View Full Version : WWE News: Michael Cole, Joey Styles, SNME Rating

03-22-2006, 09:58 PM
Michael Cole was backstage at Saturday Night's Main Event. He was told to be there as the backup play-by-play guy due to Jim Ross coming back after a long layoff.

Joey Styles wasn't backstage at Saturday Night's Main Event.

Three of the four main writers were backstage at SNME. Raw writers Brian Gewirtz and Ed Koskie were backstage. Smackdown writer Alex Greenfield was backstage. Smackdown writer David Lagana was not backstage.

WWE management were obviously disappointed with the low rating Saturday Night's Main Event garnered. The only positive coming out of the lackluster rating was that the 18 to 49 demographic was higher than what NBC usually does on Saturday nights. Nothing has been revealed yet in regards to whether or not the low rating will affect the scheduled July special.

Straight Edge
03-22-2006, 10:24 PM
I thought SNME was actually ok, so god knows why it bombed

03-22-2006, 11:15 PM
I thought SNME was actually ok, so god knows why it bombed
Weren't there some college basketball games on that night?Those things are ratings grabbers.