View Full Version : Viscera talks WWE Politics, ECW Chants, Wholesome VS Attitude, & Much More

03-26-2006, 01:51 AM
Thanks to Grand Slam Metal Man for sending this report in.

Show: Wrestling Epicenter courtesy of www.WrestlingEpicenter.com
Guest: "The World's Largest Love Machine" Viscera
Date: March 25, 2006
Your Hosts: James Walsh, Ben Benya, Brendon Brooks, & "Queen of Extreme" Francine

It's a jam packed show this week at the Wrestling Epicenter as we welcome the "World's Largest Love Machine" to the show. Between his being a cheesey rapper in the same vain as MC Hammer to being crowned King as King Mabel and on through his more dark personas as Viscera, the man behind the gimmicks opens up and gives an honest retrospection on his history in this business as well as a look at his current character and the politics in the current WWE scene.

All this plus our weekly guest who we have named our "Goddess," the very lovely "Queen of Extreme" Francine joins us to talk about her trip to Disney, her thoughts on women's wrestling VS T&A, and remarks on the recent Tammy "Sunny" Sytch shoot interview currently out there where Tammy calls Francine's friend and business partner "First Lady of Wrestling" Missy Hyatt a "crack-head." Missy will join us this weekend for the Weekend Warriors of Wrestling but Francine offers her opinion! Check both Missy and Francine out in some steamy photos at http://www.MissyHyattandFrancineTV.com. It's my favorite site! Well, next to my own. :)

Also, Greg "The Hammer" Valentine stops by to call out Hulk Hogan! The complete interview will be on the Weekend Warriors but catch a sneak peak right now!

All this is available to download and hear for yourself at http://www.WrestlingEpicenter.com.

(Interview conducted by James Walsh and Chris Furguson)

Viscera's current WWE theme leads us into the interview with "The World's Largest Love Machine!"

The first question about the "pre-Attitude Era" days, when Viscera debuted as "Mabel" from "Men on a Mission." Viscera says it was a fun period for him, as the product was more "wholesome" and "family oriented."

What does Viscera like the current product, which is geared towards teenagers, or the old, family-oriented product? "I like both, but I would have to say I like the more wholesome time better, for obvious reasons." Viscera then qualifies the "Obvious reasons" as "It was more wholesome entertainment, It was less T&A, there really was no T&A back then. It was less violent and less vulgar, but I guess you got to give the people what they want and it's just a reflection on our society."

The 1995 King of the Ring, which Viscera (then known as Mabel) won. Viscera knew about his winning the tournament for a long time. This was another "great time" for Viscera, as he pinned the Undertaker, which was the first time it had happened on a Pay-Per-View! He also thinks the WWE should bring back the KotR tournaments.

James gets a question wrong, as he mentions Summerslam '96, when "King Mabel" wrestled Diesel for the WWE Title, as the match ECW fans point to as the start of their movement. Viscera corrects him, as the chant was happened at the KotR tournament during his match with Savio Vega. Did Viscera hear the chants? "Yeah, I noticed it. And, like I said, it was a totally wholesome time for the WWE, right then. They were trying to stay a certain way and here you have ECW that was a total opposite and more of a hardcore style. And our society was changing at that time that was, basically, what that was all about."

Did Viscera like ECW? He says he actually worked for them and he loved Hardcore wrestling and wishes the WWE brought back the Hardcore title!

After his run as King Mabel, Viscera had a short feud with The Undertaker before getting sidelined with an injury. Viscera says that "as a wrestler, you're always nursing something." He later goes on to mention his runs with Diesel and Shawn Michaels.

While sidelined, Viscera was cut from the roster. Was there any reason for it? According to Vis, he was ready to take some time off and the release was a mutual agreement.

When Viscera came back, after a few appearances as Mabel, did he like the "Crash-style TV" product? "I was so excited, because I just noticed that it was so much different from the 'New Generation' era. It was much more cutting edge, you know, and I was excited to be working with the Undertaker and the Ministry of Darkness." He later goes on to say "It was a whole lot of fun for me."

After this release, Viscera made a couple of appearances for TNA. What did Vis think what of what he saw while he was there? "Well, TNA has a lot of potential. It has grown a lot since I worked for them those couple of weeks. But, a lot of times, man, it's the politics of the whole thing is what's holding a company back, and I believe that is the case with TNA."

Is the WWE aware of TNA? "Absolutely."

Are they competition? "No. No, they not competition, yet. But, give them a little time, it's just a matter of time if they keep going the route that they're doing. But, WWE will always be #1, it always has been #1 and always will be, in my opinion."

What brought Viscera for this latest run? He says that, after his run with the Ministry, he was injured after receiving a samoan drop from Rikishi. He was released again, and wound up touring military bases both in the US and overseas. Viscera was eventually brought back during the Undertaker/JBL feud with Gangrel.

Why did they keep Viscera and not Gangrel? "I have no idea. I was very upset with that."

Of all the gimmicks he's had (Mabel, King Mabel, Viscera and "The World's Largest Love Machine"), which one is Vis's favorite? "I don't know. I think I'm a little each one of those characters." He later goes on to say the most fun was "Love Machine" and next was "Men on a Mission's" Mabel, followed by "King Mabel."

The converation segues into how much fun the "Love Machine" character is for Viscera and how people really love it. He then says how the WWE had to put the brakes on the character as it was getting too popular too fast. As he says, "You're not supposed to outshine certain people."

In spite of that setback, Vicera says it was fun to be involved in angles with Trish Stratus and Lillian Garcia! "I had a whole lot of fun doing it. It really came easily to me, to do it." He also adds that while some were surprised that it went as well, Vis himself wasn't.

James then mentions the night that Viscera chose to go with the "Ho Train" and left Lillian crying in the ring and how the crowd treated him! Viscera says that he was against doing the angle, fearing it would make him a total heel. However, he was reassured that it would make him a bigger face, which it did. However, he was upset that the WWE put the brakes on the gimmick instead of launching it to the next level.

Viscera then mentions that he and Lillian got a 5.2 rated segment, which was the biggest number on RAW in the past 3-4 years!

Word Associations (Which James doesn't go out and say, but Viscera does!)

Kevin Nash: "I would have to say that he's an awesome human being, very funny, and I'd like to see him come back someday."

Mo: "I regret that the company didn't want to keep us together." Vis later puts over his history with Mo, as well as apologizes for how the business treated the M.O.M. gimmick. Mo is a successful truck driver, we later learn.

Oscar: "I don't keep in touch with Oscar very well, but the last I heard, he was doing a radio show in Chicago."

Val Venis: "I would have to say Val Venis is the best tag team partner I've ever had."

Mideon: "He's a chef, now." Viscera puts over how Mideon was upset that it wasn't he and Viscera attacking the Undertaker. Vis also apologizes for how the business treated Mideon.

Triple H: "I've always said this and I always will, Triple H is the smartest wrestler in the history of the wrestling business."

Vince McMahon: "The greatest boss in the history of the world!"

Straight Edge
03-27-2006, 03:40 PM
I haven't listened to that show in about 2 month's now, I need to catch up. I agree however, with Viscera's comments about WWE bringing back the Hardcore Title