View Full Version : Jbl Visits Antartica, Kozlov, Cm Punk & More

Dangerous Incorporated
01-04-2007, 11:44 PM

Hey, has anyone (including World Wrestling Entertainment) realized that they have yet to "update us" on the conditions of Rob Van Dam and Bobby Lashley after the end of ECW on Sci Fi? I found that interesting given the way they usually do "health updates" on the talents following the injury angles of late.

The WWE storyline is that "MMA star" Vladimir Kozlov now wants to join the company after his recent appearances on television.

The WWE website has an article about a recent holiday trip made by former WWE World champion JBL to Antartica of all places, making it the seventh continent he has traveled in his life. Most of the article deals with the issue of global warming. JBL often takes a lot of deserved flack but there is no denying that he does have a positive activist side to him as well, as seen here and with his integral part in the Tribute to the Troops project. As anyone who has seen the Al Gore film can tell you, Global Warming is an issue that's going to take greater precedence in the years to come. You can check out the article and more on the developing problems by clicking this link. (http://www.wwe.com/inside/news/jblglobalwarm)

DVD website Monsters and Critics takes a look at the Marine's DVD release at this link. (http://dvd.monstersandcritics.com/news/article_1239672.php/WWE_Superstar_John_Cena_bust_onto_DVD_with_The_Mar ine_) Kane's film See No Evil has legitimately become a hit for the company with its DVD rentals and sales, so it should be interesting to see how Cena's film follows up and how the next WWE Films release, the Steve Austin vehicle, does in comparison to WWE's freshman and sophomore efforts.

Source: PWInsider

Austins movie should be aweome by the sounds of it. Cant wait. And a Texan in Antartica is like a fish out of water! Santa's @ the North Pole JBL!!