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Dangerous Incorporated
01-10-2007, 04:11 AM
FHM Interview Lillian Garcia

War is hell. But for our troops in Iraq, the WWE USO tour was a little slice of heaven. Fresh off the Black Hawk, hear what the body-slamming goddess has to say about big guns, creepy tattoos and her hot new CD.

http://img109.imageshack.us/img109/2097/133nl4.jpg (http://imageshack.us)

How was your USO tour of Iraq?
It was great. This is my second time—last year we went to Afghanistan. It’s amazing to meet with the soldiers and put smiles on their faces. We represent a little piece of home to them. It’s awesome to be able to do that every year. I totally look forward to it. I’m also an Army brat—my father is a retired Lieutenant Colonel, so it’s totally in my blood.

Were you scared?
It’s scary in a sense, but on the base you feel safe. I remember one night I couldn’t sleep because I was hearing all these Black Hawk helicopters over me. It’s so different. We visit three or four bases a day, all via Black Hawks. The soldiers tell you, “When you take off, you’re going to fly sporadicly and really fast so that nobody shoots at you.” You’re like, “Damn! I really am in a war zone.”

Did you shoot any guns?
I got to shoot an M5, an M4, a pistol, an A-9 and AK-47 and a .50 cal., which is a huge weapon. I got to throw a live grenade! It was really neat.

You sound pretty comfortable around serious weaponry!
The 9 millimeter [M9 Beretta] was especially cool and so was the AK-47—somebody had to stand behind me because it will totally kick you back.

Did the .50 cal. bruise up your shoulder?
No, actually it didn’t. I thought it was going to, but it didn’t. I just wanted to keep shooting. I took home the target!

It looks like it will take more than insurgents and big guns to scare you. Is there anything out there that can rattle your cage?
Certain bugs, believe it or not. I can go all the way to Iraq, but a swarm of cockroaches or spiders? Forget it.

Did you get any weird Christmas presents from fans this year?
I had a fan that had a picture of me—with wings!—tattooed on his leg. It looked exactly like me, it was really eerie. I had to see it for myself. Somebody showed me a picture and I heard that he was going to be at a match one night, so I was like, “OK, you’ve got to bring him backstage! I’ve got to see this.” Of course, I had security with me. He was really cool though, and I got pictures with his tattoo. You see my face next to it and it’s identical. It was pretty wild.

He must have had a seizure meeting you.
He was so quiet, but he kept saying, “I’m not weird. I’m not weird.” He was cool, just really, really quiet. He had these dark eyes. He was kind of creepy, but I guess I’m flattered.

How did you make the transition from ring announcer to WWE Diva?
They’ve been asking me from the very beginning to do the WWE Diva Swimsuit Magazine and I finally got to the point two years ago where I felt comfortable enough to do it. I had a blast with it and that’s where it transitioned.

How do you like a career that’s a little more full-contact than ring announcing?
I am willing to take bumps. If they tell me to go through a table, I’ll go through a table. They’ve done things to me like a Samoan drop! Believe me, I feel it the next day. In Toronto, I got thrown out of the ring accidentally—I still have a torn ligament in my wrist. It’s going to be one of those permanent things because to operate would be worse. They’d have to chisel the bone so I was like, “Forget it!” That was a total freak accident. But I still ring announce and I’m working on a CD.

What kind of music are you doing? Please say rock opera. . .
I’ve done a Spanish album, first. I did the Puerto Rican national anthem in January 2005. That’s when Vince McMahon was like, “Oh my God! That’s what I want to do with you. I want to put a record together.” I ended up doing 10 songs in Spanish, three in English, wrote or co-wrote 11 out of 13 and did a duet with Jon Secada. The album has been ready for a year. We’re just trying to finalize everything to drop it. I can’t wait.

Is there a sexy music video in the works? Are the other Divas going to be back-up singers?
I want to do a video because some of the songs are really fun and can lend themselves to that. I want to have fun with it, sexy fun. I’d love to have Torrie, Candace, Victoria and Ashley in the video. It’d be fun!

Catch Lilian on WWE’s Raw Mondays at 9 pm

Source: FHM