View Full Version : Smackdown rating 26Jan / Lawler gets dream job / HHHs rehab 1 month ahead of schedule

01-27-2007, 08:56 PM
Last night's Smackdown did a 2.7 fast national rating, with a 5 share. The final number for the show will be out next week.

WWE.com also has a story talking about how Jerry Lawler (who is an accomplished artist) will be drawing Superman for the DC Comics website. It's a dream job for Lawler since he is a lifelong Superman fan. Click here (http://www.wwe.com/inside/news/lawlersuperman) for full story.

WWE.com has a story up on their site talking about Triple H's rehab from quadriceps surgery. They quote The Game as saying, "My rehab is going great so far, I’m actually about a month ahead of schedule." Click here (http://www.wwe.com/inside/news/gamerecovers) for full story.