View Full Version : 5 Jan WWE Heat Recap

Dangerous Incorporated
01-06-2007, 04:16 AM
http://img61.imageshack.us/img61/5402/2525098786rs5.jpg (http://imageshack.us)
5 Jan WWE Heat Recap

Match One:

Val Venis vs. Eugene

This match starts out with Eugene getting booed, almost out of the match. He left the ring until the count of nine before entering the ring once again. The upper hand had switched sides often very early in the match. Once Eugene gained control of the match he isolated the left shoulder of Val Venis. Venis then tried a few roll ups, but could get the three. Venis then turned the tables on Eugene, putting a leg lock on him. After Eugene end up finding the ropes, he used those to pin the big Val.

Winner: Eugene

A promo for New Year's Revolution is played

Match Two:

Super Crazy vs. Steve Madison

The two fought for the control of the match, Steve Madison ended up gaining the control. Madison isolated the left shoulder of Super Crazy( what is it with the left shoulder tonight? ). Super Crazy began to fight back, even hitting a missle dropkick, and the pin.

Winner: Super Crazy

A preview for New Year's Revolution this Sunday

The beginning of segment three showed Todd Grisham interviewing Vladimir Kozlov. All I really got out of the big man was Happy New Year, and when asked what brand he'd like to work for, he chorused 3 "I Love double -double-e" then walked away.

The Raw Rebound played, this piece included:
- Cena vs. K-Fed
- Cena vs. Nitro/Umaga/Armando/Coach

Yet another promo for NYR played, this time laying out all the matches:
- Cena vs. Umaga for the WWE Championship
- DX vs. Rated RKO for the World Tag Team Chapionship
- Kenny Dysktra vs. Ric Flair
- Carlito vs. Chris Masters
- Mickie James vs. Victoria for the Women's Championship
- Johnny Nitro vs. Jeff Hardy for the Intercontinental Championship

Promo for the Best of 2006 magazine is played.

Main Event:

Viscera vs. Hacksaw

The upper hand went back and forth in the opening moments of this match, but it was Viscera who gained it with the bear hug. After fighting out of the bear hug, Hacksaw finally got big Vis off of his feet with two forearms. Vis came bag big and with a Big Splash, he picked up the victory in Heat's first Main Event of 2007.

Winner: Viscera

Source: Gerweck