View Full Version : My Childhood Ghost

03-23-2006, 09:45 AM
My family and I moved into a house in Hamilton Ontario Canada in

the early seventies. The house was built in the late eighteen hundreds

and was quite nice inside, complete with cherry wood banisters and mantle


My mother had most of the experiences in this house but all of

us, except my dad, had at least one experience. One night when mom and

dad were sleeping a pillow was placed over my mothers face and was held

in place while my father slept soundly beside her. Another night my

mother was walking up the stairs when she suddenly became dizzy and could

not go on. She got down on her knees because she was afraid of falling

but within a minute she was rolling down the stairs. I watched this

happen and to this day I swear she was pushed however, no one was there.

On another ocassion she had fallen asleep on the couch in the living

room. She had a dream that there was a coffin in the room with her, laid

out in front of the living room window. In this coffin was an old lady

dressed in black. My mother later saw this same old lady on many

ocassions standing on the second floor landing where I watched my mother

fall from.

One day we had a BBQ and the neighbours attended. My mother

recounted her dream to the elderly neighbour, Margaret. Margaret asked my

mother to describe the lady in the dream. When she did, Margaret became

pale and said that the ghost was her Aunt who died in the house many

years earlier and was laid out in front of the living room window as was

customary for that time period.

One day my brother and sister came tumbling down the stairs

screaming that they were afraid of the old man who was staring at them

from the hallway. No one was there. They were very young at the time,

perhaps 8 and 4.

My experiences were not visual but on many ocassions I heard

footsteps and I would often feel my sheets being straighted out while I

was sleeping.