day, when shortly after, the porch was built. To

this day, I am trying to convince my grandparents to let me dig under the


The more frightening experience I had was in my uncle's old room. When

I was 17, my granparents let me alone in the house for a few hours.

While they were gone, I grew nuts, and decided to confront my fears

and explore the big house. I went upstairs to get to the attic, which the

stairwell is through my uncle's room. I hated to go in my uncle's room,

even with my grandfather in the daytime. As I stood in the stairwell, I got

another sharp mental image of a teenager hanging himself at that very

spot. At the Christmas party, my grandma told me a teenager had hung

himself in the starewell to the attic. My uncle also told me, something

would rip his sheets off his bed at night and told him to leave the room. It

was the teenager's room.

My aunts and mother also told me there were the spirits of an elderly

couple who died in the house that occupy my grandparents room. That

could be why I always felt like I was being watched when I went in

there. These ghosts and the ghost of the baby were frequently seen by

my aunts, mother, and uncle. I am the only one who has seen visions of

the dead owner of the house.

The only room I felt safe in was my mother's old room (I didn;t know it

was her room). I told her I was not afraid in this room and she said it

was her old room. She blessed it with an angel that she said protected

her. I believe that angel is still there, for that room provides a strange

calmness and a "refuge from the evil in the rest of the house".

In all, a lifetime of unpleasant experiences were discussed that night by

our family. On one hand it fealt good to finally tell someone, on the other

hand, I'm shocked at the bad history associated with that house.
credit Shadowlands