View Full Version : K-Fed Joins the Ranks of MC Hammer and Fabio

01-17-2007, 12:26 AM
Although you won't be seeing Britney's face during the Super Bowl halftime show, her soon to be ex-husband Kevin Federline is set to star in his own commercial.

Nationwide Insurance has hired Federline to star in one of their ads, set to run during some of the most expensive airtime on television. Although we're not exactly sure what talent (and we use the term loosely) K-Fed is going to be showcasing -- but if his commercial is anything like past spokespersons, such as Fabio or MC Hammer -- Kevin will definitely be making fun of himself.

The company's motto "Life comes at you fast" leaves endless ironically satirical plots as possibilities. With Kev and Brit's recent split and custody/financial battle still in the making, it's good to see Federline being proactive and working straight through the last of his fifteen minutes. Someone's got to pay for that apartment in the valley.

01-17-2007, 07:58 AM
You know, as much as people hate the guy, you have to give it up to him. Usually, by now, the fifteen minutes would've long been up. But he's hanging in there. Whatever lame thing they throw at him to do, he does it and shows no shame. Kudos, for joining the likes of Paris Hilton as a no-talent celebrity!

01-17-2007, 09:23 AM
Its sad when a celeb is trying to graps their 15 minutes from fading. (knock on wood)