View Full Version : New Years Revolution News and Notes

Dangerous Incorporated
01-09-2007, 02:57 AM
New Years Revolution News and Notes

Kemper Arena was near a sellout, only about 20-30 seats on the upper
level were empty.

Vladmir came out and talked down the crowd insulting the Chiefs for
their playoff loss, and mis saying the WWE by saying WE. This was on

Vlad vs. Eugene

The Crowd was hot for Eugene, and pretty flat on Vlad. This was a
complete squash! Eugene got maybe five fist in while Vlad did various
suplexs, and wrestling manevuers on Eugene

WINNER Vladmir

NOTE: Vlad's got a lot of talent. He's great on the mic, and has good
ring work as well. He'll probably be full time come The Royal Rumble
or directly after.


Jeff vs. Nitro

The card was very pro Hardy. There seemed to be no nitro fans in the
whole arena. The crowd was very in to this match considering it was
the first on the card. Biggest pops were the sunset flip power bomb,
and when Hardy kicked the door into Nitros jewels!

Winner: Jeff

NOTE: Jeff seemed not very into the match. He didn't feed of the
crowd as well as Nitro did.


Suprisingly the audience was more for shelton and charlie then they
were the higlanders. The crowd was entertained by the Highlanders,
but more rooted for Haas, and Benjamin.

The crowd was very over for Super Crazy.

In comes Cade and Murdoch. The crowd noticed that the two teams
swithced corners, and they I heard on fan say that he gussed Murdoch
and Cade were now the heels. Fans cheered for Cade and Murdoch over
the team of Haas, and Benjamin.

Cryme Time came in, and got a semi- good pop. You good tell it was
more of a younger aged pop if you no what i mean.

WINNER: Cryme Time

Note: when trevor went for a suplex on JTG i could see what looked
like the to whispering in each others ears. I was not the only one
who seemed to notice it either.

Ric Flair vs. Kenny

not much to say hear except Woooooooo!!!

Winner: Kenny

Victoria vs. Mickie James

Crowd was not very into this match at all. A few TNA chants were
heard, but nothing worth making it through the televison.

Winner: Mickie James

DX vs. Rated RKO

DX biggest pop of the night, and the most anticipated match of the
night as well. Orton's juice seemed to be real, or at least he did a
better job of busting himself open, and his was almost instant. When
HBK juiced, it took him a significant time to reenter the ring.
Triple H was noticibley favoring his leg all thourghout the match. I
couldn't tell weather it was a job, or for real. There was one point
when he did try to get up to the apron and stumbeld a bit. There was
also a bit of hesitance before he did the pedigree on the table. Then
after the match he was helped back by a ref, and someone else while
HBK celebrated up the ramp. Doctors took there sweet time helping up
Edge and Randy. As fans we never heard anything about the result.
DX's music just hit, so everyone thought the one. No one suspected
anything, until the tag belts were left in the ring.

NOTE: There was a VKM chant heard fairly well, and even a man
repeadedly yelling that DX was scared to take the challenge of VKM.

Carlito vs. Masters

Fans were pro carlito, but suprisingly there were more Masters chants
then I would have thought. Masters used the tights, and won.

Winner: Masters

John Cena vs. Umaga

Once again Cena appeard to have a more younger/female audience. Crowd
was VERY bored during this match. There was some talk near by about
Cena not knowing how to wrestle, and that the main event should not
consist of two guys that can't wrestle. I thought the match was very
good for those to guys. At one point there was a faint Joe's gonna
kill you! Joe's gonna kill you! chant whenever Umaga got on offense.

Cena came out twice celebrating his win, and Umaga was a raging
psycho. Show ended at about 9:40. Lilian then thanked the crowd for

Source: Gerweck

I thought it was a good PPV. Umaga's loss has lowered his value IMO. The DX match just fell apart when HHH did in his knee til HBK came and ran the rest of the match.