View Full Version : OVW Results - 27th Jan 2007

01-28-2007, 08:44 PM
OVW Results - 27th Jan 2007

Over 250 fans packed into the Vaughn Reno Sparks Community Center for a strange night of OVW action.

Atlas DaBone opened the night with a victory over Raul Loco. Raul tried going toe to toe with Atlas but was overpowered. He gained a brief advantage over DaBone with a thumb to the eye but Atlas stormed back with a belly to belly suplex and then a running splash for the win. Atlas was again was over huge. Raul still doesnt get his title shot.

Mr Stronko submitted Sinn to the tazmission. Stronko tried to keep this strictly on the mat but Sinn knew better than to just let that happen. Unfortunately most of Sinn's offense only served to raise the ire of Stronko making him just come back that much harder. Sinn finally tied Stronko in a tree of woe only to have Stronko come out of it with a stunner. Stronko then locked in the tazmission for the win.

Pat Buck & Johnny Punch (Roni & Melody) pinned Chris Rombola and Jake Hager. Yes I just typed that the team of Punch & Buck won a tag team match. This match featured a ton chicanery with local fan Lyle. He kept yelling at Punch & Buck and trying to get them to fight him through his mangled English. When things finally settled into the ring Rombola did most of the work for his team as Hager would come in for a couple of holds at a time. Hager finally hooked in his inside cradle on Punch but Rombola was on the outside fighting with the girls. Buck came in and the double team was on against Hager giving Punch the easy pin fall.

Wild Thing Dale Duncan came out and cut a promo discussing his recovery from the brutal beating Jacob Duncan had given him 2 months ago. As he thanked the fans for their support Ox LaRouche arrived to tell Duncan that no one cared who he was and was about to take care of Duncan once and for all. Idol then arrived and told the Ox to pick on someone his own size. Ox hesitated and Idol said he wouldnt be ducked any longer. This lead to a very short match in which Idol scored a victory roll over Ox.

Jacob Duncan pinned Shawn Spears. Duncan would shake off most of Spear's offense in the early going. Duncan finally got Spears to the outside to get a clear advantage and start working over Spears' back with a series of whips and then bear hugs. Spears came back with a chin breaker and then started softening up Duncan's left leg on the ring post. Spears tried for a sharp shooter to finish it up but Duncan caught Spears with a choke slam for the win.

In a Divas Tug Of War Katie Lea, Marys, Serena, Sousay & Victoria Crawford defeated Beth Phoenix, Jennifer, Melody, Roni Jonah and "Charlene" 2 falls to one.

The heels won the first one easily due to "Charlene's" assistance. During the second go around Goose pulled the wig off of Charlene to reveal The Hammer Evans. Goose ejected The Hammer. Following the tug of war Hammer came back out with The Ox and cornered Goose. Idol however saved the day and challenged Ox & Hammer to face Idol & Goose next month.

Chett The Jett pinned Mike Kruel (w/ Roucka). This match was the same as last week in Hillview save the ending. Kruel mostly attacked the back and neck of Chett. Chett was regaining control when Roucka hit the apron as Chett teased hitting her Kruel charged in and Chett ducked. Kruel knocked Roucka from the apron and Chett hit his kick for the win.

The Fraternity Brothers defeated John Bolen, Steve Lewington & Rene Dupree in 6-man action. Mike Tolar was a member of the Frat this week, even sporting a matching "Bow before us just like your
girlfriend did" shirt with Mondo and Nemeth. The Brothers gained an
early advantage over Dupree quick tagging on him. Mondo kept flirting with Maryse anytime he was on offense. Tolar got a little too cocksure with Dupree allowing the hot tag to Bolen. Bolen cleaned
house with a series of Lariats. Tolar went after Maryse outside and
Lewington tried to save her only to hit Maryse instead. Dupree was furious and left. Mondo then hit Bolen in the ring with the paddle allowing Nemeth to get the pin.

Paul Birchall pinned Cody Runnels to retain the OVW Heavyweight Title.
This match opened very slowly. Birchall kept ducking out of the ring anytime Cody would score any offense. I lost count at around 7 times of this occurring. Cody kept arguing with the ref not to count Birchall out each time, instead of just going out the other side of the ring and dragging Birchall back in. The first few times this happened I thought it was solely to keep the heat on Birchall as he was getting a good sized pop, however this went on so long the crowd turned on this match, chanting "BORING" and several fans got up and left. Action finally started int he ring after nearly 15 minutes when Cody went for a leap frog and his left leg gave out. Birchall like a shark smelling blood jumped on the leg with stretches and kicks. Birchall nearly had Cody with a figure four but Cody reversed it. Cody tried for a moonsault and missed, Birchall tried for a neck breaker and missed. Cody then flipped Birchall out of the ring and Birchall hit his knee awkwardly. Birchall crawled back into the ring. The ref wouldnt let Cody near Birchall and threw the X sign twice. Al Snow finally came down to the ring and they started taking off Birchall's knee brace. Cody was circling Birchall the entire time with everyone telling him to stay back. Finally Al Snow told people to clear the back hallway and called the other workers down to help Birchall out. Cody told them all to get out and he'd help Birchall himself. As Cody moved in Birchall school boyed him for the win. Post Match Cody demanded a rematch next month.
